‘Fantasist’ behind VIP abuse ring claim can keep payout

  • A man known only as ‘Nick’ pocketed £50,000 as a victim of crime in the case
  • The man  has not had to repay the thousands, despite his claims being fake
  • He is one of several let off without having to repay taxpayer-funded handouts
  • Nick is also under investigation for perverting the course of justice and for fraud

The ‘fantasist’ who triggered Scotland Yard’s disastrous VIP paedophile ring inquiry has been allowed to keep his compensation, it emerged yesterday.

A man known only as ‘Nick’ pocketed £50,000 as a victim of crime which he has not had to repay even though his claims were fake.

He is one of several claimants to have been let off without having to repay taxpayer-funded handouts from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).

Ministers promised yesterday to investigate why no attempt was made to claw back the cash, and to reform the system if they found wrongdoing.

Former home secretary Lord Brittan

Nick is already under investigation for perverting the course of justice and for fraud. His false accusations against Field Marshall Lord Bramall (left) and former home secretary Lord Brittan (right)  of involvement in a child sex abuse ring sparked Operation Midland

Nick is already under investigation for perverting the course of justice and for fraud.

His false accusations against Field Marshall Lord Bramall and former home secretary Lord Brittan of involvement in a child sex abuse ring sparked Operation Midland. 

Officers tasked with ‘supporting’ Nick even helped him with his application to CICA.

Former MP Harvey Proctor (pictured_ lost his home, job and reputation after 'Nick' made bogus accusations against him

Former MP Harvey Proctor (pictured_ lost his home, job and reputation after ‘Nick’ made bogus accusations against him

Former MP Harvey Proctor, who lost his home, job and reputation after ‘Nick’ made bogus accusations against him, said last night: ‘The CICA should not be giving money to people just because they say they are victims. It is a nonsense and an affront to justice, and an insult to real victims of crime.’

Nick received compensation even though nobody was ever charged over his allegations.

Fantasists who have kept their compensation payouts include Jemma Beale, who made a string of false rape claims and pocketed £11,000 from the CICA.

The 25-year-old from Middlesex made claims against 15 men and later admitted to her partner she made the whole thing up for money. She was jailed for 10 years last month.

A friend of Lord Brammall told the Daily Telegraph: ‘Nick has been exposed as a complete fantasist … The whole thing is completely mad.’

CICA claimed it had a team to investigate fraudulent claims, but critics said there was no easy mechanism to recover money that had already been paid out. Justice minister Phillip Lee said: ‘It is vital that the public can have absolute confidence in the system. We will investigate these claims fully.’


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