Football agent caused death by dangerous driving on M6

Peter Morrison (pictured), 37, was convicted of causing death and serious injury by dangerous driving 

A football agent has been convicted of death by dangerous driving after sending texts at the wheel, losing control of his car and ploughing into two motorway traffic officers.

Peter Morrison, 37, lost control of his Mercedes ML 4×4 on the M6 near Shap, Cumbria, in February last year.

He drove at an average of 81mph and had sent and received a number of texts and 25 Whatsapp messages in the 23 miles before he crashed.

Morrison lost control of the vehicle, crashing into the hard shoulder and hitting highways trafic officer Adam Gibb, of Penrith, and his colleague Paul Holroyd, of Kirkby Stephen.

Mr Gibb, 51, died and Mr Holroyd, also 51, was left paralysed from the chest down.

The defendant admitted that his driving before the accident on February 21 2016 had been careless, and that his use of a phone at the wheel was ‘unwise.’

But he denied it was dangerous.

The former professional footballer played for Bolton Wanderers and Scunthorpe United. 

The jury at Carlisle Crown Court returned its unanimous guilty verdict this morning after deliberating for a day.

The six-day trial heard how experts who examined Morrison’s Apple iPhone after the crash found that he had sent and received messages before he lost control.

Morrison lost control of the vehicle, crashing into the hard shoulder and hitting highways trafic officer Adam Gibb (pictured), of Penrith, and his colleague Paul Holroyd, of Kirkby Stephen. Mr Gibb, 51, died and Mr Holroyd, also 51, was left paralysed from the chest down

Morrison lost control of the vehicle, crashing into the hard shoulder and hitting highways trafic officer Adam Gibb (pictured), of Penrith, and his colleague Paul Holroyd, of Kirkby Stephen. Mr Gibb, 51, died and Mr Holroyd, also 51, was left paralysed from the chest down

The court heard his last message was sent to Championship footballer Zach Clough just 96 seconds before the crash, which was a video link to a goal the striker had scored for Bolton Wanderers. 

Another text conversation involved Manchester City youngster Cameron Humphreys (pictured)

Another text conversation involved Manchester City youngster Cameron Humphreys (pictured)

Clough responded in a text received by the agent’s phone after the crash: ‘Not bad was it, ha ha.’

Another conversation involved Manchester City youngster Cameron Humphreys, the court heard. The last message received by Morrison, which read ‘Jack’s pen’, reached his phone just 45 seconds before impact. 

At the time, the road was being battered by strong winds, and driving rain.

The weather so bad that it was like driving through a car wash, according to one motorist who gave evidence.

Morrison told the jury that shortly before the crash, he noticed a sign warning of an accident ahead and another advising there was a 50mph speed limit. 

This prompted him to slow to between 60mph and 65mph. He said he wanted to concentrate on the road.

But prosecuting, Arthur Gibson suggested he had made up that account of the tragedy, and that the accident was the result of him speeding in bad weather while using his phone.

Mr Gibb and Mr Holroyd were supervising the recovery of two vehicles damaged in an earlier accident when they were struck by the car.

Mr Gibson told the jury: ‘He was concentrating on something else other than his driving, the road conditions and the road.’

Pictures of the crash scene on the M6 near hap, Cumbria, on February 21 last year 

Pictures of the crash scene on the M6 near hap, Cumbria, on February 21 last year 

The barrister insisted that Morrison, from The Warke, Worsley, near Salford, was distracted by his phone as he drove at ‘excessive speed’ in poor weather.

Morrison said he has been devastated by the consequences of the accident he caused, and thought about the people whose lives were affected every single day.

He has been warned he faces a ‘substantial custodial sentence’.  

He will be sentenced on November 23. Judge Peter Davies granted him bail in an ‘act of mercy’. 

Speaking after today’s verdict, Robert Smith for the CPS, told the News and Star: ‘This is a tragic case where two highways officers who were making the road safe for other people were hit by an out-of-control car.

‘Morrison was using his mobile phone while driving at dangerously high speeds for the road conditions at the time.

‘He failed to heed the many variable speed limit signs and notice boards warning drivers about the accident ahead.

‘Morrison pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving, claiming that a gust of wind and the wet road had caused him to lose control of the car.

‘It was the prosecution’s case, however, that his driving was dangerous and after considering the evidence against him, the jury have agreed.

‘Our thoughts are with the families and friends of the victims at this time.’