Fitness star Steph Claire Smith spills the juicy details about her 30-day sex challenge

Fitness entrepreneur Steph Claire Smith and her husband Josh Miller have revealed the juicy details about their 30-day sex challenge as it comes to a close – and the embarrassing encounter they had with the model’s mother. 

On her podcast KICPOD two weeks ago, the mum-of-one confessed her and Josh were half way through the challenge that involves being intimate ‘beyond kissing’ with each other every day for a month.  

Josh joined the podcast alongside the 28-year-old and co-host Laura Henshaw to inform fans of their thoughts now that the challenge is over saying it’s made them prioritise intimacy more in their relationship.

Fitness entrepreneur Steph Claire Smith (pictured) has revealed the juicy details about the 30-day intimacy challenger her and her husband Josh have just completed 

Previously, on her podcast KICPOD the mum-of-one confessed her and Josh (right) were half way through the challenge that involves being intimate 'beyond kissing' every day for a month

Previously, on her podcast KICPOD the mum-of-one confessed her and Josh (right) were half way through the challenge that involves being intimate ‘beyond kissing’ every day for a month 

He said he came to Steph with the idea they do the challenge after seeing it online and was surprised that she was more up for it during the 30-day course than he was as he’s always had a higher libido than her.

‘I’ve got to admit, she’s probably been a lot better than me which I did not see coming,’ he said.  

‘I want to say that we weren’t not sexually active… but I think it was just more us addressing the fact that we were new parents and not finding the time for each other in that way,’ he said. 

Laura asked the pair, who have a one-year old son Harvey, a listener-submitted question about how the pair’s family reacted to the news they had taken on the challenge after Steph made it public.

Josh joined the podcast alongside Steph and her co-host Laura Henshaw to inform fans of their thoughts now that the challenge is over saying it's made them prioritise intimacy more

 Josh joined the podcast alongside Steph and her co-host Laura Henshaw to inform fans of their thoughts now that the challenge is over saying it’s made them prioritise intimacy more

Josh said he hadn’t spoken to his parents about it but he was sure they’d heard whereas Steph was not concerned as she is close with her mum.  

‘I’ve got a funny story…. we haven’t seen Wendy, Steph’s mum, in a while because she’s been overseas but she got back and we were on the couch last night watching a TV show,’ Josh said. 

‘And as it goes to the credits at the end she just taps me on the leg and goes, ‘Righto guys, best you go make some content for the podcast tomorrow’, and I died inside.’

Steph and Josh set a rule at the beginning of the month-long challenge that they had to be physically intimate in a way that goes ‘further than kissing’ and confessed that ’70 to 80 per cent of the time’ it lead ‘all the way’.

‘There was a few times where we were like ‘let’s just do second base and tick the box’ but then it just naturally progressed,’ Steph said. 

‘That’s what’s so cool about it though I think, because most of the time – Steph would know that this kiss is going to lead somewhere, however if you actually allow it to, then it happens and then by the end you’re like, ‘Oh that was great, I’m glad I did that, that was a nice moment’,’ Josh added. 

Laura asked the pair, who have a one-year old son Harvey (centre), about how the pair's family reacted to the news they had taken on the challenge after Steph made it public

 Laura asked the pair, who have a one-year old son Harvey (centre), about how the pair’s family reacted to the news they had taken on the challenge after Steph made it public

The couple still have a few days left of the challenge and admitted to missing a few along the way. 

One day Steph said the pair’s plans made it ‘not physically possible’ to have time for sex and that Josh was away for a few nights but they added the missed days to the total challenge time. 

At the end of the challenge the parents reflected back saying it has changed their sex life for good as they’ve ‘learnt additional ways to be close’ and would ‘definitely’ do it again.

‘I don’t think there are any negatives to come from it,’ Josh said.  

When Steph first brought up the saucy challenge on the podcast, she and Josh were on day 13 and admitted it was ‘hard’ at times. 

Steph said daily sex sometimes felt like a ‘full-on task’ and the couple found it difficult to keep up the challenge if they had an argument.

The couple still have a few days left of the challenge and admitted to missing a few days along the way

 The couple still have a few days left of the challenge and admitted to missing a few days along the way

‘There have been days where we have had an argument and then it’s like ‘oh now we have to have sex as well’,’ she said.

‘But in the back of our minds, we really want to do this for each other so you just work through it and it happens and then you’re in a really good mood before you go to bed.’

Steph said some days were easier than others and she sometimes ‘just can’t be bothered’.

‘There are some days, as there are without a challenge, where you genuinely really feel up to it naturally without it being a task so there have been times where it’s felt easier and it has felt like more of a habit but it’s still hard,’ she said.

She said her and Josh were typically intimate at the end of the day but were ‘trying to fix that’ and the challenge had its benefits on their relationship.

‘When we are close and intimate like that everything is better we get along better, we’re more cuddly throughout the day and we’re nicer to each other,’ she said.

‘I’m interested to see if it gets easier or it gets harder and what comes from the rest of the challenge.’
