Footage shows how easy it is for children to be lured from a playground by a complete stranger

An experiment has shown how vulnerable young children are to stranger danger – as a man easily convinced them to leave a playground with him.

Former police officer Brett Lee spent 22 years trying to stop child predators, and in an experiment for the Today show he showed how children were targeted.

With pockets full of chocolate and toys, he approached eight children to see how they would react to being approached by a complete stranger.

An experiment has shown how vulnerable young children are to stranger danger – as a man convinces them to leave a playground with him

‘It’s low probability but high consequence, it’s something that we always have to be vigilant about, knowing that it is possible.’

Mr Lee said predators work in five stages – the first is to find a place like a park or playground where they can be close to children.

They then identify a vulnerability by offering the child a treat.

One of the children involved in the experiment told their mother how they were offered a toy from Mr Lee, saying ‘the man gave me a new car’.

All but one of the eight children involved took something from Mr Lee, which is stage three.

Mr Lee said exchanging treats establishes trust with the child.

The fourth stage is getting the child to walk away with the predator – to do this, Mr Lee told the children he needed help finding a puppy.

Former police officer Brett Lee spent 22 years trying to stop child predators, and in an experiment for the Today show he showed how children were targeted

Former police officer Brett Lee spent 22 years trying to stop child predators, and in an experiment for the Today show he showed how children were targeted


Stage one: Finding a place like a park or a playground where children are nearby

Stage two: Identify a vulnerability in the child by offering them a chocolate or a toy

Stage three: Establishing trust with the child as they accept the offering

Stage four: Getting the child to walk away with the predator and out of sight of other adults

Stage five: Abduction or abuse 

The fifth stage according to Mr Lee is abduction or abuse. 

Mother Liz Cooke said she couldn’t believe her children followed Mr Lee after he approached them.

‘They just didn’t hesitate, it was a 30-second discussion and then they went – it’s crazy.’

Mr Lee was even able to pick up and carry some of the children.

He said parents should discussing the dangers of strangers as soon as children can understand the concepts of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ – although parents shouldn’t use the word ‘stranger’ but rather ‘trusted’ or ‘not trusted’.

Only one child ran to their mother and told them what happened.  

Mother Liz Cooke said she couldn't believe her children followed Mr Lee after he approached them

Mother Liz Cooke said she couldn’t believe her children followed Mr Lee after he approached them