Ex-news anchor says ‘Spacey sexually assaulted relative’

Former US news anchor Heather Unruh plans to hold a news conference accusing Kevin Spacey of sexually assaulting an 18-year-old family member last year

A former longtime Boston television news anchor is planning to hold a press conference accusing Kevin Spacey of sexually assaulting an 18-year-old family member.

Heather Unruh first tweeted the accusation on October 13 saying that the actor ‘assaulted a loved one.’ 

Unruh is planning to hold a news conference with attorney Mitchell Garabedian in Boston at 11.30am to discuss her claims. 

‘The family member of Heather Unruh met Kevin Spacey on Nantucket Island where Kevin Spacey allegedly sexually abused the family member of Heather Unruh,’ Garabedian’s office said in a short statement. 

The alleged victim also reported it to police by phone sometime this year, but it’s unclear if police are investigating, TMZ reported.  

Unruh, who previously worked at WCVB-TV, tweeted back on October 13 that the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault scandal ‘has emboldened me– #truth time. I was a Kevin Spacey fan until he assaulted a loved one. Time the dominoes fell.’ 

More than two weeks later, after several other allegations against Spacey were made public, Unruh tweeted,’ The dominoes are falling. My loved one will speak when ready. The #headline is #KevinSpacey the #predator- this is not about him being gay.’

Unruh's attorney said: 'The family member of Heather Unruh met Kevin Spacey on Nantucket Island where Kevin Spacey allegedly sexually abused the family member of Heather Unruh.'

Unruh’s attorney said: ‘The family member of Heather Unruh met Kevin Spacey on Nantucket Island where Kevin Spacey allegedly sexually abused the family member of Heather Unruh.’

On October 13, Unruh first tweeted that the Weinstein scandal had given her the courage to accuse  Spacey, 58, of attacking a loved one

On October 13, Unruh first tweeted that the Weinstein scandal had given her the courage to accuse Spacey, 58, of attacking a loved one

Spacey has not commented on Unruh’s claim.

Unruh made her damaging claims more than two weeks before Star Trek actor Anthony Rapp got an apology after he said the actor, then 26, tried to seduce him when he was just 14.

At the time, Unruh declined to give any more details about the alleged incident only adding: ‘My intent was to encourage a badly needed investigation and conversation’ and used the hashtag #It’sNotOk.

The Oscar-winner is facing growing allegations of sexually assaulting teenage boys.

Spacey says he is now ‘taking the time necessary to seek evaluation and treatment’ after the latest round of sex assault allegations and DailyMail.com has learned that he has checked into The Meadows facility in Arizona, the same facility where Harvey Weinstein has sought treatment.

Spacey refused to comment at the time about these images.

Unruh made her damaging claims more than two weeks before Star Trek actor Anthony Rapp got an apology after he said Spacey, then 26, tried to seduce him when he was just 14.

Unruh made her damaging claims more than two weeks before Star Trek actor Anthony Rapp got an apology after he said Spacey, then 26, tried to seduce him when he was just 14.

Spacey’s downfall started in late October when actor Anthony Rapp accused him of making a sexual advance towards him in 1986 when he was 14 and Spacey was 26. His claim has been followed by others making similar accusations.

‘He picked me up like a groom picks up the bride over the threshold,’ Rapp told BuzzFeed News. ‘But I don’t squirm away initially, because I’m like. “What’s going on?” And then he lays down on top of me.

Spacey, who was aged 26 at the time, allegedly invited Rapp to his apartment for a party in 1986. Rapp said that he went to watch TV in Spacey's bedroom until after midnight because he became bored. Spacey is pictured above in 1986 in Heartburn

Spacey, who was aged 26 at the time, allegedly invited Rapp to his apartment for a party in 1986. Rapp said that he went to watch TV in Spacey’s bedroom until after midnight because he became bored. Spacey is pictured above in 1986 in Heartburn

‘He was trying to seduce me,’ the Star Trek: Discovery actor added. ‘I don’t know if I would have used that language. But I was aware that he was trying to get with me sexually.’

The House of Cards star apologized to Rapp on October 29, saying he did not remember the incident after more than 30 years.

He said in a statement: ‘But if I did behave as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior.’

He then claimed that Rapp’s claim ‘has encouraged me to address other things in my life,’ saying that though he had had relationships with both men and women, ‘I choose now to live as a gay man.’

He was immediately slammed by gay activists for only coming out in a bid to divert attention from the severity of his alleged actions. Sarah Kate Ellis, president of the LGBTQ group GLAAD said he only revealed he is gay ‘to deflect from allegations of sexual assault.’

‘This isn’t a coming out story about Spacey, but a story of survivorship by Anthony Rapp & those who speak out about unwanted sexual advances,’ Ellis tweeted.

Lesbian writer Jenny Hagel said on Late Night With Seth Meyers ‘I have a lot of problems with Kevin Spacey’s statement.

‘It is inappropriate to respond to an accusation of pedophilia by saying I’m gay,’ she added, saying his statement appeared to be ‘justification for a crime.’

And gay advice columnist Dan Savage tweeted: ‘I’m sorry, Mr. Spacey, but your application to join the gay community at this time has been denied.’

Since Rapp made his allegations, Spacey has been hit by at least 10 other claims. Richard Dreyfuss’ son Harry called him ‘a sexual predator’ in an article he wrote for BuzzFeed. 


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