Female FIFO workers expose dark side of the industry as inquiry is launched into sexual harassment

A former stripper has lifted the lid on the alleged rampant sexual harassment unfolding in Australia’s mines as an inquiry into the ‘harrowing’ abuse is launched.  

Sasha Chambers spent six years working as a multi-equipment operator in the mining industry in Western Australia following a career in adult entertainment. 

She said the alleged objectification she suffered while working onsite was far worse than anything she had experienced in her previous role. 

‘I’ve had penises exposed to me for crying out loud,’ she told 60 Minutes. 

‘I’ve never had a penis exposure as an adult entertainment industry worker let alone in any other industry, why is mining any different?’

Female FIFO workers have exposed the alleged dark realities of the mining industry (pictured: Stock image)

Ms Chambers explained that when she worked in adult entertainment she had the power to protect herself from unwanted advances.  

‘We don’t have that power here. We don’t have power in the mining sector,’ she said. 

Her story is one of hundreds being shared as a parliamentary inquiry uncovers the alleged ‘harrowing’ sexual harassment experienced by female FIFO workers. 

Chair of the inquiry Libby Mettam has heard confidential admissions from more than 200 women and said those in senior positions ‘have a lot to answer for’. 

Astacia Stevens told 60 Minutes that if women wanted to progress and be promoted within the industry they were expected to ‘get on their knees’. 

The mother-of-two worked at remote mine sites in Western Australia’s Pilbara region 12 years ago and said female FIFO workers had two options. 

‘You either say yes or you say no. If you say no, you end up like me, you’re a troublemaker, you’re a pain in the a***, you just don’t get anywhere,’ she said. 

‘And if you say yes, you get the rewards.’

Ms Stevens alleged some of her superiors had exposed their genitals to her and then allegedly encouraged her to engage in a sex act with them. 

In one such instance, her boss allegedly told her if she wanted to get ‘her shirt’ – a full-time job on the mines – she would have to ‘get on her knees’. 

Sasha Chambers (pictured) alleged men had exposed their genitals to her while at work on Australia's mines and admitted she felt as if she had no power in the industry

Sasha Chambers (pictured) alleged men had exposed their genitals to her while at work on Australia’s mines and admitted she felt as if she had no power in the industry

When she rejected his advances she said he made her life a ‘living hell’ by allegedly stalking her, embarrassing her at staff meetings, and harassing her. 

Ms Stevens said her complaints weren’t taken seriously and that she was eventually fired by that particular boss, and then blacklisted from other sites. 

She said women in the industry felt powerless and in danger of being raped or sexually assaulted, a reality sadly experienced by ex-FIFO worker Bronte Glass. 

Ms Glass told 60 Minutes she was forced to take five pills of the strong sedative diazepam under ‘doctors orders’ after she suffered an allergic reaction. 

Despite her protestations, she was given multiple doses throughout the day before two men allegedly came into her room and sexually assaulted her. 

‘I could not move. I was catatonic,’ she recalled, adding she remembers seeing flashes going off as if someone was taking photos during the alleged assault. 

The next morning, still groggy from the medication, Ms Glass was put in the back of a car and driven six hours from the site where she boarded a flight to Perth. 

She still has no idea why she was removed from the site. 

She later reported her alleged assault to government body in charge of investing complaints but in November she was told by the WA mines inspector that they had closed her case as there had been no breach. 

Another woman told the program how she had enjoyed a few drinks at the pub with her male colleagues before one of them followed her back to her room. 

Ms Chambers' story is one of hundreds being shared as a parliamentary inquiry uncovers the 'harrowing' sexual harassment experienced by female FIFO workers

Ms Chambers’ story is one of hundreds being shared as a parliamentary inquiry uncovers the ‘harrowing’ sexual harassment experienced by female FIFO workers

Astacia Stevens (pictured) claimed that if women wanted to progress and be promoted in the mining industry they were expected to 'get on their knees'

Astacia Stevens (pictured) claimed that if women wanted to progress and be promoted in the mining industry they were expected to ‘get on their knees’

Despite telling him to leave her alone, she found herself surrounded by four men in her room, and locked herself in the bathroom as they went through her belongings.

When she complained to her superiors, she claimed they blamed her for leading them on and advised her to reconsider drinking around male colleagues. 

MP Libby Mettam hopes a parliamentary inquiry into the repeated instances of sexual harassment in Australia’s mines will lead to convictions.   

The parliamentary inquiry is expected to reveal its findings on April 28 as more women find the courage to come forward with their stories of alleged abuse. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk