FA unlikely to light up Wembley arch with colours of the Israel flag in show of support before England vs Australia game on Friday ‘because of fears of a backlash’

The FA is unlikely to light the Wembley arch with the colours of the Israel flag in a show of support before England v Australia ‘due to fears of a backlash’.

The Government wrote a letter to sports bodies encouraging them to pay tribute to the victims of Hamas terror attacks at upcoming events.

The letter read: ‘In the light of the attacks in Israel on behalf of the secretary of state we would encourage you to mark the events in line with previous events where sport has come together.’

Last year, the arch turned blue and yellow in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It was also illuminated in rainbow colours in support of LGBT people amid the ‘OneLove’ armband row at the Qatar World Cup.

But rather than perform a similar tribute for Israel, officials will instead ‘convey a message of peace and unity’ before the friendly, the BBC reports.

The Wembley Arch was lit up in the colours of the Ukrainian flag just a day after Russia invaded the country in February 2022

It was also illuminated in rainbow colours in support of the LGBTQ + community amid the 'OneLove' armband row at the Qatar World Cup

It was also illuminated in rainbow colours in support of the LGBTQ + community amid the ‘OneLove’ armband row at the Qatar World Cup 

The FA has contacted Football Australia to confirm there will be some sort of acknowledgement for the victims prior to kick-off.

A meeting took place yesterday at FA headquarters to discuss how to mark the attacks, where some in attendance claimed lighting the arch could be divisive, according to the BBC.

Senior officials are said to be worried of creating a perception that they are taking sides in the conflict.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has backed the idea of lighting up the Wembley arch in the colours of Israel’s flag.

He told LBC radio: ‘I do think they should be on the arch because I think the message has to go out that we stand with Israel, the UK stands with Israel, and that is a manifestation of that support.’

Health Secretary Steve Barclay backed the calls today, telling Sky News: ‘I think we should make clear our strong support for Israel. We stand with Israel, and I think we’ve seen that with Parliament, we’ve seen it with Number 10. I think it would be fitting to show that with Wembley as well.’

Asked what sympathy he has with the people of Gaza this morning, he said: ‘The UK does have sympathy. That’s why we contribute about 10% of the aid that is distributed in the region through the United Nations.

‘It’s why the Foreign Secretary was in Israel yesterday talking to counterparts about the importance of minimising civilian casualties.’

He added: ‘Israel has a right to defend itself but also to deter future attacks from Gaza. So Hamas are responsible for what we’re seeing in Gaza, but of course everyone has a responsibility in terms of minimising civilian casualties.’

‘We agree that international law, international rules of war should be adhered to. And those are the sort of conversations I’m sure the Foreign Secretary was having in Israel in yesterday. 

‘But we should also be very clear it is Israel that has been attacked here.’

The Israeli flag was projected on 10 Downing Street on Sunday evening in London

The Israeli flag was projected on 10 Downing Street on Sunday evening in London

It was also projected on the House of Commons in Westminster and several other buildings

It was also projected on the House of Commons in Westminster and several other buildings

David Bernstein, the former chairman of the Football Association, said he was ‘hurt but not surprised’ by the FA’s slow response to the terror attacks in Israel.

‘I am shocked, hurt, but not totally surprised that the Football Association has not yet had time to consider its reaction to the murder of nearly 1,000 people,’ he told The Telegraph.

‘I note how speedily it has reacted to other situations and I would welcome an explanation as to why the tragedy in Israel should be perceived so differently by the FA.

‘I also note this is in stark contrast to our Government, and particularly the Prime Minister, who has found time to respond appropriately to this horrendous situation.’

The death toll in Israel from Hamas’ attacks now stands at 1,200, including 260 revellers who massacred at a music festival. More than 1,100 people have been killed by Israeli air strikes on Gaza.

Jewish football groups have also criticised the silence of the FA, Premier League and individual clubs on the slaughter of innocent Israelis over the weekend.

Arsenal group Jewish Gooners released a statement yesterday in which they questioned why the atrocity in Israel is being ignored by authorities who have been quick to ‘promote causes they care about’.

They said they felt abandoned by the game they love, adding the lack of action showed they ‘are not part of this so-called family’.

Two Arsenal players have used social media to back both Israel and Palestine, prompting bosses to warn their entire squad about the potential backlash they and the club could face.

While Egyptian footballer Mohamed Elneny changed his avatars to a Palestine flag, Oleksandr Zinchenko posted a message on Instagram that read ‘I stand with Israel’ before deleting it.

Arsenal star Mohamed Elneny, who is Egyptian, changed his avatars to a Palestine flag

Arsenal star Mohamed Elneny, who is Egyptian, changed his avatars to a Palestine flag 

Meanwhile, Ukrainian Oleksandr Zinchenko posted a message on Instagram that read 'I stand with Israel' before deleting it

Meanwhile, Ukrainian Oleksandr Zinchenko posted a message on Instagram that read ‘I stand with Israel’ before deleting it

Slamming the football world’s silence in the Israel-Hamas conflict yesterday, Jewish Gooners said: ‘Five days after 1,200 Jews were killed in possibly the worst terrorist atrocity perpetrated in the West since the Holocaust, there has still not been a single word from the world of football. 

‘Not from the authorities, not from the clubs, not from the overwhelming majority of players, not from the broadcasts and not from the pundits.’

They continued: ‘It is not complicated. It is not complex. The murder, rape, abduction, decapitation of innocent men, women and children needs no context.

‘It is not necessary, at this moment, to find a balance or another side. 

‘By failing to even acknowledge what has occurred, the football world has demonstrated one thing loud and clear. That Jewish and Israeli lives and deaths are not equal to those of others. That Jewish fans and the people of Israel are not part of this so-called family.

‘In the grand scheme of things, a minute silence before a football match or a stadium washed in blue and white, is irrelevant. 

‘Whatever happens now and whatever politically sensitive solution is achieved in football’s corridors of power, Jewish and Israeli football fans know that when it really mattered, we were not supported.’

Arsenal celebrated the official launch of Jewish Gooners with a special party at the Emirates in May as the group’s banner was added to the stadium’s surround. Yet they are among the Premier League clubs who have remained mute on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The Watford Jewish Supporters Group said they ‘mourn the innocent victims in Israel and condemn the acts of terrorism’, adding: ‘We call on the football community to condemn Hamas, as well as the antisemitism we’ve seen unfold in the streets here in the UK.’

The Chelsea Jewish Supporters Group said: ‘We mourn the innocent victims and their families, and we wholeheartedly and strongly condemn both the terrorism from Hamas, and the unfortunate rise in antisemitism we’ve seen both in the UK and around the world. 

‘We are disappointed with the silence within the wider football community and urge football leaders to speak out against terrorism and hatred.’ 

Celtic supporters held up banners that read 'Free Palestine' and 'Victory to the Resistance' after Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on Saturday

Celtic supporters held up banners that read ‘Free Palestine’ and ‘Victory to the Resistance’ after Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on Saturday

A number of Palestinian flags were on display at Parkhead as Celtic played Kilmarnock

A number of Palestinian flags were on display at Parkhead as Celtic played Kilmarnock

The FA has said it is considering the most appropriate tribute before tomorrow’s game. 

FA Chairwoman Debbie Hewitt said in The Times: ‘As we get closer to the game on Friday we will give some thought as to how best to recognise our concern for all innocent victims in any situation like we have seen at the weekend.’

It comes as a group of Celtic fans continues to row with the club’s board over plans to wave Palestinian flags during an upcoming Champions League game against Atletico Madrid.

Members of the ‘Green Brigade’ had previously held up a banner reading ‘Free Palestine’ and ‘Victory to the Resistance’ during a game against Kilmarnock on Saturday – just hours after hundreds of Israeli civilians had been massacred by Hamas terrorists.

The display was condemned by Celtic FC, who said in a statement: ‘Celtic is a football club and not a political organisation. One of our core values from inception is to be open to all regardless of race, colour, politics or creed.

‘That is why the club has always made clear that political messages and banners are not welcome at Celtic Park, or any match involving Celtic. At a time of loss and suffering for many, it is entirely inappropriate for any group of individuals to use Celtic Park as a vehicle for such messages.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk