Family release heartbreaking warning about cervical cancer

These heartbreaking images show a seven-year-old boy tenderly cleaning the grave of his mother. 

Liane Robertson died of cervical cancer at the age of 26 in 2011, leaving behind children Abby and Kieran who were just seven and one at the time.   

Now just over six years on, her family have made the decision to release emotional photographs showing the youngsters tending to their mother’s grave.

Liane’s sister Sam Davies, from County Durham, said she wants people to see the potential outcome of being too embarrassed for go for a smear test.   

Devastating: Liane Robertson’s young children tending to her grave, six years after she passed away from cervical cancer 

Tragic: Young Kieran, aged seven, was just a toddler when his mother found out she had terminal cancer

Tragic: Young Kieran, aged seven, was just a toddler when his mother found out she had terminal cancer

She posted the pictures on Facebook in response to the news that the number of women having smear tests is currently at a 20 year low.

Devastating: Liane Robertson pictured with son Kieran 

Devastating: Liane Robertson pictured with son Kieran 

The photographs have been shared hundreds of times with many women contacting Sam to say they were enough to prompt them to book a test.

Ms Davies, who works for a steel fabricator, posted the pictures along with the message: ‘It should be my sister bringing these two to visit me. ‘Instead every few months I take them to visit her. In the cemetery. 

‘Kieran takes so much pride in cleaning her headstone. He thinks it’s a very important job he can do for his mam, who he really can’t remember because she died just a few days after his first birthday. 

‘If she’d had the chance for a smear it might be a different story. Cervical screening is at a 20 year low. It could save your life. Get your smears girls.’

Mrs Robertson, who also left a husband, Grant, died in November 2011 after a brave battle against the disease.

Young family: Liane Robertson, pictured with her husband and two children, before her untimely death in 2011 

Young family: Liane Robertson, pictured with her husband and two children, before her untimely death in 2011 

Sam said: ‘Cervical screening is so important, you have the chance not to end up the same way as Liane.

‘It wasn’t a nice thing to watch someone go through, it is not a nice way to die.

‘It is 10 minutes of awkwardness trying not to make eye contact with somebody, but it could save your life and be the different between your kids growing up with a mam or not.

‘The pictures have hit home. I have had quite a few inboxes from women saying they have gone for smears because of it or their friends have gone for smears.’

People responded on Facebook to Sam’s photographs;

John Morgan wrote: ‘Both heartbreaking and heart warming at the same time. A reminder you shouldn’t take anything for granted and treasure lovsd ones.’

Vicky Bleasdale added: ‘I was one week late of having my smear at 21 years of age, how lucky I was, had cone biopsy, laser and was frozen, I was very lucky. Take notice girls and please, please don’t put it off. 

While Wayne Farley said: ‘Please just take five minutes out of your life to make an appointment. It could make a difference.’ 

Natalie Hagan: I shared this and just got a message from a friend saying it prompted her to book a smear test and go for it this morning. These pictures are heartbreaking but they are making a difference Sam x

KD Davisport: Not much anyone can say but take comfort in the fact that this touches everyone, including those people who were unfortunate to not meet your sister! Lots of love xxx