Essex grandmother’s artificial lawn stolen

A grandmother-of-six was shocked to find her front lawn stolen by brazen thieves in broad daylight.

Judy Dean, 65, found a space with bare sand where her glistening green, astroturf piece was meant to be on Wednesday.

Mrs Dean had the £400 two-piece lawn laid as part of a £3,000 garden refurbishment five years ago.

Judy Dean, 65, was shocked to discover someone had stolen her astroturf law from outside her house in Romford, Essex, in broad daylight while she was inside preparing to go shopping 

Ms Dean, who has arthritis, installed the artificial grass as it is far easier to maintain 

Ms Dean, who has arthritis, installed the artificial grass as it is far easier to maintain 

The retired secretary, from Romford, east London, who was planning to put up Christmas trees on it, said: ‘To say I was shocked is an understatement.

‘When I went out the front door I knew that there was something different but my brain didn’t engage straight away that the lawn went. I thought “God! The grass is gone!”.

‘I’m quite speechless really, I’m finding it really difficult to describe the words, I’m just flabbergasted.

‘As much as I was shocked and angry I had to laugh. I just carried on went into Romford did my shopping and came back.

‘It was a sorry sight… very very much so. I don’t say it’s highly amusing but you just cannot believe someone would want to take such a small piece of artificial grass.

‘Even if they wanted to put it down as s lawn in a bedroom or something, it’s not big enough, it would probably cover maybe a very small bathroom.

‘It’s certainly been a talking point.

‘To be quite honest I would rather they knocked on the door if they was that desperate than just steal it – there’s no reasons or rhyme to why it’s been as it’s not big enough for anything in particular.

‘I had two Christmas trees to put on it this year and I’m seriously thinking is it worth doing.

‘I’ve been looking at skips as I got around for them.’

The stunned homeowner made the bizarre discovery as she left her home to do some shopping at 3pm.

She called police saying she remembered seeing her beloved turf outside her semi-terraced family home at around 8.30am on the same day.

Mrs Dean had the astroturf laid after arthritis in her knees put her off keeping real grass at her two storey brick house.

Another shocked homeowner awoke to discover thieves had stolen her £1,300 front lawn in July.

Amanda Green, 39, looked out of her bedroom window to discover the bizarre site of bare soil and rubble where her pristine turf had previously been in Stockton-on-Tees.

Cleveland Police confirmed they are investigating the theft and appealed for anyone with information to get in touch.