Fans spring to Alison Roman’s defense after New York Times suspends her column

Alison Roman’s suspension from the New York Times has sparked furious debate on social media, with fans rushing to her defense and accusing the Times of overreacting — and critics affirming that it was the right move. 

On Tuesday, a spokesperson for the outlet told the Daily Beast that Roman’s biweekly recipe column had been suspended and Roman was ‘on temporary leave’. 

The decision comes after Roman criticized Chrissy Teigen and Marie kondo in an interview with New York Consumer, which readers have said was rude at best and racist at worst — and those readers are equally divided over the Times’ call to suspend Roman’s column.

Hiatus: Alison Roman’s biweekly New York Times column has been temporarily suspended following her controversial remarks throwing shade at Chrissy Teigen

Shade: In an interview published May 8, Roman, the author of cookbooks Nothing Fancy and Dining In, called Teigen's ascent to the top of the food empire 'crazy'

Shade: In an interview published May 8, Roman, the author of cookbooks Nothing Fancy and Dining In, called Teigen’s ascent to the top of the food empire ‘crazy’

The suspension comes nearly two weeks after the publication of remarks from Roman, in which she she described Teigen’s climb to the top of the food empire as ‘crazy.’

‘She had a successful cookbook. And then it was like: Boom, line at Target. Boom, now she has an Instagram page that has over a million followers where it’s just, like, people running a content farm for her,’ Roman said.

‘That horrifies me and it’s not something that I ever want to do. I don’t aspire to that.’

Roman also criticized Kondo, saying she ‘sold out immediately’ by selling things online.

The backlash was swift, with social media users slamming Roman and Chrissy chiming in to express her disappointment.

Roman eventually apologized, but the Times has apparently decided that further action was needed.

Hey there! Defenders rushed to express disagreement with the Times' suspension move

Hey there! Defenders rushed to express disagreement with the Times’ suspension move 

This has left a bad taste in the mouths of some who have followed the drama, including writer Natalie Shure.

‘Honestly, Alison Roman facing professional retaliation for s***-talking multimillionaire celebrities is a labor issue and other NYT writers should condemn it,’ Shure tweeted. 

‘To reiterate: what she said was undeniably crappy, and the blowback she got was warranted! but getting canned for it – particularly after an apology that Teigen appeared to have accepted – was too severe, and sets a troubling precedent.’ 

Writer Luke O’Neil agreed, tweeting: ‘Don’t care about the specifics of this maybe she sucks but a newspaper pulling a column because someone did some beef on here against one of the most famous people in the country is fu***d up.’

‘Love when the female employee that published a public apology and took full responsibility for her tone deafness in an interview gets put on leave while the male columnists can publish their bullshit in the paper and face no repercussions,’ said another fan. 

Flip side: But others say that the problem with Roman wasn't criticizing a celebrity, but picking out two women of color — and they've pointed to problems with her column, too

Flip side: But others say that the problem with Roman wasn’t criticizing a celebrity, but picking out two women of color — and they’ve pointed to problems with her column, too

‘Alison Roman even apologized immediately after. Seriously, Cancel Culture is sociopathic. The internet mobs on twitter are just the worst,’ said one more, while another supported called the Times’ decision ‘insane.’

But just as many Twitter users said that the Times made the right call, disagreeing with the premise that Roman was fired for simply ‘s***-talking’ stars.  

‘Does every woman of color need to come back AGAIN and re-explain that Alison Roman’s Columbus cuisine column is taking a hit because she went after two women of color and then behaved as she was the victim as is oft the script when white women attack WoC?’ TV writer Liz Hsiao Lan Alper chimed in.

 ‘Alison Roman has been often criticized for RENAMING ETHNIC DISHES cutesy names like “THE STEW”, refusing to credit the cultures she’s “adapting” the dishes from in favor of claiming creative credit,’ she went on.

‘This issue resurfaced AGAIN after she was (rightfully) criticized for blasting two women of color for conducting business THE SAME WAY SHE DOES BUSINESS or GOOP does business or any other prominent white chef does business.’

Sad: After Roman's initial remarks, Teigen took to Twitter to express disappointment

Sad: After Roman’s initial remarks, Teigen took to Twitter to express disappointment  


Speaking her truth: The criticism may have 'hit [her] hard,' but Teigen pressed on and explained that she 'started cravings because [she] wanted something for [herself]'

Speaking her truth: The criticism may have ‘hit [her] hard,’ but Teigen pressed on and explained that she ‘started cravings because [she] wanted something for [herself]’

Another person wrote: ‘It’s more that her s***-talking opened a door for women of color to voice concerns about colonialist overtones in her work that always existed but previously went unheard because of her popularity and the power of the NYT brand, though.’

‘She went after women of color, not “multimillionaire celebrities,” said Alisha Grauso. ‘It was gross she went after successful women at all, no matter who they were. She said something stupid and petty about the producer of HER OWN SHOW and now she’s paying the price. There’s nothing to condemn.’

Teigen, for her part, doesn’t appear to agree with the Times’ descision.

‘I hope we can laugh about it one day,’ she tweeted in response to a fan who asked if the ‘beef’ was over, ‘but I’m not happy with the NYT leave so she def can’t laugh about it yet. It just sucks in every way. ‘

After Roman’s first remarks were published, Teigen immediately expressed hurt at Roman’s comments in a series of tweets.

‘I bought [Roman’s] cookbooks, supported her on social and praised her in interviews. I even signed on to executive produce the very show she talks about doing in this article,’ she shared.

‘I genuinely loved everything about Alison. Was jealous she got to have a book with food on the cover instead of a face!! I’ve made countless NYT recipes she’s created, posting along the way,’ she went on.

Apology: Two hours later, Roman apologized to Chrissy on Twitter

Apology: Two hours later, Roman apologized to Chrissy on Twitter

Clarification: She said she was 'trying to clarify that [her] business model does not include a product line'

Clarification: She said she was ‘trying to clarify that [her] business model does not include a product line’ 

Done: Teigen took a break from Twitter, saying that while she had lots of support, cruel commenters also made horrible remarks like calling her kids 'Petri dish babies'

Done: Teigen took a break from Twitter, saying that while she had lots of support, cruel commenters also made horrible remarks like calling her kids ‘Petri dish babies’ 

‘I didn’t “sell out” by making my dreams come true. To have a cookware line, to get to be a part of that process start to finish, to see something go from sketch to in my hands, I love that.’

Chrissy explained that ‘to see [her cookbooks] being used by people around the world makes [her] so happy.’

She admitted that though it had ‘been crappy to deal with this all day,’ she ‘couldn’t not say something’ in response to Roman’s assumptions.

‘I know the actual tears I put into the work I do and it’s really hard to see someone try to completely invalidate it. Someone I really liked,’ lamented Teigen. 

‘I cry very hard because Cravings, the site, is our baby we love to pump content onto. we do this work ourselves, and there is NO monetary gain yet. it is just work work work and the reward is you liking it. so to be called a sellout….hooooo it hurts!

‘This “farm” you think of doesn’t exist. I am the farm. I am the cows the horses the pigs.’

Two hours later, Roman publicly apologized.

Reflective: Roman later issued a lengthier apology, calling her words 'stupid, careless and insensitive' and admitted she need to make changes in her personal conduct moving forward

Reflective: Roman later issued a lengthier apology, calling her words ‘stupid, careless and insensitive’ and admitted she need to make changes in her personal conduct moving forward

‘I sent an email but also wanted to say here that I’m genuinely sorry I caused you pain with what I said,’ she began.

‘I shouldn’t have used you /your business (or Marie’s!) as an example to show what I wanted for my own career- it was flippant, careless and I’m so sorry.’

In an indirect tweet, the Bon Appetit magazine columnist insisted that ‘being a woman who takes down other women is absolutely not [her] thing.’

‘And don’t think it’s yours, either (I obviously failed to effectively communicate that). I hope we can meet one day, I think we’d probably get along,’ she concluded.

As the internet continued to discuss the drama, it all became too much for Teigen.

‘I really hate what this drama has caused this week. Calling my kids Petri dish babies or making up flight manifests with my name on them to “Epstein island”, to justify someone else’s disdain with me seems gross to me so I’m gonna take a little break,’ she wrote. 

‘This is what always happens. The first day, a ton of support, then the next, 1 million reasons as to why you deserved this. It never fails.’ 

Response: Teigen graciously accepted the apology and explained that she actually didn't expect it and was just 'stung' that she thought such things

Response: Teigen graciously accepted the apology and explained that she actually didn’t expect it and was just ‘stung’ that she thought such things

Props: She also praised Kondo for keeping out of the messy back-and-forth

Props: She also praised Kondo for keeping out of the messy back-and-forth

Mum: Kondo kept quiet on the whole thing, possibly realizing that her two cents wouldn't spark joy

Mum: Kondo kept quiet on the whole thing, possibly realizing that her two cents wouldn’t spark joy

She made her account protected, so that only existing followers could see her tweets, and future followers would need to be approved by her.

Roman then issued another more lengthy apology. 

‘I’ve thought a lot this weekend about my interview and the things I said,’ the 34-year-old wrote. ‘I know this is a lengthy note (succinctness has never been my strong suit). I appreciate you taking the time to read.’ 

In the extended note, Roman said, ‘I need to formally apologize to Chrissy Teigen and Marie Kondo’ after using ‘their names disparagingly to try and distinguish myself, which I absolutely do not have an excuse for.’

The culinary author called her words ‘stupid, careless and insensitive’ and admitted she need to make changes in her personal conduct moving forward. 

‘I need to learn, and respect, the difference between being unfiltered vs. being uneducated and flippant,’ Roman said. ‘The burden is not on them (or anyone else) to teach me, and I’m deeply sorry that my learning came at Chrissy and Marie’s expense.’

She said that her remarks were ‘rooted in my [her] insecurity’ with a tinge of jealousy, to boot.

No more details: It's unclear if Roman's column will permanently disappear from the Times or come back when the drama has died down

No more details: It’s unclear if Roman’s column will permanently disappear from the Times or come back when the drama has died down

That's all: Teigen has not commented publicly on the latest development

That’s all: Teigen has not commented publicly on the latest development

‘My inability to appreciate my own success without comparing myself and knocking others down – in this case two accomplished women – is something I recognize I most definitely struggle with… I don’t want to be a person like that,’ she said.

She said that she was ignorant in exhibiting ‘white privilege’ as she ‘singled out two Asian women,’ adding that ‘being blind to racial insensitivities is a discriminatory luxury.’

‘I know that our culture frequently goes after women, especially women of color, and I’m ashamed to have contributed to that.’

Teigen thanked Roman for the apology, saying that she thinks she’s ‘incredibly talented’ and respects her credentials in the culinary world.

‘The comments stung, but they moreso stung because they came from u!’ Teigen wrote. ‘It wasn’t my usual news break of some random person hating everything about me!’