Ex-Ibiza dancer accidentally killed herself with lethal morphine overdose she took to treat bad back

An NHS manageress accidentally killed herself with a lethal overdose of morphine after she took the powerful painkiller to treat her bad back.

Former dancer Melissa Amos, 42, had been struggling with spinal problems since a horse riding accident when she was in her 20s.

But despite being on a variety of medications, Mrs Amos obtained morphine through a ‘non-medical source’ and her husband had begun to lock her tablets in a cabinet in order to prevent her from overdosing on them.

Mrs Amos, from Bury, Greater Manchester sent a friend a text message saying: ‘I need some medication because my back is f***ed’, last March. 

Later that day she was found collapsed on the floor of her home by her husband Philip. She died shortly afterwards.

Former dancer Melissa Amos, 42, accidentally killed herself with a lethal overdose of morphine after she took the powerful painkiller to treat her bad back last March 

But despite being on a variety of medications, Mrs Amos obtained morphine through a 'non-medical source' and her husband had begun to lock her tablets in a cabinet in order to prevent her from overdosing on them. Pictured: Mrs Amos with her husband Philip

But despite being on a variety of medications, Mrs Amos obtained morphine through a ‘non-medical source’ and her husband had begun to lock her tablets in a cabinet in order to prevent her from overdosing on them. Pictured: Mrs Amos with her husband Philip

Tests revealed she had taken almost three times the recognised lethal dose for morphine. Police examined her phone and discovered one of the last messages she received was: ‘l’ve got morphine’.

It is thought the person who supplied the morphine has since passed away.

At an inquest Mr Amos said: ‘I believe that she didn’t want to end her own life. She had her own children and we were trying for a child together. We were meant for each other.’

The hearing at Heywood heard how Mrs Amos who had two children from a previous relationship originally lived and worked in Leeds as a manager for a NHS supply chain. She moved to Bury and married Mr Amos in 2016.

He said: ‘Melissa went abroad to work as a dancer in Ibiza for a year when she was 21 and later suffered a fall from a horse about 20 years ago which resulted in her having ongoing pain in her lower back.

‘She was previously in a relationship with somebody else and she had two children from that relationship and they stayed in Leeds with their father after that relationship ended. She came and moved in with me and we were flatmates.’

The mother had been struggling with spinal problems since a horse riding accident when she was in her 20s. Pictured: A young Mrs Amos on a horse 

The mother had been struggling with spinal problems since a horse riding accident when she was in her 20s. Pictured: A young Mrs Amos on a horse 

‘But she had a number of seizures and they started in 2016. One day, I heard the dog barking and Melissa was lying on the floor with her arms stretched out after falling off a step. She was take to hospital for an MRI scan and she had a number of seizures after that and was on medication.

‘On Saturday March 10, she had been in good spirits that day but later that evening, our dog went into her room and he started barking and I went into the room and she was slumped on the floor. She had suffered a seizure.

‘Because of the horse riding fall, she was in a lot of pain and that is why she was taking the morphine. 

‘I know that she didn’t want to want to take her own life. She was happy as Larry that day.’

A toxicology report found Mrs Amos had 1,512mg of morphine per litre of blood in her body. As little as 60mg of morphine in a litre of blood can be fatal to people who rarely consume the drug. 

The cause death was morphine toxicity. There were also traces of prescription drugs in her system.

Tests revealed she had taken almost three times the recognised lethal dose for morphine. Police examined her phone and discovered one of the last messages she received was: 'l've got morphine'

Tests revealed she had taken almost three times the recognised lethal dose for morphine. Police examined her phone and discovered one of the last messages she received was: ‘l’ve got morphine’

The hearing at Heywood heard how Mrs Amos who had two children from a previous relationship originally lived and worked in Leeds as a manager for a NHS supply chain. She moved to Bury and married Mr Amos in 2016

The hearing at Heywood heard how Mrs Amos who had two children from a previous relationship originally lived and worked in Leeds as a manager for a NHS supply chain. She moved to Bury and married Mr Amos in 2016

A pathologist’s report said: ‘There was evidence of an excess use of morphine and most probably her death could be explained by this.

‘Melissa died as a result of morphine toxicity. It seems that by trying to control the pain, she had taken a lot of painkillers.’

Det Insp Simon Edginton, who investigated Melissa’s death said: I took possession of her phone and on March 10 there was a message to a Rebecca Platt, where Melissa said that she needed some medication because her back was f***ed.

‘So, from these texts, it seems that she had got some morphine from Rebecca Platt.

‘We went to speak to Ms Platt’s partner to ask him if had any knowledge about the morphine and he said he had none.In summary, I don’t believe there was any suspicious circumstances or third party involvement in her death.’

Recording a conclusion of drug related death coroner Michael Salt said: ‘The pathologist tried to find a cause of death and he was not able to come to a solid conclusion. He relied on the toxicologist to come up with a cause of death, and that came back as combined drug toxicity but primarily morphine toxicity.

A corner recording a conclusion of drug related death 

A corner recording a conclusion of drug related death 

A pathologist's report said: 'Melissa died as a result of morphine toxicity. It seems that by trying to control the pain, she had taken a lot of painkillers' 

A pathologist’s report said: ‘Melissa died as a result of morphine toxicity. It seems that by trying to control the pain, she had taken a lot of painkillers’ 

‘It seems that there may have been a possible source for these drugs, but sadly that person passed away on April 7. Melissa’s GP was aware of the possibility of her abusing her prescribed medication and Phillip Amos had a locked cabinet for her medication.

‘The toxicology report came back with no trace of alcohol but there was evidence of other drugs. The report found a very high level of morphine which had a high risk of mortality.

‘My findings will be that she died of combined drug toxicity but the toxicology report says that morphine was the major issue.

‘I have to say that I don’t consider that she committed suicide and the conclusion that I propose to reach is one of drug related death.

‘My condolences to the family, I can obviously see how much she is missed.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk