Facialist Melanie Grant shares top anti-ageing secrets

Take one look at Melanie Grant’s flawless skin, and you can tell she’s on to a good thing.

The Australian facialist and so-called ‘skin whisperer’ – who is behind the luminous complexions of Lara Worthington, Jessica Gomes and Phoebe Tonkin – has the kind of dewy, baby-faced look of a devoted professional.

Recently, the expert, 36, shared her anti-ageing skin secrets – some of which might surprise you.

For those looking to smoothe out a few lines or prevent the appearance of crow’s feet, it would seem you need to opt for less Botox and fewer fillers to get that facialist-like glowing complexion. 

Australian facialist to the stars, Melanie Grant (pictured), recently shared her top anti-ageing skin secrets 

With more than 20 years in the industry and a luminous complexion, Melanie (pictured) knows how to get glowing, healthy skin

With more than 20 years in the industry and a luminous complexion, Melanie (pictured) knows how to get glowing, healthy skin

The expert looks after the complexions of Jessica Gomes (pictured)

Lara Worthington (pictured) is also on her books

The expert looks after the complexions of Jessica Gomes (left) and Lara Worthington (right), among others

Melanie has also worked with Phoebe Tonkin's (pictured) skin in the past 

Melanie has also worked with Phoebe Tonkin’s (pictured) skin in the past 

According to Melanie, the most common mistake women make as they try to prevent the onset of middle-age is reaching for the needle more than they should:

‘Overuse of Botox and filler… can actually make us look older,’ she told Byrdie. ‘If you decide to go down this path be discerning with your injector and remember less is more.’

The expert also cites scrimping on sunscreen or relying on the SPF in your make up as one of the things that could be making you look older than you are.

‘The best anti-ageing product is sunscreen for sure. Invest in a good-quality, broad spectrum, high SPF specifically for the face,’ she told the publication.

Melanie recommends Elta MD SPF 46 as a great product, which you will find easy to wear every single day.

According to Melanie (pictured with Phoebe Tonkin), the most common mistake women make as they try to prevent the onset of middle-age is over-using Botox and fillers - which can make you look older

According to Melanie (pictured with Phoebe Tonkin), the most common mistake women make as they try to prevent the onset of middle-age is over-using Botox and fillers – which can make you look older

The expert (pictured with Jessica Gomes) also cites scrimping on sunscreen or relying on the SPF in your make up as one of the things that could be making you look older than you are

The expert (pictured with Jessica Gomes) also cites scrimping on sunscreen or relying on the SPF in your make up as one of the things that could be making you look older than you are

Next on the anti-ageing regime list, Melanie says you need to double cleanse each and every night:

‘First with an oil cleanser, then a lactic acid cleanser if your skin isn’t too sensitive. The oil will break down makeup, dirt and oil, and the lactic acid cleanser will deep clean brighten, exfoliate, and stimulate collagen,’ she said.

She also recommends exfoliating every second or third night, followed by eye cream, night cream and a Retinol every so often.

By day, Melanie’s prescription is similarly thorough – vitamin C serum, SPF and Hyarulonic Acid and vitamin B5 are the main players.

Next on the anti-ageing regime list, Melanie says you need to double cleanse each and every night - first with an oil cleanser, then a lactic acid cleanser (pictured with Phoebe Tonkin)

Next on the anti-ageing regime list, Melanie says you need to double cleanse each and every night – first with an oil cleanser, then a lactic acid cleanser (pictured with Phoebe Tonkin)

The expert – who has more than 20 years experience in the industry – recently shared a few of her other tips for women and their skin, which included moisturising their necks and decolletage as well as their face.

‘This area is often forgotten and is, in fact, more prone to damage due to being thinner and having less oil glands than the face,’ she explained previously.

Melanie also believes that you should ‘never go to bed without washing your face’. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk