Firefighters keep £1,500-a-day watch over London block

A round-the-clock watch outside a block of flats which are covered in potentially flammable cladding is being carried out by firefighters – sparking fears among residents they could be at risk of a Grenfell-style fire.

There has been a 24/7 watch outside Nova House, Slough, Berkshire, since it was found the block had coating which was deemed potentially dangerous following the fire in West London three months ago.

The constant watch involves at least one fire engine and three firefighters on standby outside the flats, costing at least £1,500 a day.

Firefighters are on a constant watch outside the Nova House block of flats in Slough, Berkshire

The seven-storey building, managed by property company The Ringley Group, was visited several times over the last fortnight by The Daily Star Sunday. 

Yet the constant watch and the fact a fire station is less than a mile away has raised concerns among the 200 residents, living in 68 flats, with some believing their lives could be in imminent danger.

One woman who lived in the block said: ‘We are glad the fire engine is constantly outside, but it does make you uneasy about what could happen.

‘We’ve all seen those dreadful photos of Grenfell Tower being engulfed in flames.

‘Knowing that we are in a block with similar cladding, it is impossible not to put yourself in those poor people’s shoes.’

One firefighter branded the underground car park underneath the Nova House flats a ‘death trap’ and explained that there was absolutely no fireproofing in their whatsoever.

The council is footing the £1,500-a-day bill as it feels 'responsible' for residents in the privately-owned block

The council is footing the £1,500-a-day bill as it feels ‘responsible’ for residents in the privately-owned block

There are at least 200 residents living in 68 flats at the Slough property

There are at least 200 residents living in 68 flats at the Slough property

The firefighter explained: ‘The car park has also been completely closed off.

‘There’s no fireproofing whatsoever – and electrical cables haven’t been covered to help minimise potential hazards.

‘Although we are happy our presence gives residents peace of mind, most of the men and women would rather spend the time between call-outs at the station, where there is more for them to do in between jobs.’

Slough Borough Council explained they were footing the bill for the vigil outside the privately owned block as they felt ‘responsible’ for the residents.

However the council has since begun talks to buy to the building from the firm so they can carry out the necessary fireproofing of the building.

A council spokesman said: ‘There’s a lot of work to be done, and we want it done as soon as possible.

‘We do not think [the current property management company] have the capacity to do the work, so we are aiming to take over the building.’

A spokesman for the firm said they were taking all necessary measures to ensure safety measures were up to scratch.   

One firefighter warned that the car park underneath the building is a potential 'death trap'

One firefighter warned that the car park underneath the building is a potential ‘death trap’