Family forced to spend night in ‘horror film hotel room’

A young family were forced to spend a night in a ‘horror film hotel room’ with cockroaches and mouldy walls after easyJet cancelled their flight home from Majorca.

Daisy-May Henderson, 26, was disgusted when she laid eyes on the room at the Palma Bay Club hotel, just six miles from the airport.

She, partner Callan Lawbuary, 23, and their two-year-old son, Louie, were directed to the hotel by the easyJet app – after their flight home was cancelled to due a strike in France. 

Daisy-May Henderson, 26, her partner Callan Lawbuary, 23, and their two-year-old son, Louie

Ms Henderson said she was so upset by the disgusting state of her hotel that she 'cried'

Ms Henderson said she was so upset by the disgusting state of her hotel that she ‘cried’

Ms Henderson said: ‘We got into the room and it was just something out of a horror film.

‘There were cockroaches in the bathroom, electric wires hanging out the wall, a dirty bathroom and floor. It had what looked like a dump and people spitting down from their balconies on us.

‘The lock was hanging off the door and I was scared for my two-year-old.

‘Myself and my partner put our suitcases against the door and barely slept. All I have done is cry.’

Daisy-May earlier posted pictures to Facebook with the caption: ‘The pictures just say it all. We have then been told there may be no flights available until the 18th.

‘Easyjet thank you, thank you very much.’

A loose electric fixture at the Palma Bay hotel in Majorca

A broken door fixture at the Palma Bay hotel in Majorca

Ms Henderson claimed there were loose electric wires hanging out of the walls and her door’s lock was broken

Luci Foot replied: ‘So not safe for you let alone a toddler! Disgusting.’

Hayley Smith added: ‘Truly disgusting treatment. I hope it all gets sorted soon.’

Geraldine Faure commented: ‘This is outrageous and disgusting that they are making you stay in such a place. I hope they sort you out asap hun.’

Sandra Gibbons added: ‘That is just awful. How they can treat people after they have taken your money, stay safe hope you get a flight today.’

The next day Daisy-May and her family abandoned Easyjet and the Palma Bay Club hotel, booking into another hotel and booking flights home with another airline, all at their own expense.

An overflowing skip at the Palma Bay hotel in Majorca

A loose electric fixture at the Palma Bay hotel in Majorca

Ms Henderson posted these pictures of an overflowing skip and a loose electric fixture at the Palma Bay hotel in Majorca

The family were directed to the hotel by the easyJet app when their flight was cancelled

The family were directed to the hotel by the easyJet app when their flight was cancelled

A spokeswoman for Easyjet said: ‘Due to Air Traffic Controllers being on strike in France on 10 October easyJet, like all airlines, was required to cancel a number of flights including Ms Henderson’s flight from Palma Mallorca to London Gatwick.

‘We provided hotel accommodation for Ms Henderson on 10 October and understand that she has since chosen to source her own accommodation and return flights which Easyjet will reimburse.

‘The widespread disruption caused to many airlines by this industrial action resulted in very limited hotel availability in some locations and exceptionally busy flights. Despite this, easyJet was able to provide 340 rooms in Palma Mallorca on 10 October.

‘Although the strike was outside of our control, easyJet has contacted Ms Henderson to apologise for her experience.’

No-one was available for comment from the Palma Bay Club.