Felicity McLean children’s iPad book to encourage reading

Once upon a time, children were treated to a bedtime story.

But it seems youngsters today are missing out on the comforting beside ritual because they are too distracted by their screens.

And so author Felicity McLean, 35, from Sydney’s Cronulla, decided to pen her first children’s picture book, shaped in an iPad in an effort to encourage reading.

The idea to write her book titled This is a Book! (no wifi needed) sprung into mind after she was inspired by her daughters – Daisy, aged six, and four-year-old Georgia.

Author and mother-of-two Felicity McLean (pictured with her daughter Georgia, aged four) decided to pen her first children’s picture book in an effort to encourage reading

The idea to write her book titled This is a Book! (no wifi needed) sprung into mind after she was inspired by her daughters

The idea to write her book titled This is a Book! (no wifi needed) sprung into mind after she was inspired by her daughters

‘I have kids myself. I remember the children jumped into my bed really early one morning and asked to play with the iPad,’ the mother-of-two told Daily Mail Australia.

‘And that really struck me.

‘Another funny story – I was talking to my daughter recently about safety – and we were testing her to see if she knew the Triple-000 number… she recited the iPad login code.’

The book, designed to look like a tablet, playfully explores the joy of reading.

‘The important thing is it’s not about demonising the iPad or other screens but remembering that books can be a lot of fun too,’ Ms McLean said.

‘We wanted to disguise the book as an iPad to get more kids to pick it up that way. I think kids are having with with it – and that’s the whole idea of the book – having fun.

‘Kids of today’s generation have never known a world without iPads. So the book is letting them know that they can still enjoy a book and live a digital age.’

The 35-year-old mother said she wanted to inspire children about the lifelong love of reading

The 35-year-old mother said she wanted to inspire children about the lifelong love of reading

Ms McLean – who has published six books for adults – said her family owns just one iPad in their home – and she treats her daughters to the device as a ‘reward’.

She said she wanted to inspire children – and also help out frustrated parents who are battling to limit screen time – about the lifelong love of reading.

‘My eldest daughter uses my iPad for her homework sometimes. So it really does vary on how much they use it. The girls often grab my iPad,’ she said.

‘And that’s what this book is all about – reminding them that they can read a book as well – show them it’s another form of entertainment.

‘But I wouldn’t have written the book if my daughter’s didn’t play with my iPad.’

This is a Book! (no wifi needed) is available for purchase here.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk