Female police officer faces the sack for ‘showing pictures of policeman’s penis to colleagues’

PC Katie Jackson, pictured outside court, showed the explicit image on her mobile phone to several officers at Goole Police Station, East Yorkshire, despite being told by her senior officer not to

A female police officer is facing the sack after showing colleagues a picture of a detective’s penis, a misconduct hearing has heard.

PC Katie Jackson showed the explicit image on her mobile phone to several officers at Goole Police Station, East Yorkshire, despite being told by the officer not to.

A misconduct hearing at Goole Magistrates’ Court heard she had been told in a ten-minute conversation by her boss that she should not ‘blow it out of proportion’ and share the image with anyone else. 

Det Sgt John Burrell of Humberside Police claimed Jackson and the officer who sent her the picture ‘had been flirting’ and the explicit snap had been subsequently sent.

DS Burrell said he was Jackson’s unofficial line manager at the time and ordered her not to show anyone else the explicit snap.

He said he was notified to the situation by Jackson the day after she received the text of the explicit picture at Goole Police Station, East Yorks.

But, just hours later, two more colleagues had said they had also seen the picture of the officer’s genitalia.

Det Sgt John Burrell told the hearing today (Mon): ‘Kate came to me saying that she had been sent this picture.

‘I did not look at the picture and had no desire to see it.

‘In the ten minutes we spoke together I told her specifically and categorically not to show this to anyone else.

‘I told her the legal and social implications this would have on her if she showed more people.

A misconduct hearing at Goole Magistrates' Court heard she had been told in a ten-minute conversation by her boss that she should not 'blow it out of proportion' and share the image with anyone else

A misconduct hearing at Goole Magistrates’ Court heard she had been told in a ten-minute conversation by her boss that she should not ‘blow it out of proportion’ and share the image with anyone else

‘It is a small station in Goole and it would have had an embarrassing impact and repercussions for years to come.

‘The whole reason why I wanted her not to show anyone else was because I didn’t want it to all blow out of proportion.’

Chair of the independent police panel, Louisa Cieciora asked DS Burrell if he had given the instruction to Jackson not to tell anyone else at the station as advice or as an order.

He replied: ‘It wasn’t as if I said ‘I’m ordering you’, but I told her do not to show it to anyone else.

‘It was contained to three people, I think, maybe more I’m not sure. There were three names on the list anyway who knew.

‘But then I was disappointed hours later when other colleagues were aware of the picture after I spoke to Kate about it.’

Jackson is alleged to have caused upset and distress to a number of colleagues by showing an explicit image to fellow officers on September 23, 2016.

She also claimed she was assaulted by a detainee at Scunthorpe General Hospital and subsequently providing a false statement saying she was assaulted on August 13, 2016.

She is also alleged to breach standards by not attending work after the assault because she stated she was sick to injuries which had allegedly not occurred.

It is alleged her conduct amounted to gross misconduct, as a result of a breach of the Standards of Professional Behaviour in respect of Authority, Respect and Courtesy, Duties and Responsibilities and Honesty and Integrity contrary to Police (Conduct) Regulations 2012.

Jackson denies the three charges against her. She left the hearing today in a black blazer and was sporting a pair of glasses.

The hearing, which is expected to last three days, continues. 

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