Fatima Payman resigns from Parliamentary committees after accusing Israel of committing genocide

Labor Senator Fatima Payman has resigned from two parliamentary foreign affairs committees after Anthony Albanese criticised her for accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza.

Ms Payman also used the phrase ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ – which Jewish groups see as a call for Israel to be eliminated.

She called for Australia to end trade and impose sanctions upon Israel, and demanded Australia recognise a Palestinian state.

Labor Senator Fatima Payman has resigned from two parliamentary foreign affairs committees after Anthony Albanese criticised her for accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza

The Muslim senator – who was born in Afghanistan and became the first hijab-wearing MP to be elected in 2022 – has stepped down from the Senate Standing Committees on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade and the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade.

‘The government’s policy is clear – we support a two-state solution,’ a government spokesperson said. 

Ms Payman, 29, has not commented. 

Her comments that sparked the furore came in Budget week.

Ms Payman also used the phrase 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free' - which Jewish groups see as a call for Israel to be eliminated

Ms Payman also used the phrase ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ – which Jewish groups see as a call for Israel to be eliminated

She said: ‘Instead of advocating for justice, I see our leaders performatively gesture defending the oppressor’s right to oppress, while gaslighting the global community about the rights of self-defence.

‘My conscience has been uneasy for far too long and I must call this out for what it is.

‘This is a genocide and we need to stop pretending otherwise.

‘The lack of clarity, the moral confusion, the indecisiveness is eating at the heart of this nation.’

When asked about Ms Payman’s comments, Mr Albanese said the ‘From the river to the sea’ chant was ‘inappropriate’. 

‘I very strongly believe in a two-state solution. I strongly believe in the right of Israel to exist within secure borders. I strongly believe as well in the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people,’ he said.

Liberal MP Julian Leeser told the Sydney Morning Herald: ‘Someone who uses a phrase that calls for the violent destruction of the Jewish people has no place on the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade.’

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