Five high school students punished for KKK photo

  • Five Creston Community High School students have been disciplined for a photo of them wearing KKK hoods 
  • The extent of their punishment has not been revealed because they are minors 
  • Assistant principal Jeff Bevins did not comment on whether or not the students were on the football team  

Five high school students in southern Iowa were punished after a photo of them wearing Ku Klux Klan hoods, burning a cross and waving a Confederate flag went viral.

Creston Community High School assistant principal Jeff Bevins said the students would be disciplined but he has not revealed to what extent because they are minors. 

In the photo, one of the teens is holding a rifle and one of them is shirtless. All appear to be male students. Behind them is a burning cross, a common practice by the KKK. 

Five students were disciplined when this photo went viral. They are students at Creston Community High School in southern Iowa 

Police are not investigating the incident as it is not considered a criminal matter at this point

Police are not investigating the incident as it is not considered a criminal matter at this point

Bevins told the Des Moines Register: ‘That picture does not represent the beliefs of our school system, our parents or our community.’ 

He did not comment on whether or not the students were members of the football team, only indicating they were part of clubs athletic and nonathletic. 

A member of the football team told WHOTV in a statement: ‘The five individuals that were involved with the picture are clearly in the wrong and they will face the consequences eventually.’ 

‘But I can promise everyone that as a whole our football team and community aren’t about that. The actions made by a small group shouldn’t represent the entire football team and community. I’m proud to be a part of what this team is actually about and it’s sad to see something like this ruin a rich tradition we carry.’

Police are not investigating the incident as it is not considered a criminal matter at this point. 

Principal Bill Messerole told the Registar: ‘This is a good student body. I have always been proud of this student body. This isn’t what our students are about. Our students are above this.’