Fitness star Kayla Itsines shares the five mistakes you’re making with your meal prep

Whether you are looking to shift weight, build lean muscle, or just avoid your urge to hit up the local takeaway joint, meal prepping has fast become one of the best ways to ensure you’re eating healthily and saving money.

But even if you think you’ve mastered how to prepare a Tupperware box of food in advance, you might still be making some common mistakes.

From making all of the food you plan to eat for the week in one day to not mixing it up enough, fitness star Kayla Itsines recently shared the five meal prepping mistakes you need to avoid.

Get these in check, and your food will be as delicious as it is healthy.

From making all of the food you plan to eat for the week in one day to not mixing it up enough, fitness star Kayla Itsines recently shared the five meal prepping (pictured) mistakes made

For the 26-year-old Kayla (pictured), who trains regularly, not making enough food to fuel your body throughout the day is a trap that many would-be meal preppers fall into

For the 26-year-old Kayla (pictured), who trains regularly, not making enough food to fuel your body throughout the day is a trap that many would-be meal preppers fall into

Mistake one: Not preparing food that will fuel your body

For the 26-year-old Kayla, who trains regularly, not making enough food to fuel your body throughout the day is a trap that many would-be meal preppers fall into.

But even if your days and workouts aren’t quite as gruelling as the Adelaide fitness personality’s, you still need to make sure you’re getting adequate nutrients and something nice.

‘Include foods that have the right combination of protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. If you don’t, you might feel hungry again soon after a meal, or you might disregard it altogether because it doesn’t seem appetising enough,’ she wrote on her blog.

Foods that fall into this category include slow-releasing carbs like brown rice and sweet potato.

She also said that prepping the wrong portion sizes isn't very good for weight loss - you can get a rough idea of what you should be eating by filling the containers properly (pictured)

She also said that prepping the wrong portion sizes isn’t very good for weight loss – you can get a rough idea of what you should be eating by filling the containers properly (pictured)

Mistake two: Prepping the wrong portion sizes

It’s all very well and good assuming that meal prepping is healthy, and packing your lunch to take to work will automatically see you shed kilos.

But if you’re giving yourself either too much or too little food at midday, you could in fact end up gaining weight.

Kayla recommends you start by preparing ‘adequate portion sizes and see how they make you feel’, slowly tailoring your food to what is the right amount for you.

She also said it’s a good idea to look at your portion-sized containers for inspiration as to how much is generally too much or too little.

Kayla (pictured) said you shouldn't over-complicate your meals, instead sticking to something tasty and simple, like stuffed capsicums and chicken with rice and green vegetables

Kayla (pictured) said you shouldn't over-complicate your meals, instead sticking to something tasty and simple, like stuffed capsicums and chicken with rice and green vegetables

Kayla (pictured) said you shouldn’t over-complicate your meals, instead sticking to something tasty and simple, like stuffed capsicums and chicken with rice and green vegetables

Mistake three: Over-complicating things

Kayla said that meal prep is supposed to make life easier for you, rather than harder.

‘You don’t want to dread preparing meals because you are spending hours making a variety of complicated dishes,’ she wrote.

Instead, focus on simple but tasty recipes, like stuffed capsicums, chicken with rice and green vegetables and baked potatoes with toppings.

The 26-year-old is also a fan of prepping nourishing bowls, stuffed with greens, chickpeas, chicken and avocado.

She recommends mixing it up as much as possible - as if you don't you'll get bored of what you're eating

She recommends mixing it up as much as possible – as if you don’t you’ll get bored of what you’re eating

Mistake four: Eating the same thing every day

One of the most common things that stops people from meal prepping is that they assume that if you eat the same thing every day, you’ll get bored and stop eating it.

 But Kayla said you shouldn’t eat the same thing too much.

‘Sure, repeat the same meal a few times, but generally the more you switch between different meals, the more enjoyable the experience,’ she said.

She added that even if you’re sticking to the same ingredients, mix and match the combinations – and change up your vegetables.

Lastly, while you might think that a successful meal prep week all starts with a Sunday of batch cooking, Kayla in fact said it's a better idea to have two dedicated days for meal prep

Lastly, while you might think that a successful meal prep week all starts with a Sunday of batch cooking, Kayla in fact said it’s a better idea to have two dedicated days for meal prep

Mistake five: Making all your food in one day

Lastly, while you might think that a successful meal prep week all starts with a Sunday of batch cooking, Kayla in fact said it’s a better idea to have two dedicated days for meal prep.

‘Breaking up your meal prep time over two different days is an effective way to ensure your food remains as fresh as possible,’ she explained.

Try a Sunday and a Wednesday for getting everything sorted and cooked. Then eat the meals that are likely to go off fastest first. 

To read more from Kayla Itsines, visit her website here