Experts warn hot weather will bring snakes out in force

Tarek Rifai has posted footage of a red-bellied black snake crossing a path in the Napean River area while out on Thursday afternoon

Unless you’re looking for somewhere to practice your snake charming skills (or Parsteltongue), you may want to avoid the Napean River area for the next few months.

Snakes typically come out of hiding to find heat, so you can thank Sydney’s warmer-than-usual winter and spring for the increased chance of tripping over a slithering surprise.

Add in the fact that snakes are finding their way into Sydney suburbia more often due to the fact that their habitat is being destroyed by urban development, and, well, you’d better watch your step. 

Sydney father Tarek Rifai was out for a stroll in the Napean River area on Thursday, when he caught on video a snake crossing the footpath.

The slithery creature slipped out of the vegetation on one side of the path and slithered lazily across to the other side and back into the bush.

It took its sweet time too, apparently unconcerned that it was about to find online fame with almost 50,000 Facebook viewers. 

Comments have come thick and fast since Mr Rifai posted the video, with people calling the snake everything from a ‘beautiful creature’ to a ‘good reason to stay indoors’.

The red-bellied black snake took its time crossing from one side of the path to the other side

Eagle-eyed viewers have identified the creature as a red-bellied black snake – a species which is generally docile but can be deadly if provoked. 

‘Nope no thank you that is literally one of my biggest fears I feel sick just watching it we are never going there again not even in the winter nope f*ck that,’ wrote one particularly ophidiophobic viewer.

A Facebook viewer advised people to leave the snake alone and walk in the gutter of the path

A Facebook viewer advised people to leave the snake alone and walk in the gutter of the path

Other viewers were much more relaxed, writing, ‘Leave them alone and all will be fine…Just walk near the gutter, its all good.’

Another commenter posted a video of four snakes she saw in the same area last week. 

But mostly, people are warning each other to be careful when taking their children and pets for a walk in the area. 

People are advised to use caution when walking or taking their dogs near the Napean River