Exhausted mother lost three stone and ditched her corporate job

A stressed out and exhausted mother swapped her corporate insurance job for a consultancy role at a weight loss company – and she now earns £125,000.

Nuala Carroll, 57, from Newbury, first heard about the 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan when a friend introduced her to it as she struggled to lose weight after having her two children. 

Not only did she lose three stone, getting down to 9-and-half stones, but she also discovered that unlike all the diets she’d tried in the past, she was able to successfully maintain the weight loss.

She decided to swap her corporate insurance job for a consultancy role in the company, thinking it would bring in a bit of cash to keep her afloat. 

But she’s been so successful, she’s been able to buy a holiday home in Spain, and only works during term time, meaning she has almost three months of the year free to spend with her children.  

Nuala Carroll, 57, from Newbury, first heard about the 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan when was struggling to lose weight after having two children and a friend introduced her to it. Pictured at 12 and a half stone

After: On the new weight loss plan Nuala managed to lose three stone and is a healthy sized 9 and a half stone

After: On the new weight loss plan Nuala managed to lose three stone and is a healthy sized 9 and a half stone 

Nuala loved her new role – which meant she was able to work from home, seeing clients when the children were at school or in bed.

Quickly her client base grew and she started to realise the huge income potential. The company model means that clients don’t pay to see the consultants, but rather each item of wholesale merchandise that is bought sees a percentage go to the consultant.

‘I’d initially seen it as a little job to get a bit of extra cash,’ Nuala explained. ‘But I soon realised that the earning potential was enormous. 

‘And better still I could work from home, have flexibility around the children, and it was helping other people achieve something that I was really passionate about.’

Nuala loved her new role - which meant she was able to work from home, seeing clients when the children were at school or in bed. Pictured - Nuala  holding an award for sales champion in 2018

Nuala loved her new role – which meant she was able to work from home, seeing clients when the children were at school or in bed. Pictured – Nuala  holding an award for sales champion in 2018

Nualla's husband, Robin, 60, was so impressed by what she had achieved that he too lost weight on the plan too

Nualla’s husband, Robin, 60, was so impressed by what she had achieved that he too lost weight on the plan too

The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan is a six-step weight loss, stabilisation and weight management programme using various 1:1 diet products – while some steps incorporate conventional food. 

The plan is geared to the individual client which is the main strength of the 1:1 consultant client relationship. Products can’t be bought online or on the high street, only from an accredited consultant face-to-face at one-to-ones.

Nuala worked hard building her client base and soon she was seeing 100 clients a week and by 2016 she was earning an incredible £125,000 a year.

Robin (right) also gave up his job and became a consultant too - as he saw how well his wive was doing

Robin (right) also gave up his job and became a consultant too – as he saw how well his wive was doing

Now that Nuala’s children are 14 and 16, she’s been able to use her earnings to buy them the laptops they need for college, and even buy a holiday house for the family near Estepona, Spain

Now that Nuala’s children are 14 and 16, she’s been able to use her earnings to buy them the laptops they need for college, and even buy a holiday house for the family near Estepona, Spain

‘It fits around my family life and I can manage my own diary. I never have to miss the children’s sports day or parent’s evenings and if they’re ill I just re-arrange my diary,’ she said.

‘Unlike some high-paid jobs I’m not under pressure from a boss and instead head office are incredibly supportive.’

Now that Nuala’s children are 14 and 16, she’s been able to use her earnings to buy them the laptops they need for college, and even buy a holiday house for the family near Estepona, Spain.

‘I wouldn’t have been able to afford any of this and have the holidays off school with the children in any other job,’ she said.

The weight loss consultant fits around her family life and I can manage my own diary. I never have to miss the children’s sports day or parent’s evenings

The weight loss consultant fits around her family life and I can manage my own diary. I never have to miss the children’s sports day or parent’s evenings

Every time Nuala ‘sponsors’ a new consultant, she receives a percentage of their product sales

Every time Nuala ‘sponsors’ a new consultant, she receives a percentage of their product sales

The business model of her DSA-member company (direct selling) means that in addition to the money made from the products, every time she ‘sponsors’ a new consultant, she receives a percentage of their product sales (this is paid from head office and does not come out of the consultant’s earnings). So now that Nuala has built up a team the dividends are rolling in.

And her husband, Robin, 60, was so impressed by what she had achieved that he too lost weight on the plan and two years ago he left his job as a sales and marketing director and became a consultant for 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan too.

‘So far he sees about 30 clients a week and he’s gradually building up his business,’ explained Nuala. 

‘He’s seen how beneficial the business has been for me, so it’s no surprise he wanted to get involved!’ 

What is direct selling? 

· Direct selling is a £2.67 billion-a-year industry in the UK, and it is currently enjoying a renaissance (turnover increased by 27 per cent last year) as increasing numbers of people look for ways to earn additional income, perhaps as a side hustle around another job or a family.

· The direct selling sector includes some of the UK’s best-known and most-loved brands: Avon, Usborne Books at Home, The Body Shop at Home and Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic all sell via this channel of retail.

· The average amount earned per month by someone working in direct selling in the UK is £372.95.

· The Direct Selling Association (DSA) is the recognised trade body in the UK for direct selling companies, and members must adhere to strict Codes of Conduct which offer enhanced consumer and seller protection. A full list of the DSA’s members can be found at www.dsa.org.uk – always look for the DSA logo.


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