Expert reveals how you can tell if you’re psychic

If you’ve ever had a feeling of something that’s about to happen which has then come to pass, chances are you could be harbouring the beginnings of a psychic power.

While you may not subscribe to any belief in the supernatural, there are those who take their cues and guidance from forces unseen. 

So could you possess the power to be psychic?  

Speaking on Today, professional psychic Rose Smith said a lot of people have psychic tendencies, but this is something they might not realise.

‘If you stop and think about it, and look at all the times you’ve known things and you didn’t know how you knew. So there’s a wide variety of ways that you can know,’ she said. 

Speaking on Today, professional psychic Rose Smith said a lot of people have psychic tendencies, but this is something they might not realise they have


  • Visions when you’re falling asleep/waking up
  • Seeing auras – coloured energy fields that surround the body
  • Hearing voices, or feeling the emotions of others
  • Gut feelings that turn out to be accurate
  • Clear, colourful and vivid dreams 

The expert, who heads up Absolute Soul Secrets, thinks that like any skill, there are ways to develop psychic abilities in order to practice with confidence.

She also pointed out sixth sense tendencies can manifest in different ways depending on the person. 

‘People might have vision when they’re falling asleep, or they might see auras or they might hear voices even so there’s lots of ways of knowing,’ she said. 

For those considering delving into the world of the unseen, Rose recommends making every effort to hone their skills first. 

She believes it’s important to get a solid grounding by working with an experienced mentor. Additionally, Rose said start keeping a journal as a way to connect with thoughts, feelings and dreams.

For those considering delving into the world of the unseen, Rose recommends making every effort to hone their skills first including journal writing as a way to connect with feelings

For those considering delving into the world of the unseen, Rose recommends making every effort to hone their skills first including journal writing as a way to connect with feelings

‘In particular get in contact with your emotions. Art and music can help you with that,’ she said. 

Rose also explained how intuition – in the form of premonitions, or the feeling that something is about to happen – can signal the a person has some psychic ability.

‘Intuition is the beginning of psychic ability. Psychic ability is often tied to one of the five physical senses,’ Rose said.

Rose said sixth sense tendencies can manifest in different ways depending on the person

Rose said sixth sense tendencies can manifest in different ways depending on the person

‘So you might get clairvoyance which is the ability to see in spirit and that’s tied to the eyesight whereas intuition is tied to a hunch or a non-specific general idea about something.’

For those who live by the stars, zodiac signs can also have some bearing on ability, and of all the star signs, Scorpio and Pisces are understood to be the more ‘psychic’.

‘More important than your star sign, is you commitment and dedication and desire to hone and practice your psychic abilities,’ she concluded.