Football fan arrested for urinating in goalie’s water

A football fan has been arrested after allegedly urinating in the opposition goalkeeper’s water bottle and throwing it back onto the pitch.

The man, believed to be a Middlesbrough supporter,  was arrested following the EFL Championship match with QPR at Loftus Road, Shepherds Bush, yesterday afternoon.

He has been accused of relieving himself in the water bottle of goalie Alex Smithies. 

A Middlesbrough fan was caught on video urinating into the water bottle of the QPR goalie

A video of the incident has appeared on social media, while fans described seeing a woman handing the bottle to the man, before he urinated in it and hurled it back onto the pitch. 

Others also claim they witnessed seeing the 27-year-old keeper drinking from the bottle after it had been urinated in.

Cleveland Police’s dedicated football officer said on Twitter: “I’ve been asked by a few followers and can confirm the so called @Boro fan who urinated in the @QPRFC goalie bottle was arrested by colleagues from @MPSFootballUnit

“Disgusting act and I will do all I can to remove him from attending Boro games again.”

The man can be seen holding the bottle and twisting the cap back on in readiness to throw it

The man can be seen holding the bottle and twisting the cap back on in readiness to throw it

Seconds later, the fan has thrown the bottle back onto the pitch and towards the QPR goal

Seconds later, the fan has thrown the bottle back onto the pitch and towards the QPR goal

The Metropolitan Police said a man was charged with throwing an item onto the pitch and will face court.

The force’s football unit tweeted: “After an investigation @MPSFootballUnit can confirm that the male arrested at the @QPRFC v @Boro game yesterday has been charged with throwing an item on to the pitch.

“The male has been bailed and will appear at court next month.”

The bottle lands just outside the goal of Alex Smithies, who fans claim they saw drink from it

The bottle lands just outside the goal of Alex Smithies, who fans claim they saw drink from it

 Many fans took to Twitter to express their feelings about the alleged incident.

@Craig-Honeyman said: “Idiots. Embarrassing themselves and the club.”

@paulbrace66 added: “Not funny at all. Hope they get banned.”

@tiernagekicks said: “It’s mad isn’t it, there’s having a laugh and being a bit of a lad but p*****g in the man’s bottle? Come on, that’s embarrassing.”

@PAULSMART4 added: “Filthy little moron.” 

Last month, a Sunderland fan was ejected from the Stadium of Light after he was thought to have defecated on his seat – although police later said he was merely drunk.