Ex-JLS singer Oritse Williams told police sex with fan was consensual

Former JLS singer Oritse Williams, pictured arriving at Wolverhampton Crown Court today, has been accused of raping a woman after plying her with alcohol and inviting her back to his hotel room

Ex-JLS star Oritse Williams has told a jury that he did not act like a ‘sexual predator’ and that the woman accusing him of rape ‘took advantage of him’.

The 32-year-old singer denies attacking the 20-year-old woman after allegedly plying her with booze in a nightclub’s VIP area in December 2016.

The woman claimed Williams raped her on the double bed of his room at the Ramada Hotel, in Wolverhampton. Williams was in the city performing a solo concert at the nightclub Gorgeous.

Giving evidence in the dock, Williams said there was flirtation between himself and the alleged victim, adding: ‘We were getting on really well.’

She and two friends met Williams in the club, with the singer claiming the three friends were ‘putting on a highly sexually charged display’ and added: ‘It definitely caught my attention.’

He remembered the alleged victim sitting on his lap of her own accord and added: ‘I wasn’t being a sexual predator or being weird.

‘I remember the girls showing off how they had a sexy bum and they started to stand up and twirl.

‘I did become involved in a three-way kiss with the woman and her friend. I did kiss the woman on her own. I told the woman I was going to leave and at that point she said she wanted to come back with me.

‘I thought the highly charged sexually, seductive behaviour was going to continue at the hotel.’

Williams said the three women went to the bathroom in the hotel room before abruptly leaving. The alleged victim then returned on her own and said she wanted to spend the night.

He added: ‘I was okay with that, she came into the room and I shut the door, she then put her arms around my neck and started to kiss me, she then wrapped her legs around my waist and squeezed tightly.

‘I then got a condom and we had sexual intercourse in a number of positions, I didn’t ejaculate.’

The alleged victim and her friend went back to the room with Williams and his tour manager Jamien Nagadhana following a solo gig at a nightclub (pictured)

The alleged victim and her friend went back to the room with Williams and his tour manager Jamien Nagadhana following a solo gig at a nightclub (pictured)

Williams said he embarrassingly was ‘unable to maintain an erection’ due to the amount of booze he had consumed, and that was the reason the intercourse stopped.

He said the next thing he remembered was the alleged victim later knocking on the door looking for two phones. He helped her look for them and found one phone before she thanked him and left, he claimed.

Williams said: ‘I thought it was all good and then I went back to sleep. I was woken up by another knock at the door and it was the police.

‘I was taken to the police station and interviewed. The police took my phone.’

Williams admitted he had previously engaged in ‘a foursome’ with his pal Nagadhana after he left the boy band JLS, but said he had no intention of doing the same that night. 

He said: ‘There was a time a few years ago, where me and Jamien had a foursome post JLS in which everyone who participated agreed to it.

‘I didn’t want to tell the police at the time as I didn’t want couple that with this situation. I wasn’t concerned with him, from what I can remember Jamien was asleep.’

The court also heard the Williams claimed in an interview with police that the woman and her two female friends were ‘all over me’ and were ‘grinding’ against him. 

He said that, after he went back to his hotel with the alleged victim, she was annoyed that he ‘didn’t last long.’ 

Williams is accused of raping the complainant when she returned to the bedroom to retrieve her phone as she told him to ‘f*** off’ and ‘get off’.

But he told police the sex was consensual and the two of them had enjoyed a ‘moment of passion’.

He said he was ‘bewildered’ to be accused of raping the woman and said he felt as though he had ‘been taken advantage of’ because of his fame.

Williams' tour manager Jamien Nagadhana denies charges of sexual assault and assault by penetration

Williams’ tour manager Jamien Nagadhana denies charges of sexual assault and assault by penetration

Williams denies rape, alongside his tour manager Jamien Nagadhana, 32, who is accused of sexual touching and assault by penetration at Wolverhampton Crown Court.

Williams’ police interview was read to the jury today, in which he said: ‘The girl said she wanted to spend the night with me, I said no problem, we started making out.

‘I pulled out a condom for safe sex as I’m ambassador for safe sex, because of the alcohol I couldn’t perform too well, which is embarrassing to say.

‘We lay down and fell asleep and I can remember waking up to a knock at the door, it was the girl and she was with a male member of staff. 

‘She said she wanted to look for her phone. She left and then I woke again in the morning to a knock at the door and it was the police.’

Jurors heard that Williams told police his tour manager, Jamien Nagadhana, was in a different bed in the same room when the encounter took place.

In police interviews read into the court record by a police officer and the Crown’s barristers, Williams told two detective constables that he found the complainant attractive, after meeting her and two of her friends at a nightclub.

The singer told the officers: ‘I thought she was a beautiful person in general – we had a vibe.

‘She said (at the hotel) that she didn’t want to leave – she wants to stay with me.’

After elements of the alleged victim’s account were put to him, Williams told police: ‘C’mon, this is crazy. I am very perplexed, to be honest with you.

The woman claims she returned alone moments later to retrieve her phone, which was when Williams pounced on her. Pictured: the Ramada Park Hall Hotel where the rape allegedly occurred

The woman claims she returned alone moments later to retrieve her phone, which was when Williams pounced on her. Pictured: the Ramada Park Hall Hotel where the rape allegedly occurred

‘I am feeling bewildered at this whole thing. I do feel taken advantage of. I just feel like a musician, an artist that has been put into a position where they have been taken advantage of.’

The court heard that Williams made the comments to police after his solicitor told officers his client was adamant that he wanted to speak to them.

In an interview carried out after Williams had been questioned, Nagadhana, also 32 and from Hounslow in west London, accepted his solicitor’s advice to decline to comment.

Nagadhana instead submitted a prepared statement to police, in which he said he had kissed the alleged victim and touched her, but had backed off when he realised she was ‘getting together’ with Williams.

At the time of the alleged rape, Nagadhana, who denies sexual assault, was asleep in a different bed in the same room, his statement said.

The complainant told jurors last week that she had a ‘bits and pieces’ memory of her night after drinking Malibu, sambuca and shots.

Giving evidence from behind a curtain shielding her from the public gallery, the woman told the jury panel: ‘The memories I do have, I know took place.’

The trial continues.

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