Ex-minister Nicky Morgan reveals why refuses BBC interviews

  • Nicky Morgan said tiny studios with unflattering lights led to abuse online 
  • She said broadcasters should take account of how women look on screen 
  • Ex minister said big budget broadcasters allow people to look better on TV  

Nicky Morgan has revealed she now refuses to do regional TV interviews due to the ‘really unflattering’ bright lights and little chairs.

The former cabinet minister, 45, said big budget channels such as Sky are ‘better’ compared to regional studios which she claimed would lead to a torrent of online abuse about how ‘ugly’ she is.

The politician said the reason fewer women are appearing on TV is that they fear they don’t have anything interesting to say – and they worry about looking foolish.

Nicky Morgan (file image at BBC Millbank) has revealed she now refuses to do regional TV interviews due to the ‘really unflattering’ bright lights and little chairs

Speaking at the Women on Air conference at City University, the former Secretary of State for Education said: ‘Women are more self-selecting in that not only do we ask have we got something to add but also am I going to trip myself up and look stupid here because social media is unforgiving – not only about your appearance.

‘Sky’s a bit better but BBC Millbank – you sit there in a kind of small cupboard with a camera pointing straight at you.

‘It is deeply unflattering in how you look, and actually that’s why I now don’t go and do TV from regional offices because – particularly at Nottingham – they get you to perch on a little chair, bright lights, really unflattering and then I just a whole load of social abuse afterwards about how ugly I am.

‘So actually why would I set myself up for that thank you very much so again I’m going to ask for the camera to come and find me.’

Ms Morgan (file image being interviewed on the BBC), 45, said big budget channels such as Sky are 'better' compared to regional studios which she claimed would lead to a torrent of online abuse about how 'ugly' she is

Ms Morgan (file image being interviewed on the BBC), 45, said big budget channels such as Sky are ‘better’ compared to regional studios which she claimed would lead to a torrent of online abuse about how ‘ugly’ she is

Miss Morgan suggested news channels – which on average have more than two male experts speak on air compared to every one female – should ease women’s nerves by inviting them to come into studios for a practice interview.

She also claimed while women may be concerned whether they are qualified enough to give their opinion on an issue – men don’t tend to suffer from this self-doubt.

Discussing her own experiences of social media, the Conservative MP revealed she has periods when she doesn’t go on social media due to unpleasant comments.

But she added that she has received less abuse since she stopped being a minister. 


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