Family of murdered schoolboy furious at killer’s release

The family of a murdered schoolboy has slammed the decision to free his killer without telling them – because authorities did not want to ruin their Christmas.

Steven Mullins, from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, was just 12 years old when he was strangled with his school tie by Richard Mortimer while walking home through woodland in November 1982.

Mortimer, who was 37 at the time and living in Leeds, was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 16 years. 

He has now been released after serving 34 years behind bars with the last four years in an open prison.

Steven Mullins was just 12 when he was strangled  by Richard Mortimer in 1982. Mortimer has now been freed – but Steven’s family were not told so their Christmas was not ‘spoiled’

Steven’s family only found out his murderer was free on December 8 when a member of Victim Support staff let it slip.

Their case worker told the family that information was held back because they did not want to ‘spoil your Christmas’.

The family were already angered by the decision for his killer to be released as close as Leeds, part of which is just six miles from their home.

Steven’s parents Michael and Margaret Mullins have been told he is prohibited from Kirklees and Wakefield but the family’s request for him to be banned from Leeds was turned down.

Mr Mullins, a 72-year-old retired joiner, said: ‘If they allowed him to move back to Beeston where he was before, he will be just six miles from where I am stood (home).’

‘My sister lives in Leeds and will have five grandchildren living there by Christmas. My 16-year-old grandson goes to college in Leeds city centre. I am supposed to feel safe knowing the man who killed my son can be allowed near my family. 

‘We have no idea what this guy looks like anymore. The people of Leeds need to know that there is a child killer being allowed back on the streets.

‘Who got the life sentence? Because Steven is still buried six-feet-under and now we have all this about him being allowed back so close to home. 

Steven's parents Michael and Margaret are furious that the killer has been released and he could be living just six miles away from their Dewsbury home in Leeds

Steven’s parents Michael and Margaret are furious that the killer has been released and he could be living just six miles away from their Dewsbury home in Leeds

‘It never gets any easier, quite frankly it seems to be getting worse. The fact they refused Leeds tells me that is where he will be staying.’

Steven was on his way home from Birkdale High School when Mortimer strangled him using his school tie.  

The child was a talented footballer and rugby player and had only just started at Birkdale High School in September of the year he was murdered.

Family and friends were searching for Steven, along with police, after he failed to return home from school.

After five hours of searching, Steven’s body was found by a two men in Caulms Wood.

Mortimer, whose mother lived a mile away from the Mullins home, went on the run to Scotland before he was eventually caught weeks later back in Dewsbury.

The family were told by police that Mortimer had also attempted to attack two other children while on the run in Scotland.

Mr Mullins says police previously told the family that Mortimer would be arrested and charged for the attacks in Scotland if he was ever released, but has since been told this will not happen.

At his trial, the family was forced to watch the prosecution part of the case before Mortimer decided to change his plea to guilty at Leeds Crown Court.

A frantic search was launched after Steven failed to return home from school. After five hours of searching, Steven's body was found by a two men in Caulms Wood

A frantic search was launched after Steven failed to return home from school. After five hours of searching, Steven’s body was found by a two men in Caulms Wood

Mr Mullins went to attack Mortimer after he changed his plea and had to be restrained.

He said: ‘Mortimer has never shown an ounce of remorse for what he did to Steven. I want to know why he has been in prison 34 years? What has he done in there? What has changed? You just don’t get answers about anything. We are the ones with the life sentence.

‘He is a danger and will kill again. Some faceless panel make a decision that could cost someone’s life, but when he does kill again, will these people be there to take responsibility. I don’t think so.

‘I have said it since day one, if ever I see him, I will kill him. No child is safe with him on the streets. He should never be freed.’

The family has made a complaint on the parole decision, which has now been resubmitted, and they are awaiting a response.

The Mullins family have been in touch with Dewsbury MP Paula Sherriff, who has sent a letter to Victim Contact Service for an investigation into why the family were not notified of Mortimer’s release date.

Ms Sherriff said: ‘I met with Mr & Mrs Mullins at my surgery earlier this month. Theirs is, without a doubt, one of the most harrowing and heart-breaking cases I have ever heard. I spoke to the Secretary of State for Justice, David Lidington MP, last week and he has promised to look into their case, and I am also following this up with the relevant authorities.

‘The fact that Mr & Mrs Mullins were not notified that Steven’s killer had been released is nothing short of a disgrace and I have written to the Victim Contact Service asking for a thorough investigation into why this was allowed to happen.

‘Mr & Mrs Mullins and their family have suffered horrendously over the last 34 years and I will do everything that I can to assist them in their quest for further information and justice. I will leave no stone unturned in attempting to get their questions answered.’