Fauci DENIES he shut out Trump CDC director over lab leak theory

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Thursday that former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield was ‘absolutely incorrect’ when he claimed that he was sidelined over his support for the COVID lab leak theory.

Fauci also insisted that he had ‘kept a completely open mind’ about the origins of COVID-19, though said to this day that ‘the evidence weighs more likely towards one, namely a natural occurrence,’ over the virus leaking from a lab in Wuhan, China.

Fauci braved Fox News Channel Thursday afternoon to appear on Your World with Neil Cavuto and was asked about testimony Redfield delivered Wednesday before the House GOP-led committee on COVID.  

Redfield charged that he had been excluded from a call with prominent virologists ‘because it was told to me that they wanted a single narrative and that I obviously had a different point of view.’ 

‘That call was organized by a group of evolutionary virologist in order to discuss the possibility that this might actually be a virus that was actually engineered. So I didn’t put anybody on the list of that call, nor that I take anybody [off],’ Fauci told Cavuto. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Thursday that former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield was ‘absolutely incorrect’ when he claimed that he was sidelined over his support for the COVID lab leak theory

Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield testified Wednesday before the House GOP-led House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and said he was left off a call with prominent virologists because he supported the COVID lab leak theory

Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield testified Wednesday before the House GOP-led House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and said he was left off a call with prominent virologists because he supported the COVID lab leak theory 

He also said that Redfield’s complaint doesn’t make sense because ‘half the people on the call were of the opinion that it might be a lab leak.’ 

‘So his rationale of why he was excluded is an invalid rationale,’ Fauci said. ‘So it’s really unfortunate that he made those statements. He’s a good guy, I’ve known him for years, I’m so … I’m just really a little disturbed about why he said that, which was completely untrue.’ 

Fauci, who retired from government service in December, has become the top punching bag on the political right for the U.S.’s COVID response, despite working under both Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic President Joe Biden. 

Redfield served as CDC director during the Trump administration and was in that position during the start of the pandemic. 

Rep. Jim Jordan, a member of Oversight Committee who sat in on Wednesday’s Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic meeting, made a number of claims about Fauci including the COVID-19 ‘most definitely came from’ a lab that used U.S. tax dollars to fund gain-of-function research. 

Jordan pushed that Fauci was leaving Redfield off the calls to cover that up.  

‘What was Dr. Fauci doing? He was trying to cover his backside,’ Jordan claimed.  ‘That’s why he did what he did to the exclusion of a brilliant guy running our CDC, kept him out of the loop,’ Jordan said of Redfield. 

Workers unload fish at the Wuhan market in April 2020. Fauci slammed the Chinese for immediately clearing out the wet market where the original COVID outbreak occurred suggesting that was a cover-up

Workers unload fish at the Wuhan market in April 2020. Fauci slammed the Chinese for immediately clearing out the wet market where the original COVID outbreak occurred suggesting that was a cover-up 

With Cavuto, Fauci said he would testify before Jordan and before the committee.

‘Of course I would Neil, I told you that before, I’d be more than happy to testify,’ the retired government official said. 

But he also went after Jordan’s performance at the hearing.  

‘And that circus that went on at the hearing about accusing me of trying to get people to be convinced one way or the other, was really very unseemly and had nothing to do with reality,’ Fauci argued. 

Fauci argued that there was a Chinese cover-up, but it started in the wet market where COVID reportedly started.  

‘What the Chinese did as soon as the outbreak occurred, they completely cleaned out the wet market of animals that should not have been there to begin with,’ Fauci said.

‘So if there’s anything that the Chinese are covering up, they’re covering up the fact that they violated their own rules about getting wild animals from the forest or whatever, putting it into contact with human, that was the real problem,’ Fauci added.  

Fauci’s comments came a a week after FBI Director Christopher Wray said that the origins of COVID are ‘most likely a potential lab incident.’ 

That followed a Department of Energy report that said the virus’ origin was most likely a lab leak in Wuhan, but that the conclusion was reached with low confidence. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk