Fireman had ‘disgusting’ sex with a PC’s wife in Morrisons car park

A firefighter having sex with a policeman’s wife including in a Morrisons car park said he would pay £1,500 to have her ‘buried on the moors’, a misconduct hearing has been told.

Retained firefighter Robert Billings, 28, is said to have made the threat when North Yorkshire PC Christopher Parnell, 48, learned he was sleeping with his wife Kath Parnell, 49.

PC Parnell is accused of paying a home visit to his wife’s toyboy, asking to see texts on his phone and leaving him ‘scared and intimidated.’ 

During the meeting Mr Billings was recorded telling his love rival he had sex with Mrs Parnell in a vehicle parked in the car park at the local Morrisons store, believed to have been in Boroughbridge north of York. 

Mr Billings reportedly said: ‘I will never do it again. It was in Morrisons car park. It was disgusting.’

His older lover has not attended her estranged husband’s misconduct hearing but said last night: ‘I am in shock, I was not expecting all this over something better suited to the Jeremy Kyle show’.

PC Christopher Parnell faces a misconduct hearing over his behaviour after he discovered his wife Kath (pictured together) was having an affair with a toyboy 

Mrs Parnell confided in a friend at her gym about the affair

PC Parnell turned up at the home of Robert Billings (pictured)

Mrs Parnell (left) confided in a friend at her gym about the affair with Robert Billings (right), who later threatened to have her ‘buried on a moor’ and confessed they had sex outside Morrisons after their relationship emerged

PC Parnell’s alleged threatening behaviour has put his career on the line and he is now facing a public disciplinary case.

The hearing, at the force’s headquarters in Northallerton, had heard earlier that the odd job man and retained firefighter, who then lived in Boroughbridge, had begun an affair with PC Parnell’s wife in July last year. 

Pictured: PC Parnell's wife Kath who allegedly had an affair with a 28-year-old firefighter 

Pictured: PC Parnell’s wife Kath who allegedly had an affair with a 28-year-old firefighter 

The Harrogate-based police officer learnt about the affair from another woman in the town after his fitness fanatic wife confided in a friend at the gym she regularly attended. 

The woman also told the officer that the firefighter had made a threat against his wife.

She said that he told another woman in Boroughbridge: ‘She doesn’t know who she is dealing with. I’m from Leeds. I can pay £1,500 and have her buried on the moors.’ 

The firefighter then went to the family home of the Parnells to speak to her and began swearing at her in front of their daughter. 

The panel heard PC Parnell went to the Boroughbridge home of the man three days later. 

The firefighter later reported the visit to North Yorkshire Police, saying he felt threatened by it.

 A recording of the conversation taken at the time by the police officer showed the officer asking if he could come in and have a chat and later asking if he could see his phone messages, which the firefighter agreed to. 

Edward Pleeth, representing North Yorkshire Police, asked PC Parnell if the man felt intimidated by his visit because he was using his physical presence to intimidate him. The police officer added he ‘wasn’t that kind of person’, saying in addition to using restraint and not wanting to lose his job, he wasn’t violent and had never been in a fight in his life. 

Mr Pleeth told the panel the officer must have known his presence would be intimidating.

Parnell outside a hearing in North Yorkshire as his career hangs in the balance over his behavior after 

Parnell outside a hearing in North Yorkshire as his career hangs in the balance over his behavior after 

He told the panel: ‘He must have understood that a wronged husband turning up at the address of the man who he had recently found out had had a relationship and slept with his wife was going to be perceived in those circumstances as threatening.’ 

However PC Parnell’s barrister, Michael Rawlinson said if the allegations from Mr Billings were upheld, ‘it would mean no serving police officer would ever be able to express his displeasure’. 

Mr Rawlinson added: ‘They would never be able to express their displeasure to somebody who had committed a great moral wrong against them. 

‘It is wildly inappropriate to think any member of the public would think any police force had been discredited if they knew and realised what had occurred here. 

‘There’s no evidence Mr Billings at the time was actually fearful because the recordings show this case for what it is; a grown-up conversation between two grown-ups about a very personal and unpleasant and sordid situation.’

The hearing has earlier been told that on August 11 Mr Billings went to the home of PC Parnell and his wife. The hearing was told the couple’s daughter answered the door and he asked to speak to her mother.

The retained fir effacer with North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue then told Kath Parnell that the public knowledge of their affair had ‘ruined his life’ and he would have to go and confess the affair to his girlfriend.

He told the panel: ‘I asked if Chris Parnell knew and she said, ‘no’, and asked me to cover it up by saying it was a lie and that she wanted attention. I said, ‘no, it’s come out now I wanted to tell my partner the truth.’

The next morning, he saw PC Parnell drive down his street at about 5.50am after he had returned home after taking the dog for a walk and said he felt ‘worried and scared’.

Mr Billings was recorded telling his love rival he had sex with Mrs Parnell in a vehicle parked in the car park at the local Morrisons store, believed to have been in Boroughbridge north of York (pictured)

Later, Robert Billings rang PC Parnell and left him a voicemail, saying he was sorry for what had happened and ‘didn’t want to cause any harm’ and invited him to speak privately with him. 

He also told him in the message he felt intimidated by seeing him driving along his street.

Mrs Parnell has not attended the hearing, with PC Parnell accompanied only by his elderly parents.

She said her relationship with Mr Billings was ‘hardly an affair’ although she conceded he had a girlfriend at the time.

Mrs Parnell said she and her husband had been separated since 2016, adding: ‘We have not been together for some time, we have been separated since 2016 and the Rob thing was last year.

‘He (Rob) was engaged to somebody, it was all so incestuous and so gross.’