Ex-headteacher takes children out of school for world trip

Former headteacher Louisa Jones

A former headteacher at an award-winning school has taken her own young children out of formal education for a year to travel the world on a family holiday.

Louisa Jones, ex-head of Reading’s brand new Civitas Academy school, says her experience led her to believe that nobody would ‘care’ about her decision. 

Her decision comes at a time when parents can be fined £60 per child for ‘unauthorised’ holiday absences.

The mother-of-two wrote on her blog: ‘By the way, I am always asked- were they ok with you taking your children out of school? Well nobody cares.

‘What I mean is, as long as you are taken off roll and not causing the school a poor attendance then the school doesn’t mind. In fact they support some real life schooling.

‘The authorities have not been in contact with me and have not been round to my home to find out if I am actually ‘schooling’ my children or if I have an appropriate home in which to teach them. They don’t know I am a teacher or that we are soon to be gone on a year to find some answers.’

The young mum plans on home-schooling her children, Rufus, year-one age, and Katie, who was due to start in reception, throughout the duration of the trip which started recently in a rented villa on sun-soaked The Palm, Dubai.

Mrs Jones wrote: ‘I know only too well what goes on in school. What ofsted (sic) look out for, what makes a good teacher and school. Sometimes I question it all. Asking myself ‘is this just all too much?’

‘The roles of what should be done in school and at home are so blurred and is always debated. Parents thinking – can’t they do that at school and teachers thinking – surely it’s up to their parents…

‘People have asked me – are you actually teaching them, or just saying you are? Now, to me, home schooling isn’t just day trips and horse riding lessons. Although this is a big part of it.’

The current penalty for taking children out of school for a holiday is a £60 fine per child, per trip, however there is no such legal requirement for home-schooled children.

Louisa Jones with her husband and children Rufus and Katie. The family are embarking on a world-wide trip

Louisa Jones with her husband and children Rufus and Katie. The family are embarking on a world-wide trip

A spokesman for Reading Borough Council said today: ‘Council education officers are aware of this family and are satisfied they have acted within the law. We can confirm there is no investigation regarding their children’s schooling.’

The Government website states: ‘You have to get permission from the headteacher if you want to take your child out of school during term time.

‘You can only do this if you make an application to the headteacher in advance (as a parent the child normally lives with) and there are exceptional circumstances. It’s up to the headteacher how many days your child can be away from school if leave is granted.’

The council spokesman added that for home schooling, parents must make sure their children receive a full-time education from the age of five and they can choose to teach their children at home.

The family of four plans to stay in Dubai with friends and family before heading off to Bahrain, followed by a rented villa in Sri Lanka, Singapore, New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Argentina, Costa Rica, and finishing up with four months to explore the United States and Canada.

Mrs Jones wrote in her blog, entitled ‘The Bits in Between’: ‘After some quality time with our friends we went to stay at one of Dubai’s lovely hotels on the palm. We managed to find a hotel with apartments so we had our own kitchen.

Civitas Academy in Reading where Mrs Jones was headteacher

Civitas Academy in Reading where Mrs Jones was headteacher

‘Katie learned how to swim without arm bands here which has been a huge boost in her confidence. Just a few consecutive days in the pool had improved the children’s swimming so much. I’m pleased about this as this is one of the things on my list of ‘what do we want to achieve from this trip’.’

The family sold or donated all of their things, including their house, and moved out of their rented home in Grosvenor Road, Caversham, Reading at the beginning of this month.

Civitas Academy, where Mrs Jones worked as a headteacher until the end of summer term, opened in September 2016 and has already won a Community Benefit award for excellent achievement in providing a facility which directly benefits the local community and illustrates its success through local community feedback.

The school’s website reads: ‘Our aim is to provide an excellent education for all of our children, helping them develop the confidence, skills, curiosity and understanding to grow and progress academically, socially and emotionally.

‘We believe in educating the ‘whole child’, and our personalised approach to learning means that children are supported, challenged, stretched and inspired in a wide range of exciting learning opportunities through our broad, balanced and engaging curriculum.’

At the end of the summer term, the school tweeted: ‘We are saying our farewells to Miss Siv and Mrs Jones in a special @R2Civitas assembly today! £GoodLuck Send postcards!’

Considering coming home and the aftermath of the mammoth trip, Mrs Jones wrote: ‘That feeling when you meet ‘the one’ or you find the right wedding dress ‘you just know’ or when you walk into a house and ‘you get that feeling’ and want to buy it- well I’m counting on one of those.

‘I’m imagining I’m going to walk into a Buddhist shrine and think ‘I know’ or ride a horse through some foothills of the mountains and feel ‘this is home’ or ‘I miss home’.

‘Maybe we will kayak on a lonesome river and realise that I’m yearning for some family time. I don’t know what it is going to be or how it will turn out. In the words of Kungfu Panda I’m waiting for a sign from the universe to tell me.

‘For once we plan to have no plan.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk