EXCLUSIVE: ‘Give dad the death penalty.’ Sisters who tracked down their America’s Most Wanted ‘pedophile’ father claim he molested 24 children including a four-year-old and demand he be executed under new Florida law

Davie Albarran, 51, was arrested in Polk County, Florida a week ago Sunday night after his daughters held a year-long campaign to track him down 

The Florida sisters who hunted down their America’s Most Wanted ‘pedophile’ father are demanding he get the death penalty if convicted, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal.

Ana and Yaneiry Albarran tell DailyMail.com that they want their dad Davie Albarran, 51, first to rot in prison for 20 years before being executed under a new law signed by the state’s governor Ron DeSantis.

Ana, 33, told DailyMail.com: ‘I want the death penalty. He should get the worst punishment possible, the worst there is. He deserves 20 years in jail and then to die in there. Whatever they can do to him – because he has caused so much pain to so many people.’

Yaneiry, 30, agreed, saying: ‘It will be an honor for him to know that we are the reason for him to leave the earth. We want him to know we are his karma.

‘And we’re going to confront him in court, look him in the eye. I want to see that man in his little orange jumpsuit and for him to know we put him there.

‘He has traumatized generations of women. The trauma he has left behind is still visible on their faces. He deserves to pay for every single one of the victims he has hurt.’

The sisters said there are now 24 alleged victims who were between the ages of four and 16 when they claim they were seriously sexually assaulted by Albarran over past 20 years. Several were allegedly raped, including a four-year-old. 

Sisters Ana (left) and Yaneiry Albarran (right) exposed their father as a pedophile and claim there are now 24 victims who say they were sexually assaulted as children

Sisters Ana (left) and Yaneiry Albarran (right) exposed their father as a pedophile and claim there are now 24 victims who say they were sexually assaulted as children

The sisters filmed a celebration video with other family members after they found out he had been caught on Monday

The sisters filmed a celebration video with other family members after they found out he had been caught on Monday

'I want the death penalty,' Ana (left) told DailyMail.com. 'He should get the worst punishment possible, the worst there is'

‘I want the death penalty,’ Ana (left) told DailyMail.com. ‘He should get the worst punishment possible, the worst there is’ 

DailyMail.com can also reveal the intrepid siblings nearly caught their fugitive father four times themselves while he was on the run for 15 months.

Sheriff’s deputies captured the runaway hiding out in a shed around midnight a week ago Sunday at the newly-purchased home of his 41-year-old sister Madeline Albarran in a rural part of Lakeland, Florida – thanks to a crucial piece of detective work and information by Ana, 33.

Under a law signed by DeSantis in 2023, the death penalty can be imposed in Florida for sexual battery of a child aged 12 or under. Albarran is accused of that crime plus lewd and lascivious conduct and child abuse.

DailyMail.com can reveal building contractor Albarran moved in with sister Madeline and her husband Rolon Nunez, 38, after they bought their $245,000 home three months ago – and helped put up a massive security boundary fence to surround it.

Plastic toys were spotted in the yard close to the shed this week and neighbors say they have seen children living there. Signs warn against trespassing while others declare: This home is protected by God and gun.’

Meanwhile, the full incredible story of how the courageous Albarran sisters used social media and foot-slogging detective work – which included multiple stake outs of premises where they believed their father was hiding – can now be told.

They allege they were battling against other members of their large extended family they claim helped their father evade capture.

And Polk County Sheriff’s Office, who caught him, has confirmed to DailyMail.com that officers are ‘looking into’ investigating his sister Madeline plus any other relatives who may have assisted.

Astonishingly, the sisters physically checked out more than 40 motels and various private residences where they believed their father could be holed up during his 451 days he was on the lam.

At one point, they narrowed down their search to the Friendly Village Inn Motel between Kissimmee and St Cloud, Florida, where they say they saw other estranged family members bringing the alleged pedophile food while he was living there.

They tipped off the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office, but agonizingly Albarran had slipped away by the time officers reached the rundown business by the side of a busy highway.

The sisters also say they tracked him to a former girlfriend’s house and to another home owned by an innocent woman who had no idea that he was on the run while living there between July and October last year.

They also revealed the huge personal toll the traumatic manhunt has taken, including Ana suffering a near breakdown, her marriage to husband Erick reaching breaking point and becoming so depressed she was incapable of even brushing her teeth.

Albarran was discovered lurking in the shed beside the main house. When he was first confronted by officers he claimed his name was Jose Rodriguez

Albarran was discovered lurking in the shed beside the main house. When he was first confronted by officers he claimed his name was Jose Rodriguez

The sisters worked with the Polk County Sheriff's Office to secure his arrest and received awards for their work

The sisters worked with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office to secure his arrest and received awards for their work 

DailyMail.com can also disclose the traumatic incident that sparked the manhunt, leading to father-of-six Albarran eventually being tracked down by the sisters and law enforcement while officially accused of sexual assault of two children.

Yaneiry bravely revealed one of her daughters is among the alleged 24 victims. And it was the child’s disclosure to an aunt at a birthday sleepover on the night of November 25, 2022, that the family’s world fell apart.

Yaneiry was at home in St Cloud when called at 11pm by another of her sisters, Francesca, who relayed that the girl claimed she had been abused for three months.

Formerly homeless Albarran, who Yaneiry took in after he was sleeping in his car, was confronted when he arrived at their home shortly afterwards.

‘I loved my father, he was my best friend and we had such a beautiful relationship,’ said Yaneiry . ‘On November 25, 2022, that all changed. Once I found out that he hurt what was most precious to me, our love was out of the window.

‘The night of the confrontation I got a phone call from my older sister about my daughter. She spoke up about being sexually abused by my father at a little girls’ sleepover. And then another little girl also came forward and said the same.

‘I confronted my father and completely lost it. I snapped. Like I just went nuts. I hit him a couple of times. I was throwing things, breaking things.

‘And I was saying to him, don’t lie to me. I was throwing his stuff everywhere, I was throwing things at his car. I was going crazy, he was my best friend. The fact that he did this to me, I just couldn’t believe it.

‘He ran to his car and just drove off. That is the last time I saw him.’

Ana revealed: ‘When I found what he’d done I was enraged. Then I found out about other possible victims and I was like, we are going to get him.

‘So me and my sister sat down and we decided we were going to let everybody know who he was. But also that we were also going to personally hunt him down.’

His daughters made and shared wanted posters to distribute around the country and warn other parents

His daughters made and shared wanted posters to distribute around the country and warn other parents 

Police and a police dog tracked him down to a shed where they confronted Albarran and arrested him

Police and a police dog tracked him down to a shed where they confronted Albarran and arrested him

Ana plastered Facebook with appeals for help and then developed a massive TikTok campaign with 96,000 followers and 3.7million likes in order to build information in the hunt for her father. The sisters even raised money for two billboards in Orlando.

Their social media onslaught developed an army of informants and the sisters personally acted on the information, while Osceola Sheriff’s Office and other agencies continued the hunt.

Albarran’s capture happened shortly after he was featured on America’s Most Wanted TV show. It was spark that eventually led to his arrest amid the sister’s dogged determination.

‘What we were doing was like you see on a cop show, a wall chart with red strings everywhere and photos on a board,’ said Yaneiry.

Ana continued: ‘We built up a database of locations, car license plates, information on his friends, you name it. I called every job he ever had, went to every apartment complex he ever lived.

‘My husband and I went looking for him at every motel where we felt we had a lead, even at 2 in the morning in the hope of catching him. We were hunting him down, we were doing everything.

‘We have a video of some of our family showing up to empty out his room at this rinky dink hotel room and we find out he was there the day before.’

‘I figured out his whole life, his friends and anybody I believed was involved in helping him.

‘We almost had him four times. That was when he was at the Friendly motel, when he was living at the house of a former girlfriend, when he was staying at the home of a woman between July and October last year. I gave the cops all that information.

‘There was not one day that we stopped, we looked for him every day he was gone.’

Of America’s Most Wanted, Ana said: ‘When he went on the show, all the friends of the other side of the family started snitching.

‘They were so afraid. Because I’m saying, if I find out that you helped hide my father I’m posting your picture on social media. If I find out you have him, I’m going to post up your address… like you are going to get repercussions for hiding my father. They were freaking out.’

Finally it was a tip from the woman Albarran rented a room from between July and October last year that brought him down. He told the woman his name was Max.

‘She didn’t know until America’s Most Wanted that he was wanted for those horrible crimes,’ said Ana. ‘She’s innocent and she is the one who told us who must be helping him.

‘As a result, I used Snapchat location for one of my relatives to pinpoint where I believe he was hiding out. Then I called the sheriff’s office and said, I promise he’s there, go look for him.’

Ana cries on camera when she finds out her father was arrested. She and her sister had been rallying support to find him for over a year

Ana cries on camera when she finds out her father was arrested. She and her sister had been rallying support to find him for over a year

Albarran was discovered lurking in the shed beside the main house. When he was first confronted by officers he claimed his name was Jose Rodriguez.

Ana was critical of some of the police work over the manhunt. ‘Pretty much we solved our own case,’ she said. ‘We would tell them, we know where he was. And they would say, we don’t want to know where he’s been, we want to know where he is.

‘And I’m thinking, where’s the investigation part? I almost found him myself four times. I’d give the cops information, they’d drive around and wouldn’t see him.

‘When I called the cops to say that my father was at Madeline’s residence I took Benadryl and went to sleep because I didn’t think they would get him.

‘Then an officer texted me at six in the morning and said, good job. So I rang and he said, you got him. And I’m screaming and sobbing, because I don’t have to spend my nights wondering he he’s hurting another child.

‘And we saw his first appearance and we thought, he is in jail right now because of us and the people who helped us.’

The sisters say all the people who have come forward have consistent stories of how they alleged they were abused.

Yaneiry said: There were two that he allegedly groomed that he like pretend he was a father figure or like a teacher. And then told them’ that no one would believe them.’

Back at the location where Albarran was caught, neighbor Carolyn Miller, 51, told DailyMail.com: ‘I’m stunned they caught the guy at the house over the road. We had no idea he was wanted. And I’ve seen little ones over there.

‘I saw him helping to build the fence around the property. In fact other neighbors were complaining about it because of their boundaries. I spoke to him once as he was constructing the gates and actually talked to him about the shed, because it’s adorable. He just seemed a normal guy.’

However, husband Edward, 61, added: ‘I’m wondering now that the fence went up because of who he is, so it was harder to spot him.’

DailyMail.com attempted to get a comment from Madeline at the house, which has video surveillance at the front. However a woman, identified to us by Ana as Madeline’s daughter Lulu, refused to let us speak with her mother and shouted at us to leave.

We also visited the Friendly Motel. A manager said he could not help in identifying Albarran as a former guest.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk