Fascinating test reveals how high or low your libido is

MOSTLY As: Strong libido

This is the category with the highest sex drive and it’s all thanks to your high physical and mental health. 

The experts at the magazine say anyone with mostly As has no hormonal or chemical blockages because they’re so in touch with exactly what turns them on. 

They do, however, warn that this high sex drive may not last forever so it’s essential to enjoy it while you can. 

If your partner can’t match your sky-high libido levels, they suggest accepting it, not pressuring your partner into having sex more and realising that it’s not a reflection on your relationship.  

MOSTLY Bs: Fluctuating libido

Anyone who answered mostly Bs has a libido that constantly changes due to chemical or hormonal imbalances. 

This could be caused by alcohol, drugs, prescription medication and birth control and the experts say you should seek medical advice if you believe your medication is responsible. 

They also warn that a lack of communication with your partner could be causing the fluctuations in your sex drive and say that if a drop in sex correlates with arguments about money, sex or your children, then it’s time to reconnect between the sheets. 

Even if you don’t feel like having sex due to arguments, it could be the one thing that will help bond you again. The experts recommend hugging your partner for 30 seconds when you feel a fight brewing. 

 MOSTLY Cs: Flat-lining libido

Those who answered mostly Cs have forgotten what sex is like. They spend too much time worrying about organising their family, focusing on work and on their social life.

The experts say you need to make time for sex and to remember what desire feels like. This, they say, should be done on your own before inviting anyone into your bed. 

They suggest watching erotic films and allowing yourself to fantasise and then inviting someone over for a carefully-planned ‘sex date’.

Try investing in a collection of sex toys to help you experiment alone before impressing your partner between the sheets. 

 MOSTLY Ds: Libido? What libido?

This category has little or no sex life and it could well be down to a health issue or lack of confidence in the bedroom.   

According to sexual psychotherapist Dr Kate Moyle, ‘there can be some hesitation about approaching someone we love in a sexual way for fear of rejection’ if you haven’t had it in a while.

If you are feeling this way, she suggests attempting to be playful with your partner before initiating sex and suggests provocative texts, tickling and massaging first.   


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