First US baby from a uterus transplant is born in Dallas

The first birth as a result of a womb transplant in the United States has occurred in Texas, a milestone for the US but one achieved several years ago in Sweden.

A woman who had been born without a uterus gave birth to the baby at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas.

Hospital spokesman Craig Civale confirmed Friday that the birth had taken place, but said no other details are available. 

The hospital did not identify the woman, citing her privacy.

This is the first American baby born after a uterus transplant in Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas


The first step involves doctors removing some of the patients’ eggs in order to fertilize them in a dish to create embryos.

These are then frozen, until they are needed.

Secondly, a womb, complete with two major arteries and four veins, removed from a from donor in a three-hour operation.

The donated womb is then implanted into the patient during an operation that typically takes around six hours.

The woman is then, as all organ transplant patients are, prescribed powerful immune-suppressing drugs to stop the transplanted womb being rejected by the body.

Around a year later, when doctors are confident the transplant is a success, one of the embryos is thawed and implanted into the donated womb.

If the pregnancy is a success, doctors ultimately deliver the baby via C-section.

Once a woman has successfully carried one or two babies, the transplanted organ is then removed.

Baylor has had a study underway for several years to enroll up to 10 women for uterus transplants. 

In October 2016, the hospital said four women had received transplants but that three of the wombs had to be removed because of poor blood flow.

The hospital would give no further information on how many transplants have been performed since then. 

But Time magazine, which first reported the U.S. baby’s birth, says eight have been done in all, and that another woman is currently pregnant as a result.

A news conference was scheduled for Monday to discuss the Dallas baby’s birth.

A doctor in Sweden, Mats Brannstrom, is the first in the world to deliver a baby as a result of a uterus transplant. As of last year, he had delivered five babies from women with donated wombs.

There have been at least 16 uterus transplants worldwide, including one in Cleveland from a deceased donor that had to be removed because of complications. Last month, Penn Medicine in Philadelphia announced that it also would start offering womb transplants.

Womb donors can be dead or alive, and the Baylor study aims to use some of both. 

The first four cases involved ‘altruistic’ donors — unrelated and unknown to the recipients. The ones done in Sweden were from live donors, mostly from the recipients’ mother or a sister.

Doctors hope that womb transplants will enable as many as several thousand women born without a uterus to bear children. 

To be eligible for the Baylor study, women must be 20 to 35 years old and have healthy, normal ovaries. They will first have in vitro fertilization to retrieve and fertilize their eggs and produce embryos that can be frozen until they are ready to attempt pregnancy.

After the uterus transplant, the embryos can be thawed and implanted, at least a year after the transplant to make sure the womb is working well. 

A baby resulting from a uterine transplant would be delivered by cesarean section. 

The wombs are not intended to be permanent. 

Having one means a woman must take powerful drugs to prevent organ rejection, and the drugs pose long-term health risks, so the uterus would be removed after one or two successful pregnancies.

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine issued a statement Friday calling the Dallas birth ‘another important milestone in the history of reproductive medicine.’

For women born without a functioning uterus, ‘transplantation represents the only way they can carry a pregnancy,’ the statement said. The group is convening experts to develop guidelines for programs that want to offer this service.


Why the excitement?

Experts in Sweden announced in 2015 that a baby boy had become the first in the world to be delivered following a successful womb transplant. 

The UK and US have now been racing to catch up.  

How do women come to have no womb?

Thousands of women of child-bearing age in the US have no womb or a womb that would be unable to carry a baby. 

Some women are born with a syndrome known as MRKH (Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser), which means their womb never developed properly. 

Others lose their wombs to cervical cancer.

Data suggests as many as 50,000 women of childbearing age in the UK have no viable womb, and thousands in the US will be suffering the same condition.

Is it risky?

The operation takes around six hours, with the organ coming from a donor who has died but whose heart has been kept beating.

The recipient will need to take immune-suppressing drugs following the transplant and throughout any pregnancy to prevent the chance their body might reject the donor organ.

Once the donor womb is no longer needed, it can be removed by a team of surgeons. This would prevent the need for the woman to be on immune-suppressing drugs for the rest of her life.