Fitness blogger Sia Cooper insists her breast implants are POISONING her

A fitness blogger has revealed that she is contemplating removing her breast implants because she fears the silicone has been ‘poisoning’ her over time.

Sia Cooper, the 29-year-old behind the blog Diary of a Fit Mommy, reveals in a new YouTube video that she has been struggling with extreme fatigue, exhaustion, and hair loss over the past year.

After undergoing multiple medical tests and being told that everything is ‘normal,’ the Florida-based mother-of-two now believes her symptoms are the result of ‘breast implant illness.’

Sickness: Sia Cooper has revealed that she is considering getting her breast implants removed because she fears they are ‘poisoning’ her

Pressure: Sia says she got breast implants seven years ago because she felt 'really insecure'

Her ex-husband also encouraged her to get them, claiming they'd make 'their love live spicier'

Pressure: Sia says she got breast implants seven years ago because she felt ‘really insecure.’ Her ex-husband also encouraged her to get them, claiming they’d make ‘their love live spicier’

Although there is no clear scientific evidence that there is an association between implants and autoimmune disorders or other systemic illnesses, there are many women who insist their implants have caused them to become sick. 

‘I could barely make it out of bed most days,’ Sia says in the clip, noting that she has also been experiencing headaches and a ‘little bit of weight gain.’

‘Needless to say, I haven’t felt like myself. My world’s been turned upside down very slowly, and that is why I am considering taking out my implants.’

Sia explains that she got breast implants seven years ago because she felt ‘really insecure’ about herself and thought they would make her happy.

‘I was married to my ex-husband at the time, and he really encouraged me to get them. He told me that they would make our love life spicier,’ she admits. 

After losing roughly 50 pounds being left with ‘tiny deflated breasts,’ Sia says she ‘wanted to feel feminine again.’ 

Opening up: In the video, Sia explains that she has been suffering from extreme fatigue, exhaustion, hair loss, headaches and weight gain

Opening up: In the video, Sia explains that she has been suffering from extreme fatigue, exhaustion, hair loss, headaches and weight gain

Heartbreak: The mother-of-two breaks down in tears while discussing her symptoms

Her medical tests have all come back 'normal,' and she believes she has 'breast implant illness'

Heartbreak: The mother-of-two breaks down in tears while discussing her symptoms. Her medical tests have all come back ‘normal,’ and she believes she has ‘breast implant illness’

Sia opted to get 400 cc silicon gel implants, which were inserted through her armpits without leaving any scars. She went back to her daily life, but a few years later, she noticed her anxiety and depression had increased.

She was also getting tired more often, but as a first-time mom, she chalked it up to being a new parent. Although she had blood tests to check her iron, everything always came back normal. 

However, she says that over the past year, things started to get worse. She has been having mood swings and headaches. Her hair has been falling out in clumps, and she has been so tired she has been sleeping 12 hours a day. 

Sia says she always wakes up feeling exhausted, so much so that she has to take a two hour nap at 11 a.m.

A friend told her about breast implant illness, but she admits that as a nurse she was skeptical at first because of the lack of scientific data. 

She eventually joined a Facebook support group for sufferers of breast implant illness and realized that there are thousands of women battling the same symptoms she is. 

Regret: When sharing this photo earlier this month, Sia said she wished she could tell her 21-year-old self that 'she's perfect' and doesn't need plastic surgery 

Regret: When sharing this photo earlier this month, Sia said she wished she could tell her 21-year-old self that ‘she’s perfect’ and doesn’t need plastic surgery 

Then and now: Sia opted to get 400 cc silicon gel implants

They were inserted through her armpits without leaving any scars

Then and now: Sia opted to get 400 cc silicon gel implants, which were inserted through her armpits without leaving any scars

In the clip, Sia reads off a list of heavy metals and chemicals in her silicone breast implants, including formaldehyde, mercury, and arsenic. 

‘I felt like I was being poisoned over time,’ she admits, and she is not alone.

After years of campaigns, U.S. health regulators have agreed to hold a public meeting of medical advisers in 2019 to discuss the safety and dangers of silicone breast implants.

The move came hours before the release of a large study suggesting certain rare health problems might be more common with silicone gel implants.

Because there is no way to test for breast implant illness, Sia is looking to have them removed, and has a consultation on October 5 with the doctor who performed her first breast augmentation.

She notes that implants have to be replaced every 10 to 15 years, so her ‘time is almost up anyway.’ 

Gut instinct: Because there is no way to test for breast implant illness, Sia is looking to have them removed

Gut instinct: Because there is no way to test for breast implant illness, Sia is looking to have them removed 

Learning to love herself: In addition to her health concerns, Sia says she wants to have them removed because she wants to be a good role model for her daughter, Everly 

Learning to love herself: In addition to her health concerns, Sia says she wants to have them removed because she wants to be a good role model for her daughter, Everly 

Although she is nervous about having another surgery and concerned with what her body will look like without her breast implants, she knows she doesn’t want to continue feeling the way she does now.    

‘No matter how I look, it’s not worth feeling like a zombie. It’s not,’ she says. ‘I mean it’s affected my marriage. It’s affected my life as a mom because I am so tired I can’t even play with my kids. 

‘It’s affected a lot of things, so I am ready to take control of my life.’

In addition to her health concerns, Sia says she wants to have them removed because they are the last reminder of her ex-husband, who encouraged her to get them. 

She also wants to be a good role model for her daughter, Everly. She recalls asking her own mother about why she didn’t inherit her large breasts, only to learn from her father that her mom had lied to her about getting implants.    

‘I want my daughter to grow up and to love herself,’ she explains. ‘I want her to love her body and the best way for her to do that is by seeing a mom who loves her body — her own body.’