Ex copper warned he faces jail

Ex-athlete Jayson Lobo, 48, who won the British 800m title in 1998, met most of his victims on dating website Match.com and covertly recorded them on his mobile phone

A runner-turned-policeman once awarded a pay-out for race discrimination was yesterday warned he faced jail for secretly filming himself having sex with a string of women he met on dating sites.

Jayson Lobo, 47, used his handcuffs and baton as props during the kinky sex sessions with eight different women while he was a serving constable.

A court heard he offered to cook for one of them after telling her he was a police officer, to which she replied: ‘F*** your Thai green curry. Get your handcuffs out and I will be round in 20 minutes.’

But he ‘sneakily’ took video footage on his mobile phone of the liaisons without their knowledge for his own sexual pleasure, a court heard.

Lobo, a former UK 800m champion who represented England in the 1998 Commonwealth Games and Great Britain at the 1999 World Championships, previously won a race claim after Lancashire Police spent £500,000 examining his expenses claims.

But he was later dubbed ‘Robocop’ and sacked for sharing photographs of a murder scene with his girlfriend.

Lobo was arrested when one of the women he had been seeing – a teacher – found out he had been cheating on her.

She reported him after learning he had taken images and footage of their sex sessions without her consent.

When officers examined Lobo’s mobile phone they found videos of another seven women – who he met on Internet site Match.com using a profile in which he revealed he was a policeman – stashed in a secret encrypted ‘vault’.

Officers managed to trace the women, who were horrified and had no idea they had been filmed.

Some told how they agreed to let him use his handcuffs during sex sessions, while told how he used his baton while they were in bed.

Yesterday Lobo – described as ‘arrogant’ – was found guilty of 11 counts of voyeurism following a trial at Liverpool Crown Court and cleared of seven counts of the same offence.

After being convicted of offences against a total of seven women he was warned a prison sentence was ‘almost inevitable’.

The court was told that Lobo was in a relationship with one of the women, but the rest he met for short-lived liaisons via the dating site – none while he was on duty.

Maxine Snowdon, prosecuting, said in each case ‘arrogant’ Lobo recorded the women when they were ‘right in the throes’ of passion and too ‘engrossed’ to realise.

Only two of the women – the teacher who later went to police and another woman – suspected he had filmed or taken pictures of them and, in both cases, Lobo assured the women he would delete the footage but hadn’t.

Lobo was found guilty of 11 counts of voyeurism and cleared of seven counts of the same offence - including one count relating to an eighth woman

Lobo was found guilty of 11 counts of voyeurism and cleared of seven counts of the same offence – including one count relating to an eighth woman

Miss Snowdon added: ‘Lobo had an enormous sexual appetite. He was far from prudish. He was selfish and driven to enhance his sexual gratification in life.

‘Meeting many, many women, talking his way out of anything without conscience… ‘Lie after lie, all to enhance his sex life. Lies and deceit to gain sexual gratification, breach of trust to gain sexual gratification.’

None of the women knew that their sex lives had been added to Lobo’s ‘little library of pornography,’ the prosecutor said.

Even Lobo’s barrister, Andrew Alty, branded him ‘an absolute shyster’ who had treated the women ‘in a dreadful way’.

‘If there was an event in the Olympics for the shyster, not only would he qualify as the Olympic champion, I suspect he would hold the world record,’ he quipped.

The policeman missed out on the 2000 Sydney Olympics only due to injury.

Lobo was arrested on December 2015 and when his iPhone was seized a ‘vault’ application was found which needed a four-digit Pin number and password to open.

The policeman missed out on the 2000 Sydney Olympics only due to injury

The policeman missed out on the 2000 Sydney Olympics only due to injury

He claimed he did not know the Pin so investigators sent the phone and his laptop to experts, who managed to crack his password and gain access to the films.

Lobo admitted making the videos but claimed the women all knew he had been filming them during or after the sex and none had expressed any concern.

He denied intending to view them for his sexual gratification and said that he simply wanted to record the event for himself and the person involved.

Lobo, of Mellor, Lancashire, was bailed for sentencing next month, but Judge Neil Flewitt QC warned him: ‘You don’t need me to tell you the overwhelming likelihood is there will be an immediate prison sentence.’

In 2006 it emerged that Lancashire Police had spent £500,000 of taxpayers’ money to find that Lobo had mistakenly over-claimed £90 in petrol expenses.

After a two-year criminal investigation he was cleared of false accounting and attempting to pervert the course of justice but remained suspended for a further 12 months while a misconduct inquiry took place.

Eventually he was docked a week’s pay and reinstated, responding with a claim for racial discrimination which was settled for an undisclosed amount in 2007.

However he was last year sacked after it emerged he had sent a series of pictures and text messages describing the scene of a frenzied knife attack.

The murder victim’s father accused the officer of being ‘Robocop’ and of trying to impress women, saying his behaviour had been disrespectful to his late son.

Last night Detective Inspector Tom Edmondson, of Lancashire Constabulary’s professional standards department, said Lobo had ‘shown a blatant disregard’ for the women who fell for him.

‘He has ridden roughshod over their dignity to satisfy his own sexual gratification,’ he added.

Lobo was bailed until sentencing date on October 20.   


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