Five more women accuse Roman Polanski of sexual assault

Five more women have come forward to accuse Roman Polanski, 84, of sexual assault. He is pictured in Paris on October 30 

Five more women have come forward to accuse Roman Polanski of molesting them when they were children. 

They women described how the convicted child rapist, now 84, sexually assaulted them in the late 1960s and 70s before he went on the run for the statutory rape of another underage girl. 

The five new anonymous victims revealed their stories to, a new website set up in the wake of multiplying sexual assault accusations against Hollywood figures. 

Its founder shared details of their allegations with The Sun on Tuesday. 

Among them is one woman who claims Polanski molested her in 1972 or 1973 when she was nine years old. He was around 39. 

Another claims he ‘squeezed and rubbed’ her genitals in 1976 when she was 15 and he was 43 as they sat a dinner table with her parents and actors Jack Nicholson and Anjelica Huston in the Alpine Swiss town of Gstaad. 

‘Polanski sat on my left side, put his hand on my leg. He then proceeded to touch my genitals and tried to squeeze and rub it with his hand, all that under the table in front of my father’s face,’ she said.  

It was at Nicholson’s Hollywood home where the director drugged and raped Samantha Geimer in 1977 whens he was 13. 


Jane Doe # 1 – 1969, aged 10 

Jane Doe # 2 – 1969, aged 16 

Jane Doe #3 – 1972, aged 9 

Renate Langer – 1972, aged 15 in Gstaad

Robin ‘M’ – 1973, aged 16 in California 

Marianne Barnard – 1975, aged 10 in Malibu

Jane Doe #4 – 1976, aged 15 in Gstaad 

Jane Doe # 5 – 1976, aged 12 

Samantha Geimer – 1977, aged 13 in Hollywood 

Charlotte Lewis – 1983, aged 16  in Paris

She added that Gstaad, where Polanski was pictured last month, was a safe haven for pedophiles. 

‘Gstaad is a corrupt place. Beautiful but rotten from within. 

‘It was and is a sanctuary for well known pedophiles and perverts who want to molest children, far away from any danger, far away from the press.

‘When you pay high taxes and throw your money, they turn a blind eye,’ she said.  

The new accusations bring the total number of women who have accused Polanski of assault to 10. 

Of the new accusers, two say they were attacked by him in 1969, the same year in which his first wife Sharon Tate was murdered by members of the Charles Manson family. 

It is not clear whether the alleged attacks happened before or after her slaying.  The other alleged attack happened in 1976 when the woman was 12. 

Harland Braun, Polanski’s L.A.-based attorney, did not respond to questions about the additional allegations on Tuesday. 

Four other women previously described how Polanski abused them. 

They include Marianne Barnard, an artist who says he photographed her nude and then molested her on a beach in Malibu, California, when she was just 10.  

One of the women claims Polanski, 84, molested her under the dinner table during a dinner party in Gstaad in 1976 while her parents were present. Polanski is pictured in the Swiss town last month. His alleged victim says it is a 'sanctuary' for well-known pedophiles 

One of the women claims Polanski, 84, molested her under the dinner table during a dinner party in Gstaad in 1976 while her parents were present. Polanski is pictured in the Swiss town last month. His alleged victim says it is a ‘sanctuary’ for well-known pedophiles 

Samantha Geimer in 2013. She was raped by Polanski in 1977

Marianne Barnard claims Polanski molested her when she was 10 in 1975

Samantha Geimer (left in 2013) was raped by Polanski when she was 13 in 1977 but has since forgiven him. He fled the country to avoid being jailed for it in 1978.  Last month, Marianne Barnard (right) claimed he molested her when she was 10 in 1975 

Robin M, another of his accusers, came forward in August to say Polanski molested her when she was 16 . She is pictured with her lawyer Gloria Allred holding up a picture of herself as a teenager 

Robin M, another of his accusers, came forward in August to say Polanski molested her when she was 16 . She is pictured with her lawyer Gloria Allred holding up a picture of herself as a teenager 

British actress Charlotte Lewis says Polanski attacked her in Paris when she was 16. They are pictured above in 1986, three years after the alleged assault, during the presentation of his film Pirates 

British actress Charlotte Lewis says Polanski attacked her in Paris when she was 16. They are pictured above in 1986, three years after the alleged assault, during the presentation of his film Pirates 

Lewis (above in 2010, when she revealed her accusations) said at the time that Hollywood gave pedophiles the 'wrong message' by allowing them continued success 

Lewis (above in 2010, when she revealed her accusations) said at the time that Hollywood gave pedophiles the ‘wrong message’ by allowing them continued success 

Her mother arranged the meeting, she said. 

‘At first I had the understanding I was just going to the beach with my mom. We were there for a little while by ourselves, and then he was there. 

”First, he was taking pictures of me in the bikini, then it was with the coat then he said take off the bikini top, which I was comfortable with as I was only 10 and I often ran around with no top on. 

‘But then he wanted me to take my bikini bottoms off – I started to feel very uncomfortable. Then at some point I realized my mom had gone.

‘I don’t know where she went and I didn’t really register her leaving but she was no longer there … Then he molested me,’ Barnard told The Sun. 

German actress Renate Langer claimed on October 3 that she was attacked by him in Gstaad in 1972. Swiss police are investigating her accusation. 

She revealed how he attacked her in an interview with The New York Times, admitting that she was too afraid to tell her parents about it at the time. 

In August, a woman who identified herself only as Robin M. claimed at a press conference that she was attacked by Polanski when she was 16 in 1973. 

She said the incident happened in southern California but would not go into further detail. She is not suing him but offered to testify against him to stop his 1978 arrest warrant from being dropped. 

Charlotte Lewis, a British actress, also claims to have been assaulted by Polanski. 

She said he forced himself on her as she auditioned for a role in one of his films in Paris in 1983. By this time, Polanski was already on the run for having raped Geimer six years earlier.

She reported her accusations to police in Los Angeles but not in Paris where the alleged attack took place. 

At a recent screening of his latest film in Paris, Polanski came under fire from protesters who wrote 'Very Important Pedocriminel' on their bare chests 

At a recent screening of his latest film in Paris, Polanski came under fire from protesters who wrote ‘Very Important Pedocriminel’ on their bare chests 

Polanski remains on the run after fleeing the US following his 1977 attack on Geimer. 

He has been pleading for years to have the 1978 arrest warrant thrown out so that he can return to America.

He fled to France days before he was due to go to court over the attack. At the time, Polanski had reached a deal with prosecutors which meant he would serve a shorter sentence. 

He got cold feet at the last minute and fled, convinced that he was being set up and that they would be tricked into a harsher prison term. 

Geimer has long forgiven him for the attack and, earlier this year, she pleaded with authorities in Los Angeles to allow him back into the country. 

Courts in Switzerland and France have both refused to extradite.  

Polanski has since remarried. He now lives in Paris with his 51-year-old wife Emmanuelle Seigner. 

At a recent event to promote his latest film, the pair came under fire from protesters who painted the words ‘very important pedocriminal’ over their bare bodies.