Female hostage seen screaming from the back of a bike while being abducted on October 7 ‘was likely kidnapped by Palestinian CIVILIANS who followed Hamas into Israel’

The female hostage who was seen screaming for her life as she was driven towards Gaza on the back of a motorbike on October 7 was likely kidnapped by Palestinian civilians who followed Hamas terrorists into Israel. 

The world watched in horror as video emerged of Noa Argamani, 26, sitting on the back of a motorbike, her face etched with fear as she screamed ‘Don’t kill me’ to the men surrounding her.

As the motorbike sped towards Gaza, a desperate Noa stretched her arms towards her helpless boyfriend Avi Nathan, who had also been captured at the Nova music festival on October 7. Noa and her boyfriend have not been seen since.

For more than two months, Noa’s family have been helplessly waiting for news that their beloved daughter had survived the Hamas attack and would be among the hostages who have been freed so far in prisoner exchanges. 

But their anguish has been made worse after it emerged that Noa could have been abducted not by Hamas, but by a mob of Palestinian civilians that swept into Israel hours after the initial attack by the terrorists. 

Analysis of text messages, phone records, satellite images and interviews points to Noa being taken on a motorbike by Palestinian civilians who had followed Hamas terrorists into Israel, reports NBC News.

This could be why Noa has not been released alongside the more than 100 female and child hostages during last month’s ceasefire – Hamas could have no idea where she is if she is being held by civilians.

The world watched in horror as video emerged of Noa Argamani, 26, sitting on the back of a motorbike, her faced etched with fear as she screamed ‘Don’t kill me’ to the men surrounding her

For more than two months, Noa's family have been helplessly waiting for news that their beloved daughter (pictured) had survived the Hamas attack and would be among the hostages who have been freed so far in prisoner exchanges

For more than two months, Noa’s family have been helplessly waiting for news that their beloved daughter (pictured) had survived the Hamas attack and would be among the hostages who have been freed so far in prisoner exchanges

Along with hundreds of other young Israelis, Noa and Avi had been enjoying a peace festival in the desert when they were forced to flee for their lives from Hamas terrorists.

Noa desperately messaged her friend at 8.10am saying she was in a parking lot and ‘can’t get out’, to which her friend replied: ‘Hide. Let me know that everything is ok’. More than two hours later, she told her friend ‘We don’t have a car’. 

That was the last time Noa’s friends and family heard from her, with the footage emerging of the festivalgoer screaming as she was taken to Gaza on the back of a motorbike. 

For months, her family and the world had believed Noa had been taken to Gaza by Hamas terrorists.  

But analysis of the sun and shadows that appear in the video of their capture, during which the couple are surrounded by men, suggest that they were kidnapped several hours into the attack, the news outlet reports. 

This also points to the theory that the couple were taken into Gaza by Palestinian men who travelled from Gaza to Israel several hours after the dawn attack began. 

Her family and friends are desperate for Noa to be found – not least because her mother Liora Argamani is currently battling stage four brain cancer. 

They had some hope that she was still alive after they saw a video, posted on October 7, of Noa sitting on a sofa drinking from a water bottle while two people with bare feet were seen walking behind her. 

Noa was last seen in a video shared by Hamas after the kidnapping

Noa was last seen in a video shared by Hamas after the kidnapping

For months, her family and the world had believed Noa had been taken to Gaza by Hamas terrorists

For months, her family and the world had believed Noa had been taken to Gaza by Hamas terrorists

Noa's boyfriend, Avi Nathan (left), distraught and helpless, was left behind in the desert. He too is missing

Noa’s boyfriend, Avi Nathan (left), distraught and helpless, was left behind in the desert. He too is missing

‘When you see someone you love so much and a person that is so close to you in this situation, you just get crazy,’ Noa’s university roommate Amir Moadi, 29, said. ‘Because there’s nothing you can do.’

‘Imagine what it is like for her family,’ said Moadi last month, revealing that her family found out she had been snatched only when they chanced upon the footage online.

‘When you see someone you love so much and a person that is so close to you in this situation, you just get crazy,’ Amir Moadi, 29, a roommate and friend of Argamani’s, said in an interview. ‘Because there’s nothing you can do.’ 

Last month, Noa’s mother Liora begged President Joe Biden and the Red Cross to intervene and bring her daughter home before she dies, as she told her only child: ‘If I don’t get to see you… please know I love you very much.’ 

‘I have cancer, brain cancer,’ Liora said from the family’s temporary apartment in Tel Aviv, near her cancer treatment clinic.  

I don’t know how long I have left. I wish for the chance to see my Noa, at home.

‘I call upon President Biden and the Red Cross to bring back my Noa as soon as possible so that I get the chance to see her. 

‘Noa, if I don’t get to see you… please know that I love you very much. Please know that we did everything we could to get you released. The whole world loves you.’

Liora is battling stage 4 brain cancer and her husband Yakov says that doctors don’t have hope.

‘I don’t want to elaborate but it’s not good. The doctors haven’t given a good prognosis, but I believe it’s in God’s hands. I believe it will be OK.’

Aside from a photo of Noa drinking water in what appeared to be Gaza that was posted in a Hamas telegram channel, the family have had no news of her safety. 

Last month, Noa's mother Liora (pictured together) begged President Joe Biden and the Red Cross to intervene and bring her daughter home before she dies, as she told her only child: 'If I don't get to see you... please know I love you very much.'

Last month, Noa’s mother Liora (pictured together) begged President Joe Biden and the Red Cross to intervene and bring her daughter home before she dies, as she told her only child: ‘If I don’t get to see you… please know I love you very much.’

‘We don’t know anything more than what the media has reported. All we saw is the footage of Noa being kidnapped and then sitting on the sofa with a bottle of water.’ 

On October 12, her family sent her a 26th birthday message in the ‘hope that it will reach her’.

Noa’s grief-stricken father Yaacov gave an interview to Israeli television soon after the attack. 

He said: ‘I was hoping this is a mistake that it’s not true. And then in the hospital a guy asked me if I wanted to see. I said yes and then I know for sure it is Noa… she was so petrified, so scared.’

He then begins to uncontrollably sob. ‘I was always so protective but in this moment I couldn’t protect her,’ he told Israeli broadcaster Channel 12 News.

‘All my life since she was born I have tried to protect and hug her, support and love her. I wish I could at this difficult moment at least encourage her or say something to her.’

Noa’s aunt, Yaffe Ohad, said they were ‘crazy with worry’. She said: ‘We know that Noa was kidnapped, probably in the hours of the beginning of the fighting.’ 

Along with hundreds of other young Israelis, Noa and Avi had been enjoying a peace festival in the desert when they were forced to flee for their lives from Hamas terrorists.

Revellers had gathered for an all-night trance music rave near Kibbutz Re’im, close to the Gaza Strip, to celebrate the end of the Sukkot religious holiday.

But the festivities turned to chaos yesterday morning after Palestinian terrorists began firing rockets and gunshots into the crowd.

Footage circulated on social media showed hundreds of people screaming and crying as they fled the rave site on foot, pursued by the sound of gunfire. 


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