Finland model uses sugar daddy to fund £19,000 surgery

A model has admitted to using sugar daddies she’s met online in order to fund her surgery to transform her into a human barbie – despite a breast augmentation almost killing her.  

Amanda Ahola, 21,  from Jyväskylä, Finland,  has dedicated her life to achieving the ‘perfect Barbie look.’

To date, the webcam model has spent £15,000 on three breast augmentations – taking her B Cup breasts to a 30GG cup – £4,000 on a nose job and thousands of pounds on lip fillers and Botox injections.


Amanda Ahola has so far had £19,000 worth of plastic surgery in order to emulate a Barbie doll

Amanda told Barcroft TV: ‘My first surgery was my boob job, which was 460 ccs, which is quite large for an 18-year-old. Then my second surgery was [enlarging them to] 750ccs.

‘The [third] implant size are 1200cs, and I honestly want to go bigger. It doesn’t matter how big I go, it will never be big enough for me.

‘My number one ambition is looking plastic, as plastic as I can. Barbie is really close to perfection and I want to get as close to perfection as I can.

‘When people call me fake or Barbie, it makes me really happy.’

Amanda worked as a hospital cleaner to fund the majority of her surgeries

Amanda also enlisted the help of a sugar daddy to fund her most recent breast augmentation

While she worked as a hospital cleaner to fund the majority of her surgeries Amanda also enlisted the help of a sugar daddy to fund her most recent breast augmentation 

Amanda's mother says that even from a young age her daughter took an interest in glamorous accessories such as heeled shoes

Amanda’s mother says that even from a young age her daughter took an interest in glamorous accessories such as heeled shoes

Without family support and financial help, Amanda has worked long hours, and a variety of jobs to pay for her surgeries to continue her ‘plastification’ dream – including being a cleaner.

She said: ‘When I was a cleaner at the hospital, I wasn’t suppose to wear make up, and that was painful, but I did wear fake-eye lashes.

‘It was a constant battle fighting with the people there as they always said my hair was too big and I was wearing too much make-up, like I was about to go to a party.

Amanda continued to develop her look over the years admitting she find it flattering when people say she looks 'fake'

Amanda in her college years

Amanda continued to develop her look over the years admitting she find it flattering when people say she looks ‘fake’. Pictured: Amanda in her college years

Amanda's most recent breast enlargement nearly took her life after causing her to have a seizure and swelling on the brain

Amanda’s most recent breast enlargement nearly took her life after causing her to have a seizure and swelling on the brain

Amanda's family do not share her passion for plastic surgery but are supportive of their daughter. Pictured (L-R)  Amanda's brother Veeti, mother Nina, Amanda Ahola, sister Wilma and father Tomi

Amanda’s family do not share her passion for plastic surgery but are supportive of their daughter. Pictured (L-R) Amanda’s brother Veeti, mother Nina, Amanda Ahola, sister Wilma and father Tomi

‘I think I’ll always have this idea that when I grow up I’m going to look a certain way. At 16 I started making plans of how that was gonna go down. I had this vision of myself and I didn’t look like it, so I just started changing things.’

Her third breast augmentation was paid for by a sugar daddy who she met online, much to the dislike of her boyfriend Aleksi.

Amanda explained: ‘I found my sugar daddy on Instagram. I wasn’t like looking for him. He asked me if there was anything that I would like and I said that I would like bigger boobs

‘I have never met my sugar daddy. I’ve only spoken him with him on the phone.

For her next surgery Amanda is now considering a Brazilian Butt lift to create a perter derrière

She will only go through with the surgery if she can have it under local anaesthetic

For her next surgery Amanda is now considering a Brazilian Butt lift to create a perter derrière – but only if she can have it under local anaesthetic

Amanda now works as a webcam model which, she admits, has caused a few issues in her relationship with her boyfriend Alekski

Amanda now works as a webcam model which, she admits, has caused a few issues in her relationship with her boyfriend Alekski

‘Obviously if someone wants to pay my bills or surgeries and is content to not having a physical relationship with me that is fine.

‘My boyfriend doesn’t like my sugar daddy.’

But the breast enlargement nearly took her life after causing her to have a seizure and swelling on the brain.

Amanda’s concerned parents were by Amanda’s bedside praying she’d survive.

She said: ‘My latest surgery…I nearly died. I don’t really remember but I have little flashbacks of going to the surgery room and then I remember waking up to a really weird dream that I was in a hospital bed and then I see my mum and my boyfriend.

‘My mum did not know I was having the surgery. They started crying and my mum told me that something happened after the surgery and they asked me, “Do you remember us? Because you didn’t yesterday.”‘

Amanda’s mother Nina said: ‘I received the second worse phone call a parent could receive.

‘It’s that your child is on emergency and might die. The worst is that she’s dead already.’

Amanda added: ‘I didn’t regret what happened, because I made a choice and that was the consequence, but I was really devastated because I knew that this was going to be the end of having anymore surgery.’

However, six months later, Amanda is now considering a Brazilian Butt lift to create a perter derrière – but only if she can have it under local anaesthetic.

She said: ‘Am I addicted to surgeries? Maybe in a way. I just know that I have to do all the things that I want to do because life could end at any second.’

Amanda admits that her aesthetic differs greatly from that of her family’s.  

‘My family is really normal, and were brought up pretty humbly with not a lot of money, and their looks were never a concern to them,’ Amanda said.

Her mum added: ‘From a young age you would see from Amanda that she was different.

‘When she was four we went shoe shopping to find shoes with a heel on them.

‘In my opinion, I wouldn’t want her to go to extreme but she is an extreme kind of person. All or nothing.

‘As parents we’ve been asking her to see a psychiatrist, to ask her, “Why do want you this?”, but it is her choice.’

Amanda’s Barbie looks and webcam modelling job initially caused issues in her relationship with  Aleksi.

She said: ‘He doesn’t like it and he thinks it’s weird because when we met I was a lot more normal.

Alekski said: ‘When it started, it caused issues in our relationship, but it has been dealt with and I’ve come to terms with it.’