Fitness guru Beck Lomas on how to achieve a balanced life

Keeping a balanced lifestyle can often be impeded by the inner conflict between the desire to stay healthy and the lure of convenience.

And essential habits for peak wellness such as getting the right dose of vitamin D or regular exercise are put on the back burner.  

Australian health and fitness guru Beck Lomas revealed to FEMAIL her secrets to organising life around work and play and how to eat, drink and exercise your way into happiness. 

The 23-year-old – who has teamed up with Lilydale Free Range as an ambassador of the outdoors – says thorough weekly organisation and daily fitness rituals are key to maintaining balance and a mindful lifestyle.

Australian health and fitness guru Beck Lomas (pictured) revealed to FEMAIL her secrets to organising life around work and play and how to eat, drink and exercise your way into happiness

The 23-year-old says thorough weekly organisation and daily fitness rituals are key to maintaining balance and a mindful lifestyle

The 23-year-old says thorough weekly organisation and daily fitness rituals are key to maintaining balance and a mindful lifestyle


The tried-and-true mantra of meal preparation is one that Beck swears by for optimal health and well-being.

Melbourne-based Beck says her healthy eating habits are helped by preparing a nourishing variety of food several days in advance on her weekends.

‘It all comes down to organisation, prepare your meals on the Sunday and plan everything down to the times you actually eat your food,’ she told FEMAIL.

‘If you’re constantly mixing things up, changing things and discovering new recipes you will find what you are good at and what works.’

Beck’s day on a plate includes an early morning homemade chia pudding, topped with blueberries, nuts and seeds, protein such as chicken with a kale salad for lunch and for dinner anything from healthy chicken tacos to a quick stir-fry. 

Melbourne-based Beck (pictured) says her healthy eating habits are helped by preparing a nourishing variety of food several days in advance on her weekends

Melbourne-based Beck (pictured) says her healthy eating habits are helped by preparing a nourishing variety of food several days in advance on her weekends

'It all comes down to organisation, prepare your meals on the Sunday and plan everything down to the times you actually eat your food,' she tells FEMAIL

‘It all comes down to organisation, prepare your meals on the Sunday and plan everything down to the times you actually eat your food,’ she tells FEMAIL


Struggling to find the time for workouts can be one of the biggest deterrents for keeping a regular exercise schedule. 

For Beck, planning her exercise around her social diary is the key to maintaining a balance between health and happiness.

‘Always switch up your exercise and shock your body, workout with someone or your dog or walk to and from work,’ she adds.

‘Being social is such a huge part of balance – a social life, work and exercise are all needed for a balanced lifestyle.’ 

For Beck, planning her exercise around her social diary is the key to maintaining a balance between health and happiness

For Beck, planning her exercise around her social diary is the key to maintaining a balance between health and happiness

'Being social is such a huge part of balance - a social life, work and exercise are all needed for a balanced lifestyle,' Beck adds

‘Being social is such a huge part of balance – a social life, work and exercise are all needed for a balanced lifestyle,’ Beck adds

The 23-year-old (pictured) prepares meals for the first half of her week on a Sunday

The 23-year-old (pictured) prepares meals for the first half of her week on a Sunday


The weekends almost always fly by and before you know it, the clock will strike 8pm on a Sunday night and nothing is prepared for the week.

Beck recommends using your weekends wisely to organise the week ahead for optimal balance and a reduction in stress.

‘A lot of people use the weekend as just a couple of lazy days without exercise and an excuse to be a bit social or veg out all day on the couch,’ Beck says.

‘But if you use your spare time to your advantage you can get so much more out of your week, like meal prepping on a Sunday for the first half.

If you can see your week planned out in front of you it helps you to get things done, if everything is a mess you can get stressed out.’

Beck recommends using your weekends wisely to organise the week ahead for optimal balance and a reduction in stress

Beck recommends using your weekends wisely to organise the week ahead for optimal balance and a reduction in stress


Beck has admitted to struggling with bad skin in the past and is incredibly mindful of what toxins she puts into her body.

The fitness guru shared a few of her beauty hacks for ensuring her insides and outsides are always radiant, including incorporating flaxseed oil into her diet. 

‘I like getting healthy fats such as flax seed oil or ground up chia seeds into my smoothies, which helps detox all the bad oils out of your skin and helps with breakouts.’

‘And after a gym session I always make sure I have organic face wipes handy to cleanse the sweat, or I blow a cold hair dryer in my face.’

The fitness guru shared a few of her beauty hacks for ensuring her insides and outsides are always radiant, including incorporating flaxseed oil into her diet

The fitness guru shared a few of her beauty hacks for ensuring her insides and outsides are always radiant, including incorporating flaxseed oil into her diet


A large percentage of people spend most of their day behind closed doors and inside an office, meaning our recommended dose of vitamin D is rarely achieved.

Switching up some of your daily routines to include sunshine is a good way to ensure you are finding time to soak up the rays, Beck tells FEMAIL.

‘Despite our best intentions, 91% of our lives are spent indoors, whether this be at work, at the gym, or just relaxing at home on the lounge,’ she says.

‘Do little things like going for a walk outside in your lunch break, eat your food outdoors. Be conscious about getting your vitamin D because it makes you feel so much better for your mood and overall health.’