Explosive new theory emerges in Samantha Murphy search – after the mum vanished without a trace 24 days ago

A crime expert has suggested Samantha Murphy’s killer could be lurking among search parties for the missing mother-of-three, posing as a Good Samaritan. 

Ms Murphy hasn’t been seen since leaving her home in Ballarat East at 7am on February 4 to go for a run in a state forest on the outskirts of the regional city.

Legendary Melbourne newsman John Silvester said detectives are investigating if Ms Murphy’s killer is someone in the Ballarat community volunteering their time to look for her.

‘Now we know that the local people, volunteers, have gone out there selflessly to search time and time again,’ he told Radio 3AW on Wednesday.

‘Police will also be considering that one of those searchers is the killer.

‘In that, they have inculcated themselves into that situation to be seen as part of the community, but also keeping an eye on what’s going on.’

Samantha Murphy has not been seen since leaving her home in Ballarat East at 7am on February 4 to go for a run in a state forest on the outskirts of the regional town

Mr Silvester said Victoria Police had already ruled out that Ms Murphy had harmed herself, had a medical episode or orchestrated her own disappearance. 

Extensive searches had also ruled out the possibility she had fallen down a mine shaft, leaving the suggestion of foul play and ‘probable murder’. 

‘Lots of different theories have been looked at because in these circumstances the victim has no secrets,’ the veteran crime reporter said. 

‘You have to go deep into that person to find out potential enemies or what could have happened. One particular theory that they’re looking at, surprise surprise, the person of interest turns out to be totally co-operating.’

His comments come as a smash repairs business owned by Samantha’s husband  Mick Murphy became a major focus in the police investigation. 

The Inland Motor Body Works shop is the largest in the Ballarat region, northwest of Melbourne, and has a ‘strong reputation’ in the area. 

Speculation outlaw motorcycle gangs were customers of the shop have swirled among the Ballarat community since the 51-year-old vanished. 

The Ballarat community is no stranger to bikie violence, with a senior Bandidos member shot at its clubhouse during the club’s national run just months ago. 

Volunteers have organised a large scale search for missing woman Samantha Murphy. Daily Mail Australia does not suggest any of them were involved in the search for Ms Murphy

Volunteers have organised a large scale search for missing woman Samantha Murphy. Daily Mail Australia does not suggest any of them were involved in the search for Ms Murphy

Volunteers met for a briefing in Ballarat on Saturday, 20 days after Ms Murphy vanished

Volunteers met for a briefing in Ballarat on Saturday, 20 days after Ms Murphy vanished

Victoria Police Missing Persons Unit Superintendent Mark Hatt on Friday refused to answer questions about potential links with bikies and Ms Murphy’s disappearance.

However, he said Mr Murphy’s financial records were being ‘closely examined’ with officers also seen removing a number of ‘items of interest’ from the shop. 

‘Absolutely we are looking at everything we possibly can to find out what happened to Samantha,’ Superintendent Hatt said. 

Asked if police had executed any search warrants in relation to the search, Superintendent Hatt refused to say.

The motor shop’s website describes itself as Ballarat’s ‘preferred choice for smash repairs’ and has developed a ‘strong reputation over 60 years’.

Ms Murphy is listed as the head of administration and ‘backbone’ of the office, with her roles including ‘keeping Mick in check’. 

The Murphy family business, Inland Motor Body Works, (pictured) is being investigated by police as part of their hunt for Samantha Murphy

The Murphy family business, Inland Motor Body Works, (pictured) is being investigated by police as part of their hunt for Samantha Murphy 

Mick Murphy is seen leaving the Buninyong Police Station on February 9

Mick Murphy is seen leaving the Buninyong Police Station on February 9

Superintendent Hatt also said police suspect Ms Murphy’s body may have been removed from the area where they are searching.

‘That is certainly a scenario that we are looking into. Based on our elimination process we do think that another party has been involved – whether that be one person or a number of people,’ he said.

While not directly stated, Superintendent Hatt suggested police believed whoever helped Ms Murphy disappear had specifically targeted her. 

He said police had ‘no intelligence or evidence’ to suggest others were at risk.

Ms Murphy’s family and close loved ones are all considered ‘persons of interest’ but no suspects have been identified.

Ms Murphy was wearing an Apple watch on her run but police are yet to reveal if they obtained any information from the device. 


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk