Florida mother reveals how little she’s age in 20 years

A 46-year-old mother has shared an album of incredible ‘then and now’ photographs that reveal just how little she has aged over the last three decades. 

Fitness fanatic Shapprell Dallas, from Florida, looks just as toned and wrinkle-free today as she did while posing in a bikini in her early 20s.

The business owner claims she looks so youthful that strangers often mistake her for her 17-year-old daughter’s sister.

Shapprell today

Ageless: Fitness business owner Shapprell Dallas shared these incredible photos of her wearing the same dress aged 25, left, and 46, right, that show just how little she has aged

The striking similarity between Shapprell and daughter Destiny is clear in images taken of the pair on the beach together. 

Shapprell said: ‘People say we look like sisters. Wow, unbelievable when I hear that. She’s soon to be eighteen and I’m soon to be forty-seven.

‘People are very complimentary now, or they don’t say anything at all.’ 

Fit and healthy: Shapprell aged 20 in 1991

Showing off her toned stomach this year

Fit and healthy: Shapprell aged 20 in 1991, left, and showing off her toned stomach this year

Strikingly similar: Shapprell, right, is mistaken for 17-year-old daughter Destiny's, left, sister

Strikingly similar: Shapprell, right, is mistaken for 17-year-old daughter Destiny’s, left, sister

Shapprell admits she felt insecure about her body when she was younger after she was teased in school for being ‘too skinny’. 

‘I felt insecure about different things about my body in my twenties because I was teased about my body as a kid and teenager,’ she said. 

‘They used to tease me about being too skinny and make fun of me. I became a personal fitness trainer at the age of 21; my husband and I went into the fitness business when I was 22 and I never stopped working out and taking care of my body.’ 

2017: Shapprell revealed she works out five days a week, every week, to stay in shape

2017: Shapprell revealed she works out five days a week, every week, to stay in shape

1992: The gym-goer looks much the same as she did when she was just 21 years old, pictured

1992: The gym-goer looks much the same as she did when she was just 21 years old, pictured

Now: Shapprell and her husband, pictured today, motivate each other to stay in shape

Now: Shapprell and her husband, pictured today, motivate each other to stay in shape

Then: The pair fell in love in their early 20s (pictured) and set up a fitness business shortly after

Then: The pair fell in love in their early 20s (pictured) and set up a fitness business shortly after

Shapprell’s husband also appears to have hardly aged a day and looks just as young as his wife. 

However their toned physiques take a lot of time and effort. Shapprell revealed she works out five times a week, every week.

She added: ‘I loved being healthy and fit; it gave me energy and confidence. I worked very hard to become my absolute best; I exercise five-days a week no matter what.

Proud mother: Shapprell while pregnant aged 29

Posing in her bikini earlier this year

Proud mother: Shapprell while pregnant aged 29, left, and posing in her bikini earlier this year

Confident: Shapprell said she feels 'unbelievable' when people think she's her daughter's sister

Confident: Shapprell said she feels ‘unbelievable’ when people think she’s her daughter’s sister

‘Maintaining my weight has been easy for me because I never quit; I never take a long break from working out.

‘I have a new-found confidence that I didn’t even know existed. I love everything about my body; including my flaws, imperfections, and weaknesses.

‘I eat lean and clean ninety percent of the time; I don’t ever eat fried food, I only eat white meat and I don’t drink alcohol.’

Flaunting her figure: Shapprell aged 25 in 1996

Bikini ready at age 46 in 2017

Flaunting her figure: Shapprell aged 25 in 1996, left, and bikini ready at age 46 in 2017

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk