Financial struggle stress is linked to heart attacks

Adults who struggle to pay their bills are 13 times more likely to have a heart attack, new research suggests. 

South African scientists also discovered the risk is increased six-fold in those with stressful jobs. The claim echoes research published in February in The Lancet that stress is as likely as smoking and high blood pressure to cause heart and circulatory diseases.

Doctors are now urging for guidelines to be updated to ask heart attack patients about their level of stress at work and home, in a bid to achieve earlier diagnosis and quicker intervention.

The findings suggest that all patients should urgently be offered information on how to combat stress to slash their risk of a repeat attack.

Bill shock is a psychosocial pressure that can raises your chance of a heart attack 13 fold

University of the Witwatersrand researchers used data from 106 patients who suffered heart attacks and were admitted to a hospital in Johannesburg.

Lead researcher, Dr Denishan Govender, revealed his team’s findings at the Annual Congress of the South African Heart Association in Johannesburg.

‘Often patients are counselled about stress after a heart attack but there really needs to be more emphasis prior to an event,’ he said.

‘Few doctors ask about stress, depression or anxiety during a general physical. This should become routine practice, like asking about smoking. 

Dr Govender added: ‘Just as we provide advice on how to quit smoking, patients need information on how to fight stress.’ 

For the study, each participant was asked to grade their levels of financial stress.


The amygdala is the area of the brain that deals with stress by signalling to the bone marrow to produce extra white blood cells.

This in turn causes the arteries to become inflamed.

On experiencing stress, the amygdala sends a distress signal to your hypothalamus, which then communicates this to the rest of your body so it is ready for fight or flight.

The link between activity in the amygdala and later heart events and stroke is due to increased bone-marrow activity and arterial inflammation. 

In a study people who rated themselves as more stressed were also more likely to have higher levels of activity in the amygdala.

Source: British Heart Foundation 

The answers ranged from no stress, mild, moderate or significant – depending on their income and outgoings.

Researchers then delved into the data from the Interheart Study to determine if there was a link between the two.

The results found a 13-fold increase in the likelihood of a heart attack arose in those with ‘significant’ financial pressures. 

As well as pressure from paying bills, the report revealed depressed adults were at triple the risk of suffering a heart attack. 

Self-reported stress levels were common, with 96 per cent of heart attack patients reporting any level of stress.

Some 40 per cent reported severe stress levels. 

Commenting on the new study, Dr David Jankelow, chairman of the SA Heart 2017 Congress, suggested possible changes to medical guidelines for heart attacks.

He said: ‘We know that the depressed cardiac patient is at greater risk. 

‘We as clinicians need to identify them much earlier, so that they can be referred for appropriate intervention. 

‘Cardiac rehabilitation together with counselling and reassurance will play an important role as well.’