Fitness expert reveals how to stick to your health goals as 80% have ALREADY abandoned them

While many people still adhere to the ‘New Year, New Me’ mantra, research shows that less than three weeks later some 80 per cent have already given up on their goals.

As early as January 13, officially known as ‘Quitters’ Day’, more than three quarters of goal setters will have lost their enthusiasm and motivation.

And by February 2, despite having the best intentions to work out in the New Year, motivation amongst those who kick off the year with work out goals drops to just above two per cent, according to research by Peloton.

However, Peloton instructor and mindful motivation expert Ally Love has shared a four-point plan people can use to help get their new habits back on track. 

Ally Love, a fitness influencer and Peloton instructor, has outline a four-point plan to help you stick with your New Year goals 

The plan – Name it, Claim It, Paint It and Game It – uses simple, time-tried techniques like writing down simple goals and then turning them into a fun (family) game to achieve them.

It involves involves writing down goals, and then displaying them prominently.

For example, this could include pinning them to the bathroom or fridge door, or sharing them on social media, so people in your household can see them.

According to Ally: ‘Even as instructors we can start off the new year with the best of intentions but life can get in the way. I developed the method of Name IT, Claim it, Paint It, Game It to overcome this. It helps me refocus my energy towards my goals.’

According to Ally (pictured), implementing her four-point plan helps her to 'refocus [her] energy towards [her] goals'

According to Ally (pictured), implementing her four-point plan helps her to ‘refocus [her] energy towards [her] goals’

She notes that the plan will ‘help people smash through the metaphorical motivational wall and beat Quitter’s Day’.

Those using the plan should ensure they name their goal, establishing what it is they want to achieve as the first step.

They should write down what it will feel like while doing it, what it will feel like once the goal has been reached, and what the following step will be after achieving it.

Meanwhile, to create accountability, as step two, you should ‘claim’ the goal – i.e., tell your friends and family.

Putting into place four steps that help you identify and visualise your goals will help keep you on track when it comes to becoming fitter and healthier, according to Ally (pictured)

Putting into place four steps that help you identify and visualise your goals will help keep you on track when it comes to becoming fitter and healthier, according to Ally (pictured)

Not only will this help create a network to keep you on course, you may also find that others want to join in on your chosen activity. 

Ally Love reveals how to stick with your New Year’s fitness goals


● Establish that one thing you want to do.

● Write in detail what that will feel like while doing it.

● Write out what it will feel like when you’ve reached that goal.

● What will be the following step, once you have reached this goal?


● Announce it to all your friends, followers, and family. This creates accountability and a network to help you stay the course.

● You can also recruit folks on this journey with you. 


● Create a vision board or even a phone wallpaper that reminds you of your goal.

● Be sure to have visual cues of your new goal in the areas you visit most.


● Create a realistic schedule that works with your lifestyle. Have fun with this one. Try different times to workout, set days to cook interesting new recipes.

● Create a board that allows you to check off each day. Preferably making it visible to your entire house and/or on social media.

The third step is to ‘paint’ it. In other words, create a vision board or even a phone wallpaper that reminds you of your goal.

The, put it on display in places you frequently visit – like the bathroom or your workplace – so that you see it often.

Fourth, and finally, you should ‘game it’. This involves creating a realistic schedule that works with your lifestyle.

Meanwhile, psychiatrist Dr. Pooja Lakshmin MD says that while everyone is different when it comes to establishing their own reason to ‘get up and go’, motivation will come as soon as you take your first steps, but procrastination is the enemy. 

‘When it comes to procrastination and motivation – it’s much easier to feel motivated once you’ve already gotten moving,’ she explained.

Working with Peloton, the psychiatrist has identified five Motivation Languages.

She says that these languages speak to the different ways that people are motivated both in fitness and in life.

She describes the five different motivational languages as Having Fun; Achieving Goals;  Building Community, Positive Affirmations; and Tough Love. 

The Having Fun motivational language represents those who are motivated by enjoying themselves, letting loose, relaxing and having a good time.

While those who are motivated to perform their best, meet goals, reach a new milestone, and feel the best they ever have may identify more with the motivational language of Achieving Goals.

For others, it is the idea of connecting with people, and inviting friends and families to join and encourage them, that motivates them.

These types, who see working out as a collaborative experience, may identify with the motivational language of Building Community.

Another of the languages identified by Dr. Pooja Lakshmin is Positive Affirmations.

This applies to people who are motivated by kindness, encouragement and positivity – that they give to themselves as well as sharing with others.

The fifth language the psychiatrist has outlined is described as Tough Love – which applies to those who are motivated by structure, strong words, and a no-BS attitude.

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