FBI director issues chilling warning after Jordanian man threatened to ‘explode all of America’ as ‘hate-fueled’ mass violence escalates

A Jordanian national living in the U.S. has been detained after threatening to ‘destroy or explode’ everything in America and attacking multiple Florida businesses including a power plant. 

Hashem Younis Hashem Hnaihen, 43, has been charged with four counts of threatening to use explosives and one count of destruction of an energy facility, the Department of Justice (DOJ) revealed Thursday. 

Since June 2024, Hnaihen has rampaged through Orlando, Florida, vandalizing multiple local businesses, leaving threatening notes – particularly to those who have expressed support for Israel amid their ongoing war with Hamas. 

His letters were addressed to the U.S. government and listed a series of demands, and if they were not followed, he threatened to ‘destroy or explode everything here in whole America. Especially the companies and factories that support the racist state of Israel.’

Hnaihen attacked a solar panel power generating facility by cracking the panels, the DOJ announced Thursday. In addition to the solar power facility, the Jordanian also attacked multiple businesses and left notes threatening further violence

His dangerous and outlandish actions earned him a rare rebuke from both the top of the DOJ and FBI who revealed he tried to ‘carry out hate-fueled mass violence in our country.’ 

‘We allege that the defendant threatened to carry out hate-fueled mass violence in our country, motivated in part by a desire to target businesses for their perceived support of Israel,’ Attorney General Merrick Garland wrote in a statement. 

‘Such acts and threats of violence, whether they are targeting the places that Americans frequent every day or our country’s critical infrastructure, are extremely dangerous and will not be tolerated by the Justice Department.’

FBI Director Christopher Wray similarly wrote in a statement: ‘Under the guise of expressing his beliefs, the defendant allegedly attacked a power facility and threatened local businesses, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages.’ 

Red boxes denote the solar panels that were vandalized by Hnaihen. Authorities estimate he caused over $700,000 worth of damage to this facility alone

Red boxes denote the solar panels that were vandalized by Hnaihen. Authorities estimate he caused over $700,000 worth of damage to this facility alone

The Jordanian national also attacked multiple businesses in the Orlando area. After vandalizing the locations he would leave threatening letters saying he wants to destroy America

The Jordanian national also attacked multiple businesses in the Orlando area. After vandalizing the locations he would leave threatening letters saying he wants to destroy America

FBI Director Christopher Wray said threats of violence and destruction of property will never be tolerated by the FBI

FBI Director Christopher Wray said threats of violence and destruction of property will never be tolerated by the FBI

‘Violence and destruction of property to threaten and intimidate others will never be tolerated. The FBI and our partners will work together to pursue and hold accountable those who resort to violence.’

Hnaihen faces up to 60 years in prison if he is convicted on all charges. 

After allegedly vandalizing a number of local businesses and avoiding authorities efforts to identify him, Hnaihen’s attacks grew more sophisticated. 

At the end of June he broke into a solar power facility and methodically began cutting wires, breaking panels and crippling critical electronic components. 

While law enforcement was hot on Hnaihen’s trail they continued to find the same threatening warning letter. 

After weeks of working to identify the source of the attacks and antisemitic threats local law enforcement arrested him on July 11. 

Hnaihen also attacked an Orlando Starbucks

Hnaihen also attacked an Orlando Starbucks 

Law enforcement were able to apprehend him shortly after discovering yet another letter vowing to ‘destroy or explode everything’ at an industrial propane gas distribution plant in Orlando. 

Reps. Maxwell Frost, Daniel Webster, Bill Posey and Darren Soto, who all represent districts around Orlando, did not immediately respond to requests for comment. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk