FBI former deputy director claims Trump administration is withholding evidence in his lawsuit

FBI’s former deputy director Andrew McCabe claims Trump administration is withholding evidence in his lawsuit after he sued the bureau over his firing

  • Former FBI Deputy Director claimed Trump administration withholding evidence
  • Andrew McCabe filed a lawsuit in summer saying he was unlawfully fired 
  • Sessions fired McCabe in March 2018 after clashes between Trump and the FBI 

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has claimed the Trump administration is withholding evidence in his lawsuit. 

McCabe was fired from his position by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in 2018, after DOJ’s Inspector General issued a damaging report following a leak investigation.

McCabe’s attorney, Murad Hussain filed a declaration on Tuesday accusing 30 individuals including Trump, current FBI Director Chris Wray, and Attorney General William Barr of not handing over the requested materials for the lawsuit. 

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (pictured in 2017) has claimed the Trump administration is withholding evidence in his lawsuit 

‘At this time, Plaintiff has assembled a small set of supporting evidence from his own records and from publicly available sources. 

‘However, much of the relevant evidence in this case is in Defendants’ exclusive possession or the possession of current or former government officials,’ Hussain said. 

Sessions fired McCabe in March 2018 after a series of clashes between President Trump and the FBI, which opened an investigation into him during the 2016 campaign that later was overtaken by the Russia probe. He was fired after the release of a damaging Inspector General’s report.

The president railed against McCabe at the time as a ‘major sleazebag.’  

McCabe filed a lawsuit in summer saying he was unlawfully fired. He was terminated 26 hours days before he was able to retire with full benefits, in what McCabe called unfair retaliation. 

McCabe argued in a legal complaint that his firing was ‘unlawful retaliation for his refusal to pledge allegiance’ to Trump. He has previously accused the Trump administration of firing him as part of its ‘war’ on the FBI.

McCabe argued in a legal complaint that his firing was 'unlawful retaliation for his refusal to pledge allegiance' to US President Donald Trump

McCabe argued in a legal complaint that his firing was ‘unlawful retaliation for his refusal to pledge allegiance’ to US President Donald Trump 

In April, the Justice Department’s Inspector General released a report that said McCabe committed unauthorized leaks of sensitive information to the media during the Clinton email probe, then misled investigators. The report accuses him of lying under oath ‘in a manner designed to advance his personal interests at the expense of Department leadership.’

The IG found he repeatedly ‘lacked candor’ during interviews about what happened. The report was issued to the FBI ‘for such action that it deems appropriate.’

Trump tweeted after the release of the report: ‘DOJ just issued the McCabe report – which is a total disaster. He LIED! LIED! LIED! McCabe was totally controlled by Comey – McCabe is Comey!! No collusion, all made up by this den of thieves and lowlifes!’

Trump was referencing former FBI Director James Comey, whom he also fired, and who also was found by the IG to have violated FBI rules.


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk