Federal police confronted by MASSIVE Huntsman spider

  • A huge huntsman spider appeared on an Australian Federal Police patrol car 
  • An image of the creepy crawly was posted to the national squad’s Facebook 
  • The spider was affectionately named Jerry before being returned to the wild 
  • More than 2,100 people liked the post before gaining over 680 comments

A huge huntsman spider has appeared on an Australian Federal Police patrol car dashboard before scaring some of Australia’s toughest officers. 

An image of the creepy crawly was posted to the national squad’s Facebook page, with a caption: ‘That’s a big nope!!’

‘Even the toughest cops quiver when one of these bad boys strolls across the dash of the patrol car….,’ the social media channel explained.  

The huge huntsman spider appeared on an Australian Federal Police patrol car

The post said the spider was affectionately named Jerry before being returned to his home outside of the police car.   

One woman , whose profile claimed she was from Michigan, couldn’t believe spiders were ‘that big’ in Australia. 

‘That’s a baby,’ the police Facebook representative replied. ‘Ever seen Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? Our spiders grow larger than Aragog.’

One user suggested keeping the spider as a pet citing: ‘Aww. I mean, NSW police have their troop cat…

‘You could have your troop spider! Just imagine the interrogations like pull out this bad boy you don’t need to sit with hardened crims for long.’

The huntsman spider may appear intimidating to humans, but its venom is not dangerous 

The huntsman spider may appear intimidating to humans, but its venom is not dangerous 

Huntsmen are often found hiding inside cars, behind the sun visor, but are also a fairly common sight inside houses

Huntsmen are often found hiding inside cars, behind the sun visor, but are also a fairly common sight inside houses

The police page responded that they already had ‘Constable Peanut’ who is ‘much cooler’. 

A man joked that the officers would need four pairs of handcuffs to arrest the spider. 

‘Or one big police issued boot,’ the Australian Federal Police page said. 

The post was liked more than 2,100 times and gained over 680 comments in just three hours since it was posted. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk