Farage tears into Guy Verhoftadt for accusing him of taking money from Russia

Nigel Farage today hit out at claims by a senior MEP that he took money from the Kremlin – branding the accusation a ‘baseless lie’.

Guy Verhofstadt, a Brexit coordinator at the European Parliament, accused the former Ukip leader of being one of ‘Putin’s cheerleaders’.

He accused Mr Farage of ‘colluding’ with the Russian despot to deliver Brexit in Britain. 

And he said that he is part of a ‘fifth column’ right-wing politicians who are determined to destroy Europe.

But Mr Farage today tore into the incendiary claims and demanded that Mr Verhoftsdat withdraw them.

Mr Verhoftstadt, a Belgian politician, fired off an angry tweet attacking Mr Farage and comparing him to far right politicians including France’s Marine Le Pen.

Nigel Farage today tore into the incendiary claims and demanded that Mr Verhoftsdat withdraw them.

Guy Verhofstadt (pictured left) , a Brexit coordinator at the European Parliament, accused the former Ukip leader Nigel Farage (pictured right) of being one of ‘Putin’s cheerleaders’. But the ex Ukip leader branded the claim a baseless lie 

He wrote: ‘Europe has a fifth column in its ranks: Putin’s cheerleaders who want to destroy Europe & liberal democracy from within: Le Pen, Wilders, Farage, Orbàn, Kaczynski, Salvini use Kremlin money & intelligence.

‘Like Farage’s friend Arron Banks, who colluded with Russians to deliver Brexit.’

Mr Farage hit back, writing: ‘This is a baseless lie. I have never received any Russian financial or political support. I suggest you withdraw.’ 

The row comes after Mr Farage’s friend and former Ukip donor Arron Banks and his links to Russia have come under the spotlight. 

Mr Banks, a millionaire insurance tycoon, met with the Russian ambassador Alexander Yakovenko in the run up to the Brexit referendum amid claims he may have been targeted by the Russians because they wanted the UK to leave the EU. 

Mr Verhoftstadt, a Belgian politician, fired off an angry tweet attacking his old adversity Mr Farage and comparing him to far right politicians including France's Marine Le Pen.

Mr Verhoftstadt, a Belgian politician, fired off an angry tweet attacking his old adversity Mr Farage and comparing him to far right politicians including France’s Marine Le Pen.

He was grilled by MPs in parliament yesterday on his ties – but asked directly if he ever received money from Russia he replied: ‘No.’ 

He also slammed recent reports that his meetings with the Russian ambassador were suspicious or showed Vladimir Putin was trying to meddle in the referendum.

He said: ‘If I meet you for a glass of wine there must be some dreadful conspiracy – but there has been no shred of evidence on anything. That’s what I find frustrating.’ 

Mr Banks added: ‘We briefed the American security services on everything that transpired.’ 

And he said that he has never had any business interests in Russia or any brushes with organised crime there.

And he accused British MPs of being behind an anti-Russian witch hunt. 

Addressing Ian Lucas, a Labour MP who sits on the committee, Mr Banks said: ‘Ian, if the French ambassador called up and asked to meet you for lunch, you’d go. It would be nice! 

‘What I’m saying is, we’ve now got a full-scale Russian witch-hunt going on, but before that it wasn’t an issue.’   

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk