Football fans were forced to listen to the World Cup in silence at this bar

Football fans have been left sorely disappointed after staff allegedly refused to turn the sound on for Australia’s opening World Cup game.

The Balmoral Hotel in Perth, Western Australia, reportedly ignored the makeshift petition requesting the music be turned off so footy fans could watch the game on Saturday night.

One patron took to social media to vent his frustration after claiming staff refused, despite over 70 guests watching the game.

Football fans have been left sorely disappointed after staff at the Balmoral Hotel in Perth reportedly refused to turn the sound on for Australia’s opening World Cup game 

‘Not even a petition could get the volume on for Australia v France, pathetic stuff from the Balmoral Hotel,’ he said.

‘A good 90% of people were pissed off by it and many other people asked staff as well.’ 

He went on to add that bar staff were friendly enough, but weren’t in a position to challenge their manager’s orders.

‘I asked to speak to the manager but was given the run around and told I couldn’t speak to them, or that I’d have to find them myself.’ 

The Balmoral Hotel (pictured) in Perth, Western Australia, had the game on the televisions but without any sound

The Balmoral Hotel (pictured) in Perth, Western Australia, had the game on the televisions but without any sound

The original post has since garnered supportive and contradictory responses from fellow social media users.

Some users encouraged the use of universal remotes in future, whilst others told the original poster he was ridiculous and should have just gone elsewhere.

‘I’d hazard a guess that the Staff would have totally turned it up, but they probably have a power hungry manager that has a rule against everything and turning up the sound would have been a cardinal offense,’ said another user.

‘All of these people should have walked out.’ 

‘If you want to listen to the game go home and watch it. You’re in a pub and they aren’t going to change their rules just for you. Not everyone in the pub wants to listen to soccer. Every other night they play music, other patrons are there expecting music, why was last night any different?’

The Balmoral Hotel declined to comment.