Facebook trolls target animal lovers about making pork

Animal activists have come under fire from meat lovers, who slammed a social media post showing a number of decapitated pigs hanging in a slaughterhouse.

The confronting image of dead pigs hanging upside down was posted to Facebook last week by Animal Equality, who claimed: ‘If more people saw this… fewer would eat meat.’

But the photo seemingly didn’t have the desired effect on meat lovers, with dozens taking to the comments section to attack the animal rights activists and claim there is nothing that could ever put them off eating pork.

Animal activists have come under fire from meat lovers, who slammed a post showing a number of decapitated pigs hanging in a slaughterhouse (pictured)

'If more people saw this... fewer would eat meat': The confronting image of dead pigs hanging upside down was posted to Facebook last week by Animal Equality

‘If more people saw this… fewer would eat meat’: The confronting image of dead pigs hanging upside down was posted to Facebook last week by Animal Equality

Providing a 360-degree view around the inside of the abattoir, the photos showed a number of pigs lined up on the hanging racks.

But from expletive laden comments to attempts at humour, the varied approaches by the dozens targeting the activists had one thing in common – being pro-meat.

‘Shame you didn’t post some photos of eggs to… mmm, bacon and eggs,’ one man wrote.

‘THANK YOU VEGANS! Without you guys there wouldn’t be enough meat to go around,’ another said.

‘I love meat. I will always eat meat. Delicious succulent meat… when the meat runs out we’ll eat the vegans,’ commented one man.

‘Now why exactly would I eat less meat? Because they are dead? I actually prefer them that way, it makes the eating part so much easier,’ said another. 

But the animal activists came under fire from meat lovers who attacked the group on Facebook

But the animal activists came under fire from meat lovers who attacked the group on Facebook

But in among the trolls were a number of fellow animal rights supporters, calling the pictures everything from ‘sad’ and ‘horrific’, to ‘looking like humans’.

A total of more than 4.7 million pigs are produced by farmers across Australia every year, with the entire industry being worth more than AUD$2.1 billion. 

Overall the pork industry equates to more than two per cent of Australia’s total farm production.

A total of more than 4.7 million pigs are produced by farmers across Australia every year, with the entire industry being worth more than AUD$2.1 billion

A total of more than 4.7 million pigs are produced by farmers across Australia every year, with the entire industry being worth more than AUD$2.1 billion

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk