FEMAIL reveals easy ways to look and feel better in 2018

The beginning of every New Year brings with it the opportunity for a fresh start.  

January often marks the time to declare resolutions to generate some major changes in our lives; things like weight loss, paying off debt or learning a skill. But failing to meet lofty goals can often set you back.

FEMAIL reveals four easy ways to look and feel better in 2018, they include: burning calories without working out (yes, you read that correctly!), getting a smile makeover, manifesting your pwn destiny and upping your accessory game.

Burn calories lying down

Sweat without working out: If exercising regularly isn’t your thing, no problem! Trim down and tone up by sweating it out at Shape House

While the most common New Year’s resolutions have to do with getting in shape, they’re also the ones most often broken.

If exercising regularly isn’t your thing, no problem! Trim down and tone up by sweating it out at Shape House. 

Shape House is the first and only ‘urban sweat lodge’ (with locations in California and New York), where ancient tradition and modern wellness meet to help you shed toxins, burn calories, deepen sleep, and improve skin, all while lying down. That’s right, you’re just laying there.

An hour of intense detox will make your skin glow and leave your body burning calories long after your treatment is over

An hour of intense detox will make your skin glow and leave your body burning calories long after your treatment is over

It’s getting hot in here: An hour of intense detox will make your skin glow and leave your body burning calories long after your treatment is over

How it works: After changing into the sweat outfit provided, you’ll then be wrapped up, burrito-style, in an infrared bed, of which you’ll lay in for 55 minutes while watching your current Netflix binge. 

One session at Shape House will have you feeling restored and rejuvenated. Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

An intense detox will make your skin glow and leave your body burning calories long after your treatment is over. 

 One session costs $70. Sweating never felt better!

Upper East Side location: Shape House is the first and only urban sweat lodge (with locations in California and New York), where ancient tradition and modern wellness meet

Upper East Side location: Shape House is the first and only urban sweat lodge (with locations in California and New York), where ancient tradition and modern wellness meet

Seek spiritual guidance to manifest your destiny 

Manifest it: Dara, Psychic Medium Advisor of Beacon Truth, believes you have to power to get what you want

Manifest it: Dara, Psychic Medium Advisor of Beacon Truth, believes you have to power to get what you want

‘I think many people use the new year as an impetus to make changes they have been putting off for a long time,’ said Dara (pictured right), Psychic Medium Advisor of Beacon Truth.

‘If that’s what it takes to mentally motivate you, that’s great, as long as you don’t lose momentum come February.’

Hoping for a better job in 2018? Wanting to make more money? Dara believes you have the power to get what you want with the right tools and guidance. 

Dara is one of many gifted advisers on the Beacon Truth website that can help. 

Get motivated:'We are constantly manifesting or attracting things and situations to us by our thoughts, actions and beliefs, negative or positive,' said Dara

Get motivated:’We are constantly manifesting or attracting things and situations to us by our thoughts, actions and beliefs, negative or positive,’ said Dara

‘We are constantly manifesting or attracting things and situations to us by our thoughts, actions and beliefs, negative or positive,’ said Dara. ‘Thoughts do become things eventually if they are focused on long enough, so careful with those! The universe is like a great copy machine, it will send back to you what you send out.’ 

‘If you want something, see it clearly, believe it completely and then release all attachment to the outcome. Attachment constricts flow. If you see doubt, the universe sees it too. Not as easy as it sounds, but that’s how the shamans of old mastered manifestation. 

‘Being in a continual state of gratitude I believe is most important in manifesting what you desire. Be sincerely thankful for whatever you have at this moment in time, whether it is just a room, a bed and food for today. The vibration of gratitude sends out a signal that you are open to receive, and so you shall.’ 

Law of attraction: 'Thoughts do become things eventually if they are focused on long enough, so careful with those! The universe is like a great copy machine, it will send back to you what you send out'

Law of attraction: ‘Thoughts do become things eventually if they are focused on long enough, so careful with those! The universe is like a great copy machine, it will send back to you what you send out’

Forgiveness is freeing. ‘Release the past, don’t hold onto blame, every negative experience is still an opportunity for growth.’ 

Making choices from love and not fear is key according to this Beacon Truth advisor. ‘We all carry wounds, whether from this lifetime or past lives. I think it is important to identify those wounds and work on healing them and repetitive patterns they create in our lives. 

‘Those beliefs can be powerful and often hold us back from having fulfilling relationships, successful careers and basic abundance. Once we are healed and completely “ok” with ourselves, other aspects of life seem to fall in naturally.’

Forgiveness is key: 'Release the past, don’t hold onto blame, every negative experience is still an opportunity for growth'

Forgiveness is key: ‘Release the past, don’t hold onto blame, every negative experience is still an opportunity for growth’

We live in turbulent times. ‘The saying “be the change you want to see in the world” couldn’t be more true,’ said Dara. 

‘I think in these times especially, it’s important to stay grounded, be REALLY in touch with your intuition and keep your vibration high.

‘Don’t link into the fear that is being promulgated. If we can make our light a little brighter, we light the way for others to do the same. And in this way, powerful positive change can take place on a global scale.’

Listen to the little voice inside: 'I think in these times especially, it’s important to stay grounded, be REALLY in touch with your intuition and keep your vibration high'. Be the change you wish to see in the World / Burlap Sign by Studio Two Designs, $17.99; etsy.com

Listen to the little voice inside: ‘I think in these times especially, it’s important to stay grounded, be REALLY in touch with your intuition and keep your vibration high’. Be the change you wish to see in the World / Burlap Sign by Studio Two Designs, $17.99; etsy.com

Get a smile makeover

Smile: 'A teeth cleaning is the perfect way to start the new year,' says celebrity dentist, Dr. Victoria Veytsman

Smile: ‘A teeth cleaning is the perfect way to start the new year,’ says celebrity dentist, Dr. Victoria Veytsman

According to celebrity dentist, Dr. Victoria Veytsman (pictured right with Orange Is The New Black actress Dascha Polanco), a smile makeover is like a catalyst for further change in life.

‘It’s closing one chapter and starting a new one,’ said the New York-based dentist.  

‘A teeth cleaning is the perfect way to start the new year. It’s not so much about resolutions but setting intentions to take better care of yourself. 

‘This is one easy action step that can set you on the right path.’

Brush twice a day: 'I've found that people who take better care of their smiles and teeth tend to take better care of themselves in general,' says Dr. V. Oral-B Pro 7500 Power Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush Powered By Braun, $129.99; amazon.com

Brush twice a day: ‘I’ve found that people who take better care of their smiles and teeth tend to take better care of themselves in general,’ says Dr. V. Oral-B Pro 7500 Power Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush Powered By Braun, $129.99; amazon.com

‘In fact I’ve found that people who take better care of their smiles and teeth tend to take better care of themselves in general. 

‘Everything is connected–every system in your body is part of a whole. Its only common sense that something that benefits your oral health benefits your entire body. Studies have shown links with heart disease and overall health.’ 

A cleaning removes any plaque or tarter buildup on your teeth, and will remove the bacteria that causes gingivitis, periodontitis, halitosis (bad breath), and cavities.

‘Make sure you visit your dentist twice a year for checkups and cleanings. Prevention is key and good health is the cornerstone of everything, says Victoria.

‘Aside from cleanings, good home regimens are very important. You can’t make up for lack of care at home with annual dental cleanings. This means brushing twice daily (I prefer electric!), floss, floss, floss (this removes pesky bacteria and neutralizes the environment of your gums), and mouth wash.’  

The doctor also recommends drinking a lot of water, as it not only hydrates, it keeps the pH of the mouth in balance.  If you’re thinking a long the lines of cosmetic changes, Victoria suggests whitening.

‘We use hydrogen peroxide to oxidize stains off the teeth. Invisalign can straighten teeth with clear aligners – no more brackets and wires! This also helps with hygiene and health of the gum tissue. 

‘Veneers are a great way to change the color, size, shape and width of the teeth and smile. If you’ve had a lot of old fillings in your front teeth that keep chipping away, this is a really nice permanent solution. Or if your smile has just been an insecurity of yours, it’s amazing how quickly that insecurity can vanish with these techniques.’


Update your accessory game 

Turn to accessories: The new year is a chance for a fresh start, slight wardrobe tweaks can go a long way

Turn to accessories: The new year is a chance for a fresh start, slight wardrobe tweaks can go a long way

Small changes: 'I've always said jewelry is the GPS of your look,' said celeb stylist Phillip Bloch

Small changes: ‘I’ve always said jewelry is the GPS of your look,’ said celeb stylist Phillip Bloch

What better way to face 2018 than with an updated look?

We’re not talking about an entire closet upheaval! Slight wardrobe tweaks can go a long way.

‘I’ve always said jewelry is the GPS of your look,’ said celeb stylist Phillip Bloch. ‘This year make a statement by taking it to new levels – bigger is better.’ 

Oversize earrings and necklaces are in this season, but Phillip suggests ‘keeping the outfit more mild than wild.’

Modernize an outfit with a hat. ‘Raspberry berets and berets of all colors are fashion must-haves for the likes of Bella Hadid and Meghan Markle.’ 

‘Ditch bejeweled Crocs and Birkenstocks and reach for feminine florals in colors that mimic ’60s chic.’


Long earrings by H&M, $17.99; hm.com

Long earrings by H&M, $17.99; hm.com

Anna Floral Flare Cuff Ruffle Blouse by Boohoo, $17; boohoo.com

Anna Floral Flare Cuff Ruffle Blouse by Boohoo, $17; boohoo.com

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