Family of boy killed by alligator at Disney speak out two years after his death

  • Lane Graves died on June 14, 2016, at the Disney Grand Floridian in Bay Lake 
  • The two-year-old was dragged into the water at a beach where he was standing
  • His father Matt frantically tried to fight the beats and pry its jaws open 
  • The toddler succumbed to his injuries and his body was found in the water 
  • On Thursday, his parents Matt and Melissa shared a statement 
  • The pair set up a charity after Lane died which supports the families of children who need organ transplants  

The family of a two-year-old who was dragged to his death by an alligator at a Disney resort in Florida have spoken out on the two year anniversary of his death to say they miss him ‘every day’. 

Lane Graves was killed on June 14, 2016, at Disney’s Seven Seas Lagoon Resort when an alligator pulled him into the water. 

In a statement released to the media on Thursday, his parents Matt and Melissa Graves from Nebraska, said: ‘We continue to focus on family and sharing Lane’s legacy through the Lane Thomas Foundation. 

Lane Graves died on June 14, 2016, when he was dragged into the water by an alligator

The toddler's parents, Matt and Melissa Graves, said on Thursday that they still miss him 'every day'. They have set up the Lane Thomas Foundation in his memory which supports the families of children undergoing organ transplant

The toddler’s parents, Matt and Melissa Graves, said on Thursday that they still miss him ‘every day’. They have set up the Lane Thomas Foundation in his memory which supports the families of children undergoing organ transplant

‘We are grateful for the support and impact the Foundation has had in such a short time supporting families struggling with issues associated with pediatric organ transplants.

‘We miss Lane every day and have dedicated our lives to making a positive impact in his name.’ 

Lane was standing on the beach when the gator quickly pulled him into the water. 

The family were on vacation at the Grand Floridian in Bay Lake when Lane was dragged into the water by an alligator as he stood on the man made beach 

The family were on vacation at the Grand Floridian in Bay Lake when Lane was dragged into the water by an alligator as he stood on the man made beach 

His father Matt reached into the reptile’s mouth to try to save him but could not pry the beast’s jaws open. 

It was claimed at the time that someone had warned resort staff about the alligator 45 minutes before Lane was pulled into the water. 

Disney later removed 95 alligators from its parks. 

Trappers caught the alligator which killed Lane a week after he died. Barriers were also put up around the edge of the lake where it occurred.   

After his death, the resort put up warning signs and poles at the site to stop people from going near the water 

After his death, the resort put up warning signs and poles at the site to stop people from going near the water 
